Tag self-awareness
Women Leaders Overcome Prejudice Using Self-Awareness

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership

Speak with Purpose: How Female Leaders Make Every Word Count

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Winston Churchill In the vast web of human interaction, our words are the notes that define the harmony in…
Self-Acceptance: Tuning Into Your Unique Talent While Travelling

Travelling has long been recognized as a life-changing experience that expands our perspectives and stimulates self-awareness. Self-acceptance is a significant step in self-awareness and involves allowing the time to acknowledging your strengths, appreciating your uniqueness, and feeling comfortable in your…
Give Yourself a Break: the Yin and Yang of Self-Compassion

We live in a world where self-criticism and perfectionism are so rampant that self-compassion is not part of the conversation. But what if we told you that self-compassion is not a singular concept, but rather, a harmonious blend of two…
10 Easy Steps to Break the Self-hate Cycle & Change Your Self- perception

In a world of billions of daily ‘likes’, a staggering number of people struggle to break the cycle of self-hate and negative self-perception. Studies indicate that over 85% of people suffer from low self-esteem, while nearly 85% of young adults…
The Burnout Pandemic: A Story of Resilience & Flow in A World in Crisis

Do you remember a time when every week had an end before starting a new one? Reaching pandemic proportions, burnout’s red flags are waving in every household: chronic work-related stress, emotional exhaustion and a diminished sense of satisfaction and joy.…
Kate Boytek: Rebuilding the Bridge of Light with Self-Expression & Creative Energy Anywhere

Have you ever experienced a dark hour in your life? Throughout our lives, we inevitably face moments of profound despair, where the world seems to crumble beneath our feet. In these dark hours, it is essential to remember that creative…
The Rising Tide of Poor Mental Health: A Call for Self-Awareness

The prevalence of poor mental health has been steadily increasing in recent years, posing a significant challenge for all of us, our communities and healthcare systems worldwide. Factors such as increased stress, social isolation, and economic uncertainty have contributed to…