Tag mind
Memory loss: 3 easy steps to nurture your brain

Memory loss can be a frustrating and even scary experience. It can be especially distressing when it begins to impact your daily life, making it difficult to remember important information or complete everyday tasks. Fortunately, there are ways to manage…
Stay Young and Fit: Fun and Easy Exercises to Keep Your Body and Mind Active

Who doesn’t want to stay young and vibrant? There is a sense of excitement and wonder that comes with exploring new experiences and having fun while keeping your body and mind active. It is more about giving yourself a break…
The human mind: when inner potential meets imagination and neuroplasticity

The human mind is a powerful tool that is often underestimated. Scientific evidence shows that the mind has the potential to create and achieve great things. From the most groundbreaking scientific discoveries to the most awe-inspiring artistic creations, it is…
Disbelief: what is the one thing you really want but your mind doesn’t?

Imagine what is possible if you could remove disbelief from your mind? As humans, we all have aspirations and desires, some of which seem impossible to achieve or believe in. It can be a dream job, a happy relationship, financial…
Age is just a number: fun activities to keep your mind sharp over 50

From the day we are born, our brains are constantly developing and growing, creating new neural pathways and connections in response to our experiences and environment. As we age, many of us worry about our mental faculties declining. It’s a…
From Self-doubt To Self-awareness: What You Don’t Know About Yourself?

What do you know about yourself? Could you honestly say: “I know myself like the back of my hand.” ? From your deepest fear and self-doubt to your self-awareness and the greatest dream, could you be intimately aware of every…
Dreams: The Subconscious Manifestation and the Hidden Power of the Mind

To Be or Not To Be Positive Vs. The Negativity Bias

Positive thinking is a controversial topic as we are proud owners of negativity bias that comes with a ferocious tendency to expect the worst. Some people are more prone to this than others, and it’s important to understand the origins…
Changing the World: Unlocking our Full Human Potential