The Role of Self Awareness and Self Love in Protecting Your Safety On Social Media
Self love and self awareness are essential for a healthy mental and emotional wellbeing but, also, for protecting your safety on social media. Too often, we focus on what other people think of us instead of focusing on our own…

The Challenge Of Being A Woman of Firsts And Making A Positive Change In Modern Society
It can be difficult to make a change in society. Being a woman of firsts in our society is a tall order, despite all the sacrifices women make for progress. It takes courage to stand up against the majority and…

5 Easy Steps Successful Women Take To Make Tough Decisions With Confidence
There is a lot of fear that comes with decision making. We often feel like we don’t have the skills or knowledge to make the right choices, and we worry about what others will think of us if we make…

Is Failure A Reason or An Excuse To Give Up On Your Big Dream?
There is a lot of talk about women failing. People seem to believe that if you’re a woman, you’re doomed to fail. But this isn’t true. In fact, women have succeeded in many fields before and they will continue to…

You Will Never Have To Work A Day In Your Life When You Do This
It’s no secret that being an influencer is one of the most popular jobs in the world. It can be a great way to make a living doing what you love, and it can also be a way to help…

What Anchors Your Attention in an Abundance of Information?
There is no secret that the abundance of information has had a significant impact on our attention span. We’re constantly bombarded with news and updates, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to focus on what matters. In fact, according to a…

The Power of Good Habits and How They Help You Getting Up When You Are Down
The world can be a hard place to live in, and it can be especially challenging when you are facing a difficult situation. But there are ways to cope with your set backs and get through them. In this article,…

Setting Boundaries to Enrich Your Life and Wellbeing
Setting boundaries might not seem important for most people but if you are in the process of understanding your reason for being, re-imagining your life on your own terms, this is a crucial part of your identity. There are many…

Empowering Women: 8 Key Priorities for a Fulfilling and Joyful Life

8 Daily Routines Successful Women Practice To Be Happier
There’s much debate over what brings happiness. Is it a state of mind that can be achieved through positive thinking? Or is it something that we need to actively pursue? The answer may lies somewhere in between. While it’s true…