Tag opportunity
Laurice Duffy- Finding Opportunity Inside Adversity and Living with Purpose

Can you find opportunity inside adversity and start living with Purpose? In this article Kevin P. Donaldson talks with Laurice Duffy who experienced the loss of her husband, following a prolonged struggle with ALS. This tragic loss marked a pivotal moment in Laurice's life, challenging her resilience to forge a new path and crawl out of the darkness.
How Much Money Do You Need to Retire on a Beachfront and Live the Dream at 40?

In a world fixated on work, early retirement might seem like a distant mirage. But here’s a fact that could redefine your financial journey: money wields considerable influence over the human brain. Consider this: according to the American Psychological Association,…
Gems From The Stars and Astrological Insights For Women With Ysanne- November 2020

With dynamic Mars retrograde from September 10th till November 14th, it might be useful to know where it is at work in your horoscope dependant on your time, as well as date, of birth! But wherever it is rest assured…
I Dare You To Step Into Your Feminine Power And Put Your Name On Real Wealth

Have you ever looked beyond your status quo, and said to yourself “Must be more to life!” and suddenly spotted a hidden opportunity to embrace real wealth, identify your unforeseen feminine powers, but lacked the courage to step into your next level…