Finding Yourself- A Healing Journey When Feeling Disconnected From The World

You may feel from time to time disconnected with the world around you. Even though of reasonably good physical health, it is possible to feel completely alone and isolated despite having a great deal of contact with the world around us.
Recently, I have been healing people who feel really lost in themselves. They speak of a great sense of separation from those around and out of touch with themselves and the World. It is no surprise that these feelings are becoming stronger and more worrying especially with people working at home.
The pandemic, lockdown and working from home has changed our lives and society.
Zoom, Teams and Google Meet are a way of life for many. WhatsApp is now much of our social centre and our public shop window also Facebook and Instagram, whilst Twitter is our comment-and-follow connection platform. No longer do we meet over the coffee machine, go out to the sandwich shop or the pub for lunch. It is one call or video-meet after another and some are feeling that they are losing their balance and humanity.

So serious is this that one client said that day by day she felt increasingly suicidal. Every day she supports others on a helpline taking call after call. As soon as one video-meet ended another started. Her feelings were not from a lack of meeting people but meeting people for real, in person. Her ‘wobbliness’ turned into serious mental health issues and the suicidal voice in her head grew increasingly loud. She came for a number of hands-on healing treatments which really helped to settle her and bring her back into herself so much so she actually commented that the healing had literally saved her life.
So how do we cope with this change? For the first time some clients are telling me they have quit social media to create essential personal time and space for themselves. One lady said she now fits in a daily walk where she listens to interesting podcasts to engage her brain. Another, fearing their job was in jeopardy, planned a new solo business venture which is currently being set up.

Working in isolation is unnatural for many and can have a serious impact on our mental health. The lack of human touch, face-to-face contact that we all need as physical beings cannot be substituted to such a large extent without consequences. A large proportion of relationships and marriages are born in the workplace where we feel the ‘electricity’ of human contact. A lack of ‘normality’ that comes with lack of contact (literally when people ‘put you on the spot’) can put us in a place where we feel deeply out of touch and lost-in-ourselves – a worrying place of mental health concern.
These feelings of being lost can though happen at other times, like losing a job and our livelihood, or retirement which brings massive changes in our lives. Going from a rigorous day-to-day routine working within systems of organisation and being places at defined times creates routine that can keep our lives safe and in check. True healing from hands-on experienced healers can have a transformational effect as we connect with a natural energy probably best recognised as that seemingly limitless energy we have as a child. Healers are a conduit to this energy which is deeply calming and restorative.
Much is being said now about the Cost of Living but perhaps the true cost of living lies in the way we lead our lives. The 24/7 culture of ‘always being at attention’ in our screen-driven 21st Century lives leaves us no real downtime to rest and recuperate.
Recent news articles in This Week suggest that we look at our phones on average 110 times a day. states that UK adults spend half of their day in front of a screen and rising from 90 mins in 2012 to 3 hours a day in 2020 on social media. In 2019, 78% of males and 86% of females aged 16-24 have a social media account demonstrating that younger generations have a great reliance on social media and it has become a staple in everyday life.
The Times (10.10.22) asks if we are giving ourselves mental exhaustion with Zoom/Teams/Google meet calls so much so we are answering our emails and texts in the evening.
Scientists at Pitie’-Salpetriere University in Paris recently researched mental overload and how it drains us creating exhaustion. They show that intense concentration for several hours can create potentially toxic by-products which build up in the prefrontal cortex in the brain which influences cognitive control. Many have found it more efficient to work from home with fewer interruptions.

Whilst this is true to a large extent it means that we can double the amount of work with time not travelling in to attend workplace meetings in person.
Our move into the digital world is an amazing journey but has costs attached to this way of living.
Anxiety is at an all-time high as we move into Winter.
Our media is projecting great hardship with political uncertainty, rising interest rates, huge jumps in mortgages and political division. The pressure we put ourselves under is enormous, let alone what is happening in the World around us.
When we drain ourselves too much, not only do we experience a loss of physical energy with tiredness and fatigue, but also the depletion of our mental and emotional resources. This constant pressure and draining of our life energy in all its ways will manifest somewhere at sometime.
Our bodies and minds will give us a big kick to show us there is a problem in our lives like amber traffic lights moving to red. We may show initial signs of irritability and anger, feeling unwell, sporadic colds and bugs, moving on to emotional swings and relationship issues at work and home – and sometimes something more serious.
Often a pattern emerges, and we can sense it and realise we need a break, a holiday, or to go out for some relaxation. However, if the pressure is constant, and this is what people are feeling now with increased cost of living, then it can feel inescapable and overwhelming and a downward spiral starts that is sometimes very hard to reverse.

It can leave us with a great sense of negativity and hopelessness as we cannot see our way forward.
Intelligent Energy is a natural healing force that exists in our lives. Likened most to the natural energy and joy that young children have that gives them boundless energy, curiosity, and a drive for life.
How often have we wondered to ourselves ‘where did that go?’ though we can see some older people with a massive zest for life; they have not lost this natural joy and energy. Sometimes, circumstances and the way we live our lives come to the point when we need to reach out for help, and a help that is not down to a tablet, surgery, psychotherapy or remedial exercises.
As a natural Energy Healer, I have the gift of being able to channel healing energy by laying my hands on people which has a remarkable effect on their wellbeing. I was truly shocked when I discovered this in my mid-life working as a businessman; I had an intuitive inkling and when in Colorado USA this lady said she had a desperately bad back and had had this for over 20 years. I had the intuition to ‘lay my hands on her back’. The pain lessened and she recovered.
My healing journey started then treating people all round the USA and Europe; even famous dancers came from Japan and clients from other countries who sought this special type of healing (often getting to a stuck point with other forms of treatment). It could not just be coincidence or wishful thinking as the number of successful healings rose into the thousands.
As the healings grew more and more powerful, they were complemented by an intuitive sense that looked into people’s lives understanding more to give advice from a totally unique perspective. It is a truly natural gift of insight.
Energy Healing is not a miracle and should not be seen as such. Some, like the lady in Colorado, do experience an extraordinary change. Most of us have complex lives and often we need to work through layers getting closer and closer to the fundamental causes of stress and illness.
The insight information can be broad and relate to health, family, relationships or even business as these are all part of everyday life.
My mission is to help and help is there for all.
Douglas Ballard
Douglas Ballard ( is an accomplished international Energy Healer. Douglas is down to earth and very approachable. Currently practicing in Belgravia, London, Douglas is well recognised for his success in treating anxiety, stress, exhaustion, immune-related illness, back, shoulder and post-operative pain. Clients nearly always experience a sense of calm, unwinding and relief on their path to wellbeing. Douglas’s Energy Healing touch works extremely well alongside conventional therapy, helping to mitigate and restore the harsh side-effects of drug treatment, surgery and radiotherapy. Zoom and telephone consultations welcome.