Anandi is the creator of ‘Sleepology® which is designed to resolve sleep issues using a specific methodology using principles done in a particular order. Anandi is an Ayurvedic consultant, NLP practitioner, Senior yoga teacher and teacher trainer and has been in the wellness field for 30 years. She’s also the author of ‘Breathe Better Sleep Better’. Anandi has appeared in the press all the major glossies including Cosmopolitan, Women’s fitness, Psychologies, Daily Mail, In the Moment Magazine, Spirit and Destiny and the London Evening Standard.

9 ways to balance your sleep cycle and stay focused while in self isolation
It may seem like a dream working from home, but it can also become very stressful when there’s no structure. When working from home, it’s important to create rhythm and rituals that support balance, wellbeing and sleep. It’s tempting to…