Category Inspiration
“I’m Created To ARISE, I’m Created By DESIGN”

As a Soul Healer, I help you understand why you’re in bondage or attracted to unhealthy people, environments and lifestyles. I help you identify where the deep wounds occurred and assist you in removing demonic strongholds, renewing your mind to…
How To Cultivate Inner Intimacy Within

Spiritual cultivation is cultivating the spirit, sometimes called the soul, the heart, or the consciousness. Spirit in Hebrew {Breath of Life} the Hebrew was the language spoken in the heavens before creation, it was handed down from generation to generation…
We are all facing unique challenges, it is time we support one another.

In this era of continued discrimination, women need to empower one another. It is disappointing when women don’t support one another, rather actively sabotage one another. When women unite – wonders happen. We, as women, can empower each other, elevate…
The Number 1 Hidden Killer of Your Success

Consistency is the Number One thing that holds people back from achieving their next level of success, even at 6-7+ Figures. Most entrepreneurs who come to me are working 50-80 hours a week. There’s no question that they are busy.…
Re-Imagining your style after 50: Your Style Renaissance Masterclass launches today!

A brand new Rich Woman Masterclass, Your Style Renaissance – the style show for the mature figure is launching today. Rich Woman Magazine Style Editor and Certified Style Coach, Elinor Salter will show you how you can take your style…
While The World Heads Into The Festive Season, You Could Wait For A Miracle Or Become One

Coronavirus anxiety may be shaking the Dow Jones and the stocks of global retailers, but the world heads into the high season, bringing people together, from Thanksgiving into Christmas and New Year’s Eve with the promise of a fabulous Valentine…
A Fair Society: Winners Announced at The Black British Awards 2020

This year our strength, faith and capacity to stay in control of our lives was tested and re-tested, every day. Social distancing is a sacrifice we all have to make this year despite the fact that we are not designed…
Zalina Wälchli – Video Story

Get a behind the scene peek at the #covershoot for Rich Woman Switzerland Magazine with Swiss based, Zalina Wälchli. To know Zalina is to know a very warm and caring woman who exudes an infectiously positive outlook on life’s many…
Blue Zones Conversations: Wellness, Ageless Beauty and Wealth with Zalina

Covid19 continues to test our strength, faith and capacity to stay in control of our lives. What could women do to thrive during these uncertain times? We reached out to Trinidadian born Zalina Wälchli to find out about her journey…