Category Inspiration
The Highest Property Price Rise For 16 Years

Looking at the women in my family, it is fair to say that today we are living longer, and as women we have more options to enjoy life and the freedom to make better choices than the generations of women…
Seeking Happiness- You Have It All But Feel Unworthy Of Love and Freedom Beyond Success- Part 1

So, you have made it. You are a success woman but why do you feel unworthy of happiness, love and freedom beyond success? You have climbed the ladders, navigated all the snakes and reached the top of your game. You are…
The Epitome Of Beauty, Elegance And Self Confidence- Delance Watch

For centuries, poets and artists, writers and musicians tried to capture the essence of femininity. But it took a woman to invent the epitome of beauty, elegance, sophistication and self confidence, the only Women Swiss Watch to inspire women. Giselle…
What Prevents Women From Optimal Health And Makes Them Settle For Just “Not Being ill” Instead

Living on the fast lane takes a toll on all of us and too many women settle for less than an optimal health. The demands we put on ourselves to reach our goals on high achievements, productivity and prosperity, make…
The Power Of Luxury Self Care Rituals For Intentional Vitality during Covid-19

Re-discovering yourself as a mature woman, mother and a truth seeker is never easy unless you understand the power of luxury self care rituals for renewal and vitality. When I first heard the term, ‘Luxury Rituals’, it felt somewhat contradictory. What…

As Monday comes to a close, our African Correspondents tell us about the importance of today for our world and the African People who are celebrating AFRICA DAY, away and at home. African Freedom Day Ghana became the first African…
I Dare You To Step Into Your Feminine Power And Put Your Name On Real Wealth

Have you ever looked beyond your status quo, and said to yourself “Must be more to life!” and suddenly spotted a hidden opportunity to embrace real wealth, identify your unforeseen feminine powers, but lacked the courage to step into your next level…
12 Good Reasons To Meal Prep

Who hasn’t left work late, dreaming of a good meal but feeling energy depleted and very little desire to shop and then cook? A quick takeout meal could be the answer, even if that means turning a blind eye on…
8 Steps Into The Healing Powers Of Writing

While my desk is in the same spot by the window, where it always has been, everything feels and looks different to me. While in self isolation, I found myself contemplating the natural beauty in the back of my garden and having long conversations with myself, an inner dialogue that took me to amazing places, from self doubt to courage and compassion, from shame to acceptance, from being a total stranger to understanding, finally, who I am and who I could become...