Tag mental health

What makes Ageing Women feel Younger, Happier and Vibrant ?

There is no one answer to what makes women feel younger and vibrant as they age. Each woman has her own unique set of needs and desires, and it is important to find what works best for you. However, there are some general tips that can help most women feel their best as they age. Getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and managing stress levels are all important factors in feeling young and vibrant. If you can focus on these things, you will be well on your way to feeling your best at any age.
There is no one answer to what makes women feel younger and vibrant as they age. Each woman has her own unique set of needs and desires, and it is important to find what works best for you. However, there are some general tips that can help most women feel their best as they age. Getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and managing stress levels are all important factors in feeling young and vibrant. If you can focus on these things, you will be well on your way to feeling your best at any age.

The Science behind What Makes You Happy

What makes you happy?

” Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” Denis Waitley On its 10th anniversary, the World Happiness Report which surveys how people across over…

Connect With Your Voice: Ways Women Who Feel Their Voices Aren’t Heard Can Speak Up

do you have a voice?
The best way to make sure your voice is heard is to speak up, even when you feel like you aren't being listened to. It can be difficult, especially for women, to feel confident in speaking up but it's important to remember that your voice matters. Use these tips the next time you're feeling like you aren't being heard and see how they help you connect with your voice so that you can be heard loud and clear.

A Big Shift on the Anti-ageing Narrative

what do you know about Ageing?
It's time to shift the narrative on ageing. Ageing is not a problem to be solved, but rather a natural process that should be celebrated. We need to break down the barriers that prevent older adults from living their best lives, and create a society that values and supports them. With these steps, we can change the way we think about ageing, and help everyone live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

What Are You Celebrating Today?

what do you celebrate today?
If you look around, we are not divided by our uniquness but by the lack of practice in recognizing, accepting and celebrating those differences that makes us unique.

From personal celebrations like birthdays and anniversaries to national holidays, there’s no doubt that celebrations play an important role in our lives. But what is it about these special occasions that make them so powerful? Read on to find out!

Can Music Save Your Life?

Music has a wide-reaching impact on society. It impacts our mood, how we think, and even how we behave. But can music do more than just entertain? Can it actually save lives?

Music has a wide-reaching impact on society. It impacts our mood, how we think, and even how we behave. But can music do more than just entertain? Can it actually save lives? Music and the Brain We all know that…

4 Keys to ZEN In A Crazy World

what are the keys to zen in a crazy world

There are keys to everything and the idea of zen in a crazy world is more than a meditation practice, it’s opening the door to inner peace and joy when times are difficult. It’s about being mindful of the present…