8 mental health activities for couples to maintain a happy relationship

Relationships can be challenging, especially when both partners are facing everyday life challenges. Stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues can put a strain on even the strongest relationships. However, taking care of your mental health is essential to maintain a happy and healthy relationship. Here are eight mental health activities for couples to incorporate into their daily routine to keep their relationship strong.

Love: living happily ever after?
Finding “the one” and only can be a magical experience, filled with a range of emotions that can leave you feeling elated, overwhelmed, and overjoyed. For many people, the moment of discovery is accompanied by a sense of clarity and certainty, a feeling that this person is the missing puzzle piece that completes their life’s picture.
As you get to know this person better, the feelings of excitement and anticipation can build, like a slow-burning fire that gradually spreads throughout your body. Each time you talk, text, or spend time together, you feel your connection growing stronger, and your emotions becoming more intense.
When you finally realize that this person is the one and only for you, the feeling can be overwhelming. You feel a sense of contentment, knowing that you have found your soulmate and that your search for love is over. You may experience a sense of peace, knowing that you have someone who understands you and supports you through life’s ups and downs.
At the same time, the feeling of vulnerability can be present. You may feel exposed and open, as you allow yourself to be fully seen and known by another person. This can be a scary feeling, but it can also be incredibly liberating.
Finding “the one and only” is a unique and powerful experience, one that is filled with a range of emotions that can be difficult to put into words. It’s a feeling of knowing, of certainty, and of connection that can bring a deep sense of fulfillment and joy to your life.

10 reasons couples decide to maintain a happy relationship
A loving relationship could experience dramatic turns along the way and we put together some divorce statistics that may be helpful to consider before making the decision to end a marriage:
- The divorce rate in the United States is around 39%. This means that roughly four out of ten marriages will end in divorce.
- The average length of a marriage that ends in divorce is around eight years.
- Women file for divorce slightly more often than men do. According to a study by the American Sociological Association, women initiated divorce in around 69% of cases.
- Financial problems are a common cause of divorce. A survey by SunTrust Bank found that 35% of respondents said that money was the primary cause of stress in their relationship.
- Infidelity is another leading cause of divorce. A survey by the Institute for Family Studies found that around 16% of married individuals admitted to having cheated on their spouse in the past year.
- Children can be affected by divorce. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, children of divorced parents are more likely to experience emotional and behavioral problems than those from intact families.
- Divorce can be expensive. The average cost of a divorce in the United States is estimated to be around $15,000-$20,000.
- Divorce can have long-term financial consequences. According to a study by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, divorced individuals are at a higher risk of poverty in old age than those who remain married.
- Divorce rates vary by age group. According to data from the National Center for Health Statistics, the divorce rate for those aged 50 and older has doubled since the 1990s.
- Divorce can have a ripple effect on social networks. According to a study by the University of California, San Diego, divorce can have a contagious effect on friends and family members, increasing their likelihood of getting divorced as well.
Forever love: remarrying each other after divorce?
While these statistics can be informative, love is a powerful force and every marriage is unique. Divorce is a complex and emotional experience that should be carefully considered. Remarrying an ex-spouse may seem like a rare occurrence, but it is actually more common than you might think. According to a study published in the Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, around 6% of divorced couples end up remarrying each other.
One possible explanation for this phenomenon is the comfort of familiarity and nostalgia. Positive memories of the past may make it difficult to completely move on from the relationship, and the thought of starting a new relationship with someone else may seem daunting. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that nostalgia can increase feelings of relationship satisfaction, commitment, and trust.
Another factor that may lead to remarrying an ex-spouse is a stronger sense of commitment and investment in the relationship. Couples who have already gone through the difficulties of a divorce may believe that they can make it work this time around. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that couples who had been divorced and remarried had higher levels of commitment and relationship satisfaction than couples who had only been married once.
Personal growth and change can also play a role in the decision to remarry an ex-spouse. Time spent apart after a divorce can allow for individual growth and self-improvement. Addressing the issues that caused the breakdown of the relationship and working on personal growth can make a couple better equipped to handle the challenges of a relationship. Remarrying an ex-spouse may represent an opportunity to apply this newfound knowledge and skills to the relationship.
Some divorced couples may view remarrying each other as a second chance at love and happiness. They may believe that they have unfinished business with each other or that they are simply meant to be together. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Family Issues found that divorced individuals who remarry their ex-spouses have higher levels of perceived compatibility and intimacy than those who remarry someone else.
It is important to note that remarrying an ex-spouse is not always the best choice. Couples should carefully consider the reasons for wanting to remarry and address any underlying issues that led to the divorce in the first place. Counseling or therapy can be helpful in navigating these complex issues and making an informed decision about the future of the relationship.
Remarrying an ex-spouse is a decision that can be informed by various psychological factors. Understanding these factors and the associated statistics can help individuals make a more informed decision about their relationship and their future.
What does it take for couples to maintain a happy relationship?
Divorcing or remarrying are all options available for every couple and no price is too high when fighting to keep your love alive. But there are less expensive strategies you can use to improve your mental health and wellbeing before considering divorce. Here are some mental health activities for couples to try:
Keep moving together
Physical activity is an excellent way to reduce stress and improve your mood. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural chemicals that help to reduce feelings of pain and stress. It also helps to regulate your sleep patterns and can boost your overall energy levels. Whether you prefer running, yoga, or weightlifting, finding a form of exercise that you enjoy and making it a regular part of your routine can be a powerful tool for improving your mental health.
Leaving the house for a night out, going to new places , travelling and regular physical activity are a great way to improve your mental health and strengthen your relationship. Couples who can’t get away together for a break, could go for a walk or run together, join a gym, or take a yoga class. Moving is Physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosters, and can help you feel more relaxed and energized. Exercise is an effective way to reduce stress and boost mood. Couples can exercise together by going for a walk, jog, or bike ride. They can also try a new workout routine or join a fitness class.
Moving your body to shake off negative energy can also be effective in helping you feel better after a divorce. Many people find that dancing, walking, or even jumping up and down can help them release pent-up emotions and feel more positive. This technique can be especially helpful if you’re feeling stuck or stagnant and need a way to break out of your negative thought patterns. Engaging in activities together can be a great way to support each other’s wellbeing while also strengthening the relationship.
De-clutter your mind of negative self-talk
Everything happens in the mind first. Maintaining a healthy balance and good mental health in everyday life is essential for couples.
De-cluttering your mind of your negative self- talk is a humbling experience when you want to nurture your mental health. You may find that negative thoughts and emotions are building up and there is no room left for joy. Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help you to clear your mind and reduce stress. You can also try writing down your thoughts and feelings in a gratitude journal, which can help you process and challenge your negative emotions.
Practice Gratitude
Practicing gratitude is an effective way to improve your mental health and strengthen your relationship. Couples can take a few minutes each day to reflect on the things they’re thankful for, whether it’s their partner, their health, or their home. Practicing gratitude helps you focus on the positive aspects of your life and can help you feel more connected to your partner
It’s important to remember that overcoming everyday life challenges is very consuming. Be patient with yourself and focus on making small, positive changes every day. By taking care of yourself physically and mentally, you can move forward together and renewing your wows is an option worth considering before divorce.
Being present in the moment and non-judgmentally observing your thoughts and feelings can reduce stress and anxiety and improve mental health. Couples can meditate together, either by following a guided meditation or simply sitting in silence together. Meditation helps you feel more connected to your feelings and your partner. Meditation is accessible to anyone, regardless of their experience level. You can start with short meditation sessions and gradually increase the duration.
Plan date nights or renew your vow’s
Spending quality time together is important for any relationship. Couples can plan date nights that involve activities they both enjoy, such as going to a concert, trying a new restaurant, or playing board games and cooking together. Feeling a bit adventurous? Why not renew your vows?
A vow renewal ceremony is a special celebration of a couple’s marriage, their relationship, and the life they have built together. These ceremonies could be very simple as they are associated with significant milestones in a couple’s life, providing an opportunity to reflect on their journey so far and communicate clearly their commitment to each other.
During a vow renewal ceremony, the couple typically recites their wedding vows again, but with a fresh perspective and a deeper understanding of what those promises truly mean. It is a chance to reflect on the challenges they have faced as a couple and the triumphs they have shared. It is also an opportunity to look forward to the future, with a renewed sense of love and dedication to each other.
Vow renewals can take many different forms, from intimate gatherings with close family and friends to larger celebrations with a full wedding party. Some couples choose to exchange new rings, while others may include special readings, music, or other personal touches that reflect their unique journey as a couple.
A vow renewal ceremony is a beautiful and meaningful way to celebrate the love and commitment that has kept a couple together through the years. It is a reminder that, even as time passes and circumstances change, their love and devotion to each other remain as strong as ever.
Volunteer together
Helping others can be a great way to boost mood and reduce stress. Couples can volunteer together at a local charity or community organization.
Take a break from technology
Constantly checking emails, social media, and other forms of technology can be overwhelming and stressful. Couples can take a break from technology by unplugging for a few hours or a whole day and focusing on connecting with each other.
Learn something new
Learning a new skill or hobby can be a great way to boost self-esteem and reduce stress. Couples can try taking a cooking class, learning a new language, or taking up a craft.
Engaging in mental health activities together can be a great way for couples to support each other and strengthen their relationship. One of the most crucial aspects of a healthy relationship is communication. It’s essential to communicate openly and honestly with your partner to ensure that both of you feel heard and understood. If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, it’s crucial to communicate this with your partner. Expressing your feelings and concerns in a non-judgmental and supportive way, could clear the negative overwhelm building up around yourself, when you suffer in silence.
Take regular breaks from Technology
Technology can be a significant source of stress and anxiety, especially if you’re constantly checking your phone or social media. Couples can take regular breaks from social media and technology, such as turning off their phones during dinner or taking a social media detox. Turning your home or at least one corner in your home in a technology free sanctuary can help you feel more present in the moment and can improve your mental health.

Share love and everything you love
Sharing hobbies and interests is an excellent way to strengthen your relationship and improve your mental health. Couples can find activities they enjoy doing together, whether it’s cooking, hiking, or painting. Sharing hobbies and interests can help you feel more connected to your partner and can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. It’s essential to incorporate these activities into your daily routine, but the frequency can vary depending on each couple’s needs and schedules.
What if one partner is resistant to seeking professional help? It’s essential to approach the topic of seeking professional help with empathy and understanding. It’s normal to feel hesitant or resistant to seeking help, but it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of managing mental health and maintaining a healthy relationship. Couples can also consider going to therapy together, which can provide a supportive environment for both partners.
Can these mental health activities also benefit individuals who are not in a relationship? Yes, these mental health activities can benefit individuals who are not in a relationship. Sharing hobbies and interests are all effective ways to improve mental health and well-being.
Maintaining a happy and healthy relationship takes effort, especially when dealing with mental health issues. We recommend creating new, healthier daily routine to strengthen your relationship and improve your mental health. Remember, you don’t need to do what other couples in your situation do; let generational limiting beliefs go and communicate openly and honestly, travel, journal, take regular breaks from technology and keep moving together.