Ysanne Lewis

Ysanne Lewis

YSANNE LEWIS is a UK and London based Timing Adviser, Astrologer, Speaker and Author. Her work spans 40 years and she celebrated her ruby work anniversary earlier in 2019. She has clientele here and in the USA, Asia, Europe and South Africa.  Working with individuals, families and businesses, she seamlessly weaves the meanings of cycles, timings and patterns in educational, inspirational and humour-filled ways into the beautiful tapestry which is Life. She acts as a bridge and navigator between the maps of the heavens and our inner landscapes and their timekeepers.  Her consultations are for individuals, relationships,  optimum timing for events social, business and  for start ups, children’s birth charts and for re location. Ysanne is also a colour therapist.She is the award winning author of “THE TIME CATCHER”How to time your actions to turn challenges into opportunities.’   Part of the proceeds from the sales of this book will aid the eye clinic in Spiti Valley India.
selective focus photography of white petaled flowers beside fence

Gems from The Stars: Astrological Insights for Women February 2021

Women have a natural link with the moon’s cycles and the flow of planetary movements and the month of February, 2021 is no exception. Mercury goes retrograde until the 21st, suggesting we hold off impulsive decisions and, instead, re trace our steps and re visit ideas and plans. Inventive ideas and new contacts and freedoms appear. The New Moon is on 11th and Full Moon on 27th.

purple flower covered with snow

Gems From The Stars: Astrological Insights For Women With Ysanne- January 2021

As we women have an instinctive link with the stars and the flow of the tides within and outside of us, it is important to recognise the insights into planetary movements during January 2021.The old order starts to get replaced by new values and change. At a personal level we have opportunities to teach and mentor ourselves in better ways and recognise our role in society in new ways. Are you becoming more a rebel, reformer or team player?  How can you make that role wise and caring as well as individualistic?