Finding Purpose Beyond Borders: My Costa Rican Journey of Transformation

Finding your purpose is a journey that most people never find the courage to experience. Dr Cheroll Dossett shares her profound lesson in loss which led her to find her true purpose beyond borders. The leap of faith from Despair to Discovery brought her to Soul Rewind through a confluence of destinies.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller

In a world that often feels like it’s spinning faster than we can keep up, many of us come to a point in our lives where we’re gasping for breath, looking around, and wondering, “What comes next?” It’s a crossroads I found myself at as the chapters of my career and stability seemed to close abruptly, leaving me facing a blank canvas in my sixties. The year following was a profound lesson in loss, and yet, it was the prelude to an awakening that would redefine my understanding of purpose and connection.

From Despair to Discovery

My pilgrimage to self-redemption began, not with a roadmap, but with hope, as I landed in San Jose, Costa Rica, with two suitcases and a heart full of anticipation. The plush green settings and tranquil horizons of Costa Rica served as the backdrop to my burgeoning chapter of self-discovery. Here, amidst the purity of nature, I found not just solitude but a digital platform, Clubhouse, which became my virtual sanctuary to explore and share insights on spirituality.

The birth of ‘Soul Rewind’ retreats in these serene landscapes was a vision that materialized gradually, aiming to offer others a divine setting to introspect and find their beacon. Our rustic cabins nestled in the mountainous terrains became more than just retreat spaces; they transformed into arenas of metamorphosis for many who, like me, were searching for a deeper meaning in life.

Soul Rewind: A Confluence of Destinies

Among the myriad souls that these retreats welcomed was Gizelle, a vivacious spirit from the Southside of Chicago, taking her first-ever international sojourn with her two beautiful children, aptly named River and Ocean. Her transition from a quest for existential answers to becoming the guardian of our spiritual haven was a profound testament to the unfathomable impact of opening oneself to the universe’s will.

Our shared experiences have etched powerful lessons into the fabric of my being, inspired by the ‘Pura Vida’ ethos that permeates every corner of Costa Rica:

  • Exploration Beyond Comfort: Journeying into the unknown is crucial for unearthing your calling. Life’s essence unfolds in spaces beyond our comfort.
  •  The Strength in Serendipity: Being receptive to unforeseen encounters can lead to some of life’s richest experiences, teaching me the value of expecting the unexpected.
  •  Resilience Amid Adversity: The tumultuous times wrought by the pandemic highlighted our innate ability to adapt and pivot, showcasing resilience as an invaluable trait.
  •  A Commitment to Serve: My sojourn reaffirmed that true contentment is rooted in service to others, fostering a ripple effect of positive transformation.
  •  The Power of Community: The solace found in our gatherings, whether in the physical expanse of Costa Rica or the virtual realms, can significantly bolster personal and communal enlightenment.

Nurturing Connections

The mentor-mentee bond that flourished between Gizelle and me exemplifies the circular flow of learning and inspiration, illustrating that ‘home’ transcends physical locations—it’s where we make a lasting impact.

As this narrative continues to unravel with Gizelle’s impending return to the states, our chronicle serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path for those feeling adrift in the sea of existence. It’s a call to all to pursue their own version of ‘Pura Vida,’ to seek purpose and thrive in the relentless pursuit of passions.

May this account of transformation inspire you to weave your own tapestry of life, imprinted with intention, love, and courage. Dare to embrace the unplanned, for it’s in those moments you might truly find your essence.

The story doesn’t end; it evolves. Continue to write your narrative, letting each chapter exemplify your resilience, dedication to serving, the strength of community, and the nurturing of connections. Remember, the only boundary is the one you place before yourself. Embark on this audacious adventure fearlessly—live your best life!

The feedback from attendees, from personal epiphanies to tales of profound growth, underscores the transformative power of stepping outside one’s comfort zone and finding solace in nature and community.

Finding your purpose is a journey that most people never find the courage to experience. Dr Cheroll Dossett shares her profound lesson in loss which led her to find her true purpose beyond borders. The leap of faith from Despair to Discovery brought her to Soul Rewind through a confluence of destinies.

Each story, including the remarkable evolution of Gizelle — from a single mother on a quest for direction to a guiding light within our retreat — embodies the essence of connection, resilience, and the unyielding human spirit to explore the unknown. Are you ready to discover what lies beyond the borders of the known? Reach out, and together, let’s turn the page to your next chapter in the mesmerizing tale of life.

Let’s continue to spread the spirit of ‘Pura Vida’ and inspire others to embark on their own journey of self-discovery. Share your stories, lessons learned, and insights gained along the way. Let’s create a community that supports and uplifts one another in our pursuit of purpose and passion. Remember, life is not a destination; it’s a journey.

Las Cabinas Cataratas Compound

Las Cabinas Cataratas, is a beautiful compound nestled in the heart of Costa Rica’s lush rainforest. Our tranquil oasis is the perfect escape for those seeking a peaceful and rejuvenating vacation experience.

Our cabins are thoughtfully designed to provide you with all the comforts of home while immersing you in the natural beauty of Costa Rica. Each cabin features modern amenities such as air conditioning, plush bedding, and private bathrooms.

Finding your purpose is a journey that most people never find the courage to experience. Dr Cheroll Dossett shares her profound lesson in loss which led her to find her true purpose beyond borders. The leap of faith from Despair to Discovery brought her to Soul Rewind through a confluence of destinies.

Step outside onto your own private balcony or terrace and take in the beauty of nature. We pride ourselves on providing our guests with top-notch accommodations.

Surrounded by stunning views of the towering Arenal Volcano and cascading waterfalls, our compound offers a unique blend of delicious cuisine and unparalleled customer service.

Do you want to share your story and inspire our readers ? Know that  YOUR EXPERTISE is paving the way for a brighter, happier future.

Dr. Cheroll Dossett
Dr. Cheroll Dossett

With an illustrious background that spans continents and cultures, Dr. Dossett's mission is to inspire Global Citizens, Educational Explorers, and Spiritual Seekers. She leverages her expertise in education and leadership, coupled with her MBA and M.Ed., to guide individuals and organizations toward realizing their full potential while contributing to a more harmonious world.

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