Gems From The Stars- Astrological Insights for Women (05)
The journey we are on at a core level is expressed by the qualities and lessons of our star signs. The Sun travels through the 12 in its yearly journey – from the perspective of the Earth – and they…

Gems from the Stars- Astrological Insights for Women (04)
We are all interconnected and gems from the starts- the astrological insights for women is designed to open a vibrant web of energy. Timing is a very important part of being in health so as to avoid stress and the…

Gems from the Stars- Astrological Insights for Women
Looking into the latest astrological insights, the Stars this month bring the promise of expansion, ‘fresh air’ and growth for Women. These times bring a great chance of re-inventing situations and ourselves. Even with the limits we have had put on…

Gems from The Stars: Astrological Insights for Women February 2021

Gems From The Stars: Astrological Insights For Women With Ysanne- January 2021

Gems From The Stars and Astrological Insights For Women With Ysanne- December 2020
December Stars speak to us of celebration, reflection and new beginnings. They straddle the old and new year, allowing us to inwardly cleanse and renew. Perhaps, like no other year in modern history, we have had to pull on our…

Gems From The Stars and Astrological Insights For Women With Ysanne- November 2020
With dynamic Mars retrograde from September 10th till November 14th, it might be useful to know where it is at work in your horoscope dependant on your time, as well as date, of birth! But wherever it is rest assured…

Gems From The Stars and Astrological Insights For Women With Ysanne- October 2020

What is Autumn Equinox 2020’s Impact on Your Life, Stock Market and World Events?
Let’s give a welcome to the autumn equinox in the northern hemisphere! -and to the spring one if you are in the southern hemisphere. At 14.31 BST today we enter the sign of balance or re – balance – Libra.…