Tag food
8 Habits That Are Stealing Your Happiness And Impact Your Children’s Future Without You Even Realising It
Breaking the Cycle of Negative Thoughts: A Positive Thinking Guide to Prevent Depression
Depression can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. It can cast a shadow over your thoughts, making it hard to see the beauty and goodness in life. Negative thoughts can become a cycle that seems impossible to break free from.…
The Secret to Staying Young and Vibrant
Everyone wants to know the secret to staying young. Check out our tips on how to stay feeling full of energy and vitality. What is ageing? Most of us think of ageing as the process of getting older. But what…
Mediterranean Diet’s Secret: More Extra Virgin Olive Oil?
Observational studies have suggested that the Mediterranean diet and Extra Virgin Olive Oil may reduce the risk of breast cancer. The Mediterranean diet has been analized in many research studies in the past 60 years. One of the most surprising…
Three Ancient Superfoods for Modern Super Humans
If you heard the terms “superfood” and “superhumans” you know ancient history holds best answers for modern lifestyle. Athletes, sport legends and celebrities consume superfoods that offer maximum nutritional benefits for minimal calories. What are the foods packed with antioxidants,…
While The World Heads Into The Festive Season, You Could Wait For A Miracle Or Become One
Coronavirus anxiety may be shaking the Dow Jones and the stocks of global retailers, but the world heads into the high season, bringing people together, from Thanksgiving into Christmas and New Year’s Eve with the promise of a fabulous Valentine…
Festive Lights: Was Christmas cancelled?
Best Steps You Can Take To Zero Waste Lifestyle
What steps can you take to zero waste lifestyle? How can you waste less? If you agree that plastic pollution is out of control and is affecting life on our planet, you could start using a range of zero waste…
12 Good Reasons To Meal Prep
Who hasn’t left work late, dreaming of a good meal but feeling energy depleted and very little desire to shop and then cook? A quick takeout meal could be the answer, even if that means turning a blind eye on…