Tag mind
How To Keep A Journal, Free Your Mind And Take Control Of Your Mental Health

Stop feeling ashamed and start keeping a journal! It will help you push the boundaries, take the time to look at things from a different perspective, find a solution, forge on a new path, vision board planning, re-evaluate your business plan or even reinvent yourself.
A Girl’s Confessions about Simple Living, Self Love & Adversity

I hear more people focus on simple living, self love, resources, resilience, confusion and the power of connection during this high level of adversity. The chaos, suffering and great pain, for me, unleashed many unexamined and sometimes dark parts of…
In Confidence With Sandra Deira And Her Journey Into Wellness

the most difficult things to deal with are being distracted and keeping your focus on the end result. Keeping yourself inspired and motivated and not to rely on others for that. I simply deal with what crosses my path, learn from the best and move on.
9 ways to balance your sleep cycle and stay focused while in self isolation

It may seem like a dream working from home, but it can also become very stressful when there’s no structure. When working from home, it’s important to create rhythm and rituals that support balance, wellbeing and sleep. It’s tempting to…
100 Loving Ways A Girl Can Say Yes! To Happiness

A woman’s ability to understand love is what makes her remarkable. A woman loves others as much as she loves herself. This is exactly what we need in the world today: a true understanding of love.