Gems From The Stars: Astrological Insights For Women With Ysanne- January 2021

As we women have an instinctive link with the stars and the flow of the tides within and outside of us, it is important to recognise the insights into planetary movements during January 2021.The old order starts to get replaced by new values and change.
At a personal level we have opportunities to teach and mentor ourselves in better ways and recognise our role in society in new ways. Are you becoming more a rebel, reformer or team player? How can you make that role wise and caring as well as individualistic?
As we move into January 2021, there is a question we can ask ourselves… what do we truly need to leave behind and what do we really want to move forward with? Mars, after many months in Aries, its ‘home sign’, enters earthy Taurus and we see a more practical and planning energy available to us. There has been so much uncertainty, so this will be welcome. The New Moon is on 13th and the Full Moon on 28th. The 14thth – 16th are dynamic as Uranus sparks off the conjunction so use it wisely, even if others don’t, for enterprise and changing oneself within.

Fire Signs
A month for looking at your goals, workwise or otherwise. Early in January travel beckons, or at least a plan for it. Ease your way into the 6th and 7th when your ruler changes sign. Make sure your actions are solid and have a firm foundation. Balancing the old and new, zany and conventional, this could be a strong month for making your mark and showing your true self.
When the Sun enters Aquarius on 20th, make the most of new encounters and break free of unnecessary restraints. A parent or parent figure needs more attention. People will look to you for leadership and decision making. Being authentic and standing in your power and honesty serves you well now. You want to be part of the new time spirit emerging and your pragmatic wisdom will be needed.
December’s conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in your opposite and complementary sign, Aquarius, is waking you up now to your need for expansion. It is vital you have a project or goal in this early part of the year of 2021. This is your opposite time of the year – after the 20th- and you need to keep a perspective. Watch your energy flow and don’t stress your nervous and circulatory and heart system. Pacing yourself suits you now. All will get done!
Issues of fairness arise and you can be a good spokesperson for change or for causes now. A partnership takes more time to understand now. If single, a new kind of partner appeals to you. Different from your usual type and it will help you grow and develop latent talents.
Finances excite you now, in the sense you enjoy making them or a scheme work for you. Money is energy and a partner/associate may encourage you to back or initiate a project. Mars is entering your work arena after 6th highlighting increased energy for hard work and passion. Take the right steps and with foresight and vision you can be successful. The sense of adventure I mentioned under December stars will find a worthy outlet here! Saturn in direct opposition to your Sun at this new year time, encourages you to be responsible and keep plans in order. After the 20th things feel lighter and more relaxed and you can concentrate your mind on other things too. Learning new techie things and even new information accompanies the last 11 days of January.

Earth Signs
So, it is time now as you enter the second week of this month, to assert yourself in new ways and be in command of your direction. The Sun in Capricorn – a fellow earth sign- until the 20th, sees you wanting to explore new horizons and grow! With Venus there too an attraction to people and foreign countries may occur.
Mars enters your sign and stays there till early March, really empowering your decisions and self image. Productivity is the key word and alongside that you create a philosophy of life that really suits you. Mercury, provides inventive ideas regarding projects and goals. Keep some to yourself as they will be excellent ones and you can capitalise on them in due course. Use the new moon time on 13th for good timing and an adventure!
The social side of you is still up and running from later December! It increases as Venus enters your romance and play zone after the 9th. In fact, if you choose so, January is a wondrous month for initiating imaginative projects and being open to encounters out of your usual mould.
Mars, in your travel zone now till early March, may well see a trip in the offing. Plan now; it may be a place further away than you normally consider. After the 20th duties and work take precedence but you will glide through this easily as your confidence will have increased these past weeks. The mentor in you can help a younger person well. Offering your skills to do this or to educate is a pathway opening for you, whether professionally or in the voluntary sector.
New goals emerge this month and you can use the new and full moon times to energise these. Venus is in your sign from the 9th, and a love interest surfaces.
Maybe it is someone you already know. Look for the 11th and 12th regarding this attraction. Use the power of the sun in Capricorn until the 19th to awaken your intents and more masculine side. Masculine energy can be well balanced with your feminine power now. Use it wisely.
Work can also see a push forward. A boss or influencer wants to help you. Accept this help. It is yours to receive. Let the inner critic go off stage! You are ‘enough’ and you need to show this more.

Air Signs
A more paced time for you with the Sun and Venus in Capricorn until the 20th. That is not a bad thing as all the bright ideas you have been having can now find a home and foundation. And as you go into February you can edit some and make good decisions. Conserve some energy as you need to be ready for a bright Spring time.
Look after your chest/lungs and keep warm.New year is excellent for feeling more free in your heart and plans and the 27th and the full moon on 28th will see an adventurous and playful side on the stage of your life. New technology will appeal. Check it thoroughly though before purchasing. Is there a book in you? Quite probably!
You will find the new year an optimum time to establish new comfort zones and with more space for you. After the 6th when assertive Mars moves into the earthy sign of Taurus, which, like Libra, is ruled by lovely Venus, you can establish better boundaries. This is overdue, isn’t it?The recent move of Jupiter and Saturn into airy and freedom seeking Aquarius, suits you well, as it is time for new beginnings and a new approach to an existing or possible new relationship. Your domestic life needs some fresh air so changes in routines and appliances are likely.After the 7th expect flirtations and your ability to use words expressively to show up. Children bring joy to you, and your inner child gets an airing. Walk this month with a light step and you will really enjoy it.
Your arrival on your stage of life this year comes after 20th when the Sun enters your sign. With three other planets there too do make the most of contacts, more freedom and new ideas. Until the 20th take time to listen to the whisperings and promptings from within and prepare for this next big part of your innovative life. Mars enters the arena of your home on the 6th, so get up to speed with any repairs or changes you are desiring. Else, when Mercury goes retrograde in February, there will be additional expense due to delaying these. Balance your energies between forging ahead and staying put. Tai chi and similar exercises will help you! Your ruler Uranus after many months of retrograde goes direct in motion on the 14th. Use around that date for choosing to exteriorise ideas and change.

Water Signs
This is a productive month for you. However, with the Sun in opposition to your Cancer star sign, watch you don’t over strain yourself.
Partners are helpful, whether personal or business ones and can provide good feedback when most needed for you. Especially after the 6th when Mars moves out of your career and responsibility zone and into the team playing one, you can get a better balance and know when to share projects more and brainstorm easily.
The new moon on 13th highlights new partnership or a change of role possibly in an existing one. This will be timely. If you are single there might be a growing need to be close to someone romantically. Allow that desire or prompting to grow!
As January speeds up you will be feeling a greater sense of freedom and wanting change. Home or property changes may be on the agenda or have recently happened. A bigger plan is forming in your mind and by early Spring there will be noticeable changes within your lifestyle. But for now let your inner world begin to sort this. Active Mars enters your relationship zone on the 6th. Depending on your circumstances, you could either draw a dynamic partner or choose to break up some habits and grievances in an existing relationship. Nothing stays the same, and for growth to occur, airings of issues and seeing a person with new eyes are essential. Venus in your zone of communications and agreements from the 9th, encourages you to reach out to people, mend fences and use words gracefully.
Your friendships, teams and group activity are up and running; this is the month to energise them and bring people together. They need your input and grace and you may even be feeling like setting up a group on line or in person. Your intuition is still very strong at this time and you can help others a lot. Around the 8th there is a nice link between your ruling planet Neptune and the Sun and you can use that time for aligning with your heart and others hearts. A good way to start and end the day! Mars is energising how you speak and discuss things. Being a force for change in a gentle but definite way will bring you to the attention of certain people who can introduce you to others who help you further! If you are not working, may I suggest some kind of voluntary work as your skills now are needed? A friendship may develop into a love relationship at this time.