The Grand Station of Inspiration & The Science Driving Your Train of Thoughts

Every day, the Grand Station of your mind awakens with the promise of a new journey on the train of thoughts. This bustling, ever-evolving hub serves as the starting point for the diverse ideas, emotions, memories, and experiences that will accompany you throughout our daily adventure.

As your train of thoughts stands on the platform, you can notice the arrival of familiar passengers, who represent your comforting routines and well-worn paths of thinking. They greet you with the warmth of familiarity, providing a sense of stability and continuity as you embark upon your daily voyage.

Simultaneously, the grand station ushers in new and unexpected travellers, who board the train of thoughts with the potential to challenge your perceptions and ignite your creativity. These enigmatic passengers, though unanticipated, enrich your journey with fresh perspectives, novel ideas, and unforeseen connections, weaving their influence into the tapestry of your consciousness.

As your train of thoughts departs the grand station each day, you embrace the diverse cast of characters that fill your mental carriages. You engage in lively conversations, explore intriguing detours, and navigate the twists and turns of your mental tracks. You learn to appreciate the value of both the familiar and the unexpected, recognizing that each passenger, whether present for a fleeting moment or a lifelong journey, contributes to your self-discovery adventure.

In this ever-shifting dance of thoughts and experiences, the Grand Station serves as a constant in our lives, a steadfast anchor that grounds us and reminds us of who we are. As we return to the station each day, we carry with us the lessons, insights, and memories from our recent travels, ready to embark anew on the next leg of our journey along the tracks of life.

Inspiration is everywhere, waiting to be discovered. By embracing curiosity, changing your perspective, and making a conscious effort to appreciate the beauty and wonder of everyday life, you can tap into a wellspring of creativity. Why wait for inspiration to strike; instead, cultivate an open and receptive mindset that allows you to find inspiration in the most ordinary moments.

approaching red train across mountains

Historical significance of Inspiration

The origin of the word “inspiration” can be traced back to its Latin roots, and its meaning has evolved over time, encompassing both spiritual and secular aspects. In this context, we will explore the etymology of the word and its historical significance in various cultural and philosophical contexts.

The word “inspiration” comes from the Latin word “inspirare,” which means “to breathe into” or “to infuse.” It is derived from the combination of the prefix “in-” (meaning “into”) and the verb “spirare” (meaning “to breathe”). In its original sense, “inspiration” referred to the divine act of breathing life into a person, as in the biblical story of God breathing life into Adam. This idea of receiving divine guidance or influence from a higher power has been prevalent across different cultures and religions throughout history.

Ancient Greece

The concept of inspiration played a central role in Ancient Greek culture and thought. Greek philosophers and poets believed that inspiration came from the Muses, the nine goddesses of the arts and sciences. They considered the creative process to be a result of divine intervention and saw the Muses as the source of artistic and intellectual inspiration.


In Christianity, inspiration has often been associated with divine revelation and the Holy Spirit. The Bible is considered to be the inspired Word of God, and throughout Christian history, mystics, saints, and theologians have reported experiencing divine inspiration during prayer and contemplation.


The Romantic movement in the late 18th and early 19th centuries shifted the focus of inspiration from the divine to the individual. Romantic poets and artists believed that inspiration came from within, as a result of personal experiences, emotions, and imagination. This period marked a significant change in how inspiration was understood, emphasizing the creative power of the individual and the importance of self-expression.

train on railway

In short supply: Inspiration and the press’ impact on public perception

In contemporary usage, inspiration has taken on a broader meaning, encompassing secular sources of creativity. Inspiration can be found in everyday experiences, encounters with nature, art, literature and personal relationships. It is often considered a key component of the creative process and an essential ingredient for innovation, problem-solving, and self-awareness.

In a world where negative headlines and sensational stories dominate the news cycle, it’s no surprise that inspiration can be hard to come by. The press has long been criticized for focusing on conflict, tragedy, and scandal, often at the expense of positive and inspiring news. This emphasis on negativity has given rise to the infamous phrase “what bleeds, it leads,” which suggests that stories featuring violence, disaster, or other distressing content are more likely to grab readers’ attention. In this article, we will explore the origins of this press mentality, the impact it has on public perception, and the scarcity of inspiring news in the modern media landscape.

person standing between train rails at daytime

The Origins of Sensationalist Journalism

Sensationalist journalism, which prioritizes shocking and controversial stories over balanced reporting, has its roots in the 19th century. With the advent of the penny press in the United States, newspapers became more affordable and accessible to the masses. As competition between newspapers increased, publishers began to rely on sensational headlines and emotionally charged stories to attract readers and boost sales.

Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst, two prominent newspaper publishers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, played a significant role in shaping this trend. Their respective newspapers, the New York World and the New York Journal, were known for their dramatic headlines and scandalous coverage, often prioritizing entertainment over factual reporting. This style of journalism, which came to be known as “yellow journalism,” set the stage for the modern “what bleeds, it leads” mentality.

The prevalence of negative news in the media can be partially attributed to a psychological phenomenon known as the negativity bias. This bias refers to the human tendency to pay more attention to negative information than positive information, as negative events often pose a greater threat to our survival and well-being. The media capitalizes on this innate bias by prioritizing stories that evoke strong emotional reactions, particularly fear and outrage, which are more likely to capture and retain the audience’s attention.

What gunpowder did for war the printing press has done for the mind.

Wendell Phillips

The overemphasis on negative news has severe consequences for both individuals and society as a whole. As we are exploring the complex interplay between the human brain, consciousness, and the train of thoughts that flow through our minds, here is a summary of the astonishing negative consequences the printing press has perpetuated since Wendell Phillips referenced it nearly two centuries ago:

A steady stream of negative headlines can create a distorted view of reality, leading people to believe that the world is more dangerous and bleak than it actually is.

Emotional and Mental Health Impact: Constant exposure to distressing news can take a toll on mental health, causing feelings of anxiety, depression, and helplessness.

Erosion of Trust: Sensationalist reporting can erode public trust in the media, as audiences may become sceptical of the accuracy and objectivity of news sources.

The Need for Inspiring News

In a world where inspiration is in short supply, there is a growing demand for positive and uplifting news. By focusing on stories of progress, hope, and human achievement, the media can help counteract the negativity bias, providing a more balanced view of the world and encouraging positive change.

Several initiatives and publications are building a barrage against the flooding negativity from the mainstream media and are sharing inspiring news. Outlets like the Good News Network, Positive News, and Upworthy highlight the power of human resilience, innovation, and kindness, offering a much-needed respite from the constant blast of negative headlines.

The origins of the “what bleeds, it leads” mentality can be traced back to the competitive environment of the 19th-century newspaper industry and the human tendency to focus on negative information. However, as the consequences of negative news overload become more apparent, there is

Where is the train of thoughts taking you next and what is the science driving your inspiration?

The Grand Station of Inspiration- rediscovering the magic within

The expression “train of thoughts” is derived from the metaphorical concept of a train, where individual thoughts are likened to the cars or compartments of a train connected to one another in a linear sequence. This metaphor is used to describe the continuous flow of ideas and the logical progression of thoughts in our minds.

The origin of the phrase “train of thoughts” can be traced back to the 18th century, specifically to the works of the English philosopher and physician John Locke. In his highly influential work “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding” (published in 1690), Locke wrote about the association of ideas and the way thoughts are connected in the human mind. He used the term “train” to describe this connection between thoughts, stating, “This train of ideas is there, and past, and in a direct line to the present, though we did not observe the steps by which it was brought in.”

Over time, the term “train” came to be associated with the railroad and the connected compartments of a locomotive. This modern association further solidified the metaphor of a continuous sequence of interconnected thoughts, leading to the popular expression “train of thoughts” that we use today.

In a world that is constantly demanding our attention, it’s easy to overlook the small details that can spark inspiration and creativity. We often believe that we need to seek out extraordinary experiences or embark on grand adventures to fuel our imaginations. However, the truth is that inspiration can be found in the most ordinary, everyday situations. In this article, we’ll explore creative ways to rediscover the magic in the mundane and find inspiration in everyday life.

Nature is an endless source of inspiration, offering an incredible array of colours, textures, and patterns. Make a conscious effort to spend more time outdoors and observe the beauty around you. Whether it’s a walk through the park, a hike in the woods, or simply watching the sunset, immersing yourself in nature can stimulate your senses and encourage creative thinking.

Art is a powerful tool for sparking creativity and inspiration. Visit local galleries, museums, or art installations to appreciate the work of others and absorb the creative energy that surrounds you. You can also engage with art in your everyday life by incorporating different art forms into your routine, such as reading poetry, watching independent films, or listening to diverse music genres.

Mindful listening is the practice of being fully present and attentive to the sounds around you. By tuning into the conversations, ambient noises, and even the silence, you can discover new perspectives and ideas. Practice mindful listening during your daily commute, while waiting in line, or during a break at work, and allow yourself to be inspired by the stories and sounds that surround you.

Curiosity is a powerful catalyst for creativity. Make an effort to learn something new every day, whether it’s exploring a new topic, asking questions, or experimenting with a new skill. Cultivate a curious mindset by challenging your assumptions and embracing the unknown.

Inspiration can strike at any moment, so be prepared to capture your thoughts and ideas when they arise. Keep a notebook or use a digital app to record your observations, thoughts, and ideas throughout the day. Reviewing these notes can help you identify patterns and connections, leading to new creative insights.

Sometimes, all it takes to find inspiration is a change in perspective. Break free from your daily routine by taking a different route to work, rearranging your workspace, or trying a new exercise class. These small changes can help you view the world through a fresh lens and uncover hidden inspiration.

Play is a natural way to stimulate creativity and rediscover the joy of exploration. Make time for play in your daily life by participating in activities that bring you joy and allow you to experiment without fear of failure. Engage in hobbies, games, or sports that encourage creative thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration.

Our thoughts are a continuous, ever-changing stream that shape our experiences, emotions, and actions. The ability to think, reason, and generate ideas is a hallmark of human cognition. But what exactly is happening within your brain when you experience this “train of thoughts”? What is the science behind your thought processes?

woman walking on purple lavender field

Inspiration- the neuroscience of thought

Thoughts are the product of complex interactions between various brain regions, neurons, and neurotransmitters. While the exact process of thought generation is still not fully understood, researchers have identified several key brain areas and mechanisms involved in this intricate process:

Prefrontal Cortex: Often referred to as the “command centre” of the brain, the prefrontal cortex is involved in high-level cognitive functions such as decision-making, reasoning, planning, and abstract thinking. This region plays a crucial role in the generation and organization of thoughts.

Hippocampus: Responsible for the formation and retrieval of memories, the hippocampus contributes to the train of thoughts by providing a continuous stream of information from our past experiences. This helps us create associations, recognize patterns, and generate new ideas.

Thalamus: Acting as a relay station between different brain areas, the thalamus helps coordinate and integrate sensory information, playing a significant role in the formation of thoughts.

Neural Networks: Thoughts emerge from the intricate connections between neurons, which form complex neural networks. These networks transmit information and communicate through electrical and chemical signals, allowing thoughts to arise, change, and evolve.

The Grand Station of Inspiration- the role of consciousness

Consciousness is the state of being aware of and able to think and perceive, and it plays a central role in our train of thoughts. Research suggests that the conscious mind acts as an executive function, guiding and directing the flow of thoughts based on our intentions, goals, and attention.

Attention is a key factor in shaping our train of thoughts. By directing our attention to specific ideas or experiences, we can influence the flow of our thoughts and, consequently, our actions. This conscious control over our thought processes is essential for problem-solving, creativity, and learning.

When our thoughts seem to wander aimlessly, we might be tapping into the brain’s “default mode network” (DMN). The DMN is a network of brain regions that become active when we’re not focused on a specific task, often leading to daydreaming, mind-wandering, and spontaneous thoughts.

While the wandering mind may seem counterproductive, recent research suggests that it plays a crucial role in creativity, self-reflection, and problem-solving. Engaging the DMN allows our brains to explore novel ideas, make connections, and generate insights without the constraints of focused attention.

brown wooden dock between lavender flower field near body of water during golden hour

The train of thoughts is a fascinating and complex aspect of human cognition, arising from the intricate interplay of neural networks, brain regions, and consciousness. As researchers continue to unravel the mysteries of thought generation, we gain a deeper understanding of the incredible power and potential of our minds.

By understanding the science behind our thought processes, we can harness the power of our thoughts, cultivate mindfulness, and unlock our creative potential. Embracing the dynamic nature of our train of thoughts, both the focused and the wandering, can lead to a richer, more insightful, and fulfilling life.

Every day, the grand station of our minds awakens with the promise of a new journey on the train of thoughts, resembling the architectural masterpiece and cultural treasure that is the Grand Central Terminal. Much like this iconic work of art, our minds not only serve as a hub for our diverse ideas, emotions, memories, and experiences but also as a canvas for creativity, inspiration, and artistic expression.

Just as the Grand Central Terminal was home to the Grand Central Art Galleries and the Grand Central School of Art, our minds house a dynamic, ever-evolving gallery of imaginative ideas and creative pursuits. The passengers on our train of thoughts not only contribute to self-discovery but also inspire us to produce our own works of art, reflecting the beauty and complexity of our inner lives.

As our train of thoughts departs the Grand Station each day, we embrace the diverse cast of characters that fill our mental carriages. We engage in lively conversations, explore intriguing detours, and navigate the twists and turns of our mental tracks. We learn to appreciate the value of both the familiar and the unexpected, recognizing that each though and feeling, whether present for a fleeting moment or a lifelong journey, contributes to humanity’s vault of artistic expression.

Do you want to share your story and inspire our readers with your wisdom and expertise? Know that every story is paving the way for a brighter, happier future.

woman in between on purple lavender field taken at daytime
Dr Marina Nani
Dr Marina Nani

Editor-in-Chief of Rich Woman Magazine, founder of Sovereign Magazine, author of many books, Dr Marina Nani is a social edification scientist coining a new industry, Social Edification.
Passionately advocating to celebrate your human potential, she is well known for her trademark "Be Seen- Be Heard- Be You" running red carpet events and advanced courses like Blog Genius®, Book Genius®, Podcast Genius®, the cornerstones of her teaching.
The constant practitioner of good news, she founded MAKE THE NEWS
( MTN) with the aim to diagnose and close the achievement gap globally.
Founder of many publications, British Brands with global reach Marina believes that there is a genius ( Stardust) in each individual, regardless of past and present circumstances.
"Not recognising your talent leaves society at loss. Sharing the good news makes a significant difference in your perception about yourself, your industry and your community."

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