Tag women
8 Good Reasons Not To Label Others, Celebrate Our Differences And Be Kind
In a world that is increasingly polarized, it is more important than ever to celebrate our differences and be kind instead of labeling others. We all have different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. And that’s a good thing! We can forget…
To Be or Not To Be Positive Vs. The Negativity Bias
Positive thinking is a controversial topic as we are proud owners of negativity bias that comes with a ferocious tendency to expect the worst. Some people are more prone to this than others, and it’s important to understand the origins…
5 Reasons To Express Yourself With Confidence And Alleviate The Symptoms Of Midlife Crisis
Midlife can be a difficult time for many people, but there are ways to make it easier. In this article, we’ll explore five reasons why expressing yourself through writing or talking could help you feel better about yourself and your…
Is Economics Impacting Your Happiness and Wellbeing Or The Other Way Around?
Many people think that economics is the study of money and business. However, economics can also be used to understand how our emotions and thoughts affect our happiness and wellbeing. When you look into your heart and see what you…
The Role of Self Awareness and Self Love in Protecting Your Safety On Social Media
Self love and self awareness are essential for a healthy mental and emotional wellbeing but, also, for protecting your safety on social media. Too often, we focus on what other people think of us instead of focusing on our own…
5 Easy Steps Successful Women Take To Make Tough Decisions With Confidence
There is a lot of fear that comes with decision making. We often feel like we don’t have the skills or knowledge to make the right choices, and we worry about what others will think of us if we make…
Is Failure A Reason or An Excuse To Give Up On Your Big Dream?
There is a lot of talk about women failing. People seem to believe that if you’re a woman, you’re doomed to fail. But this isn’t true. In fact, women have succeeded in many fields before and they will continue to…
Love Yourself First to See the Good in Others and Help the World
So often we are told to put others first and to think of them before we think of ourselves. While this is important to an extent, it is also important to love yourself first. When you love and take care…
The Power of Active Listening
In a world where we are constantly bombarded with noise, it’s easy to forget the power of simply listening. Whether it’s listening to our own thoughts or taking the time to really hear what someone else is saying, listening can…