Gems from the Stars- Astrological Insights for Women

Looking into the latest astrological insights, the Stars this month bring the promise of expansion, ‘fresh air’ and growth for Women. These times bring a great chance of re-inventing situations and ourselves. Even with the limits we have had put on us we can be at home with our small worlds and take care of individual self as well as being kind to others. This is a time period of keeping informed and educated in an intelligent way; gathering facts and coming from our own authority in a calm and committed way. A maturing of our natures is at hand, and the choosing of non-divisive and non-fear based attitudes.
On the winter solstice we witnessed the Great conjunction – or Great mutation – of Saturn and Jupiter. This ushered in a new cycle, in society, with politics, reforms and with communication and technology. This new 200 year cycle, of the conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter in Air signs, will revolutionise our ways of thinking, movement and social conscience.
The slower moving planets are taking us through an interesting tour this Springtime, helping us balance the polarities and extremes in our natures and finding new arrangements with self and others. We learn to trust our bodies and instincts better now; giving up some of the comfortable ways of doing things and adapting to change and opportunity.
This is the year of inventiveness at many levels. Harness your inner innovator, be in the moment more and claim your innate knowingness and capacity to re generate and think anew! The recent stellium of seven planets in Aquarius in February have activated these energies. March sees the new moon on 13th in the sign of Pisces (avoid extreme reactions then) and the full moon in Libra on 28th. A month for going with the flow, listening and observing and opening up.
Women’s Stars for Fire Signs
A powerful month for harnessing your communicative skills and strategies to bring about long range change. It starts with you and your intentions. After the 20th, when the Sun enters your sign, lovely Venus- the mate of your ruling planet Mars- conjoins with the Sun, starting a new cycle for your love life and self image! New fashion styles and make up appeal.
forthrightness. People will admire you for these this month and, if single, you will attract a more than suitable mate. Less is more in March and yet this will get the results you want The Spring tide on the 20th is your entrance cue – centre stage.
As you enter March, give some time and space for your inner world. Your extravert side can take a little rest now. Insightful dreams give you guidance or ideas and the veil between the worlds is thinner so your imagination and your higher self can have a greater say. The great conjunction of the teacher planets Jupiter and Saturn recently are mirroring back to you your future goals and this month. Partnerships form, or start to form, new agreements and contracts. nAfter the 20th when the sun enters a fellow fire sign, your yearning to travel surfaces. With the state of the world at present it may not be so easy, but thankfully that zone of your horoscope also links with nature and learning, so expansion and covering more ground can still happen. Links from abroad though are to the fore.
Your home arena is to the fore now. What do you need to change or reassess? This is the month for such action. After 16th this speeds up and you may surprise people by a decision you take. Expansion is still your keyword all through this year as your ruling planet Jupiter is taking centre stage in the cosmos. So furnish well your inner home and make necessary changes in the outer one. Mars is energising discussions with a partner or significant other, in work or personal life. The big question is “What do YOU want?” An older person will give sage advice before the end of March. Take it. A crossroad is present – a timely one. Take time out to step back a bit and get a new perspective. After 20th more freedom beckons and you can move forward as you would wish

Women’s Stars for Earth Signs
This is a special month for getting a better idea of what you want and your future needs. Normally you like to be in the here and now, but for these few weeks your longing for change and new contacts draw you into new thoughts and pathways. Necessary changes on the home front, whether with décor, repairs or change of occupants, create fresh air within you. A friend provides bright ideas to get you out of a rut. After 22nd, a new activity takes your time and commitment. The bigger picture excites you and this will include finance and abundance. The Venus Sun conjunction on 26th augers well for romance. Use the new moon on 13th for team work and collaboration of some kind. The maverick, freedom seeking planet Uranus, is occupying your sign now until mid 2025 and you may as well get used to change and the prospect of regularly re- inventing yourself.
This is your opposite time of the year so it is good now to restore your energy banks and not push the tide. Especially around the 13th at the new moon in Pisces. Venus also is in Pisces, encouraging you to be a strategic player rather than full on with your desires. Relationships need careful handling as analysing them too much can trip you up in conversations.
Use partners and people you interact with as mirrors to show you your shadow side. They are your teachers now. Mercury does align well with your decision making around 11th so, with objectivity, get clarity on a confusing issue. Your higher self is asking you to honour your intuition and ability to flow this month. Simplicity is your friend now, both in love and work matters.
Your strong ruler Saturn is very much on your side now as you approach spring. You have truly come through some trials over the past year and learnt much about yourself. Saturn conjoined with a gentler teacher planet, Jupiter, in December and is encouraging, ‘you who are so hard on yourself’, to be less of a critic and utilise that famous dry humour and wisdom which are lurking never far away! You feel like working hard to get to a goal and this month of March is good for just that. Different aspects of your personality are emerging fast and your verbal skills excellent. Your observant nature can document things well so maybe journal and write articles? Venus softens any tough edges and you reach a new agreement with someone. If single, this is a good month for romance.

Women’s Stars for Air Signs
Your goals, small or big, are beckoning. This spring season is full of promise. So, what are you going to fulfil at this time? You are good at distracting yourself and embracing variety, but this month you can specialise and make choices- with discernment.
Mars is in your sign all month, and Mercury joins it on 16th. Wait for the right moment and make that decision to be bigger than you have been for a while. Engage others if you wish, but strengthen the power of you by focusing on your direction. If you have been studying or learning a craft or skill now is the time to let go of the learnt knowledge and make the subject unique to you. The educator in you is rising. People need your insight. Later month, you can combine forces more with a team or partner, but for now go it alone.
How you mentor others and yourself will prove more than interesting this month. People will be drawn to your listening skill and your openness to their problems. So what about you though? Are you being listened to enough? Being around youngsters feeds your emotions and heart now so try to engage with them more.
As an air sign, you need feedback and connection. On line activities will provide that in the form of groups, workshops and one to one chats. Look at the ones you are involved with already and check if they are right for you this spring time. If some are not then it is easy to explore new ones. The full moon on 28th will bring an excellent on line meeting to you. This applies equally to on line dating if you are single and looking for a partner.
With four planets in air signs, your natural element, you start the month with a zest for change, future thinking and knowledge. You may also feel rebellious so just be aware what you are really rebelling against! Is it worth it? In any case, you do need variety and only you can create this. So think outside the box and get inventive with projects and helping others. Have conversations with family, friends and partners if you need more space, so they are not confused! If you are working for yourself, this is the time to explore ways to earn more money or discover new ways to do so. As I say, it is an inventive time for you. Being a constructive idealist suits you now. After 22nd, you will feel more comfortable and relaxed with self and others. So burn off excess energy before, don’t burn too many bridges along the way, and await later March for a new balance.

Women’s Stars for Water Signs
Planets in the lovely water sign Pisces are aspecting your Sun this month. Make the most of Venus travelling through this fellow water sign, as you can feel safe in trusting the flow and being nurtured by others.
As usual, the new and full moons in the month are significant- your ruler is the Moon after all! So embrace the 13th and 28th and feel connected to the bigger picture of the cosmos. Your dream world is accented more than usual and people will sense you have some answers and insights to give them.
Your sensitivity to vibrations is finely tuned now. Be discerning in whom you talk with and take on board. The 3rd is a day for fresh ideas. Music will hold joy for you and lift your heart. Being in this world and not of it can be enjoyable now. All gets done and you can feel peaceful. This is a spiritual and artistic month for you so feel open to it and forget the grindstone and routine when you can.
There is plenty of supportive energy around this month at home, with social contacts and financial dealings. Not a bad start to springtime! After 16th, transactions take on importance and you will need to be more strategic in dealings than you usually are.
Your creative side wants to come on stage and will indeed show itself. Thinking on your feet and spontaneously will glide you through March and bring rewards. Remember to keep enthusiastic and centre stage. It is not a time to be lazy or second best.
The 14th – 16th are ideal for transforming plans and empowering them. Timing is good then. After 22nd work or day to day routines take over but that is okay as you may need some structure later month. Your intuition is finely tuned all month.
So, the Sun has entered your sign and is happily communing with Venus until 22nd. What do you want to ask of that bountiful duo? Overcoming any self doubt now would be good as the stars align to provide you with grace, luck and foresight.
Your ruler Neptune, god of the ocean tides, wants you to align with its flow and strength. In Pisces it only has your good in mind. This way, you will be in touch with the deeper guidance you have and can trust the direction you are going in.
Be aware of the subtle signals you are picking up from the conversations around you. Discern between gossip and useful anecdote. The 14th when Neptune dances with Venus, is a lovely day for creativity, meditation and romance. Why not all three? After the 20th when more firy energy is available, ask for what you want from someone. Daring will pay off.