Best Decluttering Tips to Clean Your Home & Boost Your Mood

Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just in need of a change? Your home environment could be contributing to these negative feelings. A cluttered and disorganized space can create chaos in your mind and prevent you from feeling at ease. However, the thought of decluttering and cleaning can be daunting. That’s why we’ve put together some stress-free ways to help you transform your home and boost your mood. By following these tips, you can create a peaceful and organized environment that supports your mental health and well-being.
Cleaning and decluttering your home can have a profound impact on your mental health, providing a sense of peace and order that can be elusive in our hectic lives. The state of your physical environment can be a reflection of your mood, and a clean and organized space can contribute to a clearer and more focused mind.
Studies have shown that clutter can be a significant source of stress, with a 2016 study from the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin finding that “participants who described their homes as full of clutter were more depressed, fatigued, and had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol than those who described their homes as restful and restorative.” The study also found that decluttering can have a positive impact on mental health, with participants reporting improved emotional well-being after clearing out their homes.

Why a clean home can boost your mood
Our emotional well-being and the state of our environment are closely intertwined. When we’re feeling anxious, frazzled, or burnt out, the clutter and chaos in our homes can amplify these negative emotions, making it difficult to relax and feel at ease. On the other hand, when we’re feeling in control of our lives and our tasks, we tend to be cleaner and more organised, creating a sense of calm and serenity in our environment.
As the connection between physical space and mental health becomes more recognized, the concept of wellness real estate is gaining momentum. Wellness real estate involves designing and constructing living spaces that prioritize the health and well-being of the occupants. This includes features such as clean air and water, natural lighting, and access to green spaces.
In addition, the trend towards simplicity and minimalism is also impacting the future of home design. Many people are seeking out smaller, more efficient living spaces that are easier to maintain and require less material possessions. This trend aligns with the philosophy of minimalism, which emphasizes the idea that less is more and that simplicity can lead to a greater sense of well-being.
The benefits of minimalism and simplicity in home design are well-documented. A study from the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that people who live in cluttered homes are more likely to experience stress and anxiety, while those who live in minimalist environments report feeling more calm and focused and are more likely to interact with their neighbours and spend time outside of their homes.
As we look towards the future of home design, it’s clear that wellness and simplicity are key priorities. Can we create living spaces to foster mental and physical wellness by embracing the philosophy of minimalism? Architect and designer Graham Hill said that “Our homes should be our sanctuaries, the places where we can go to feel restored and rejuvenated. By designing homes that prioritize simplicity, we can create a space that supports our well-being and promotes a more sustainable way of living.
It’s important to recognize the connection between your emotional state and your environment, and to take steps to address any negative feelings or emotions that are manifesting in our space. This may mean decluttering, organising, or simply creating a more calming and peaceful environment through décor and design.
Clutter can be a major source of stress and anxiety, and can create feelings of being overwhelmed and out of control. By decluttering our space and getting rid of unnecessary items, we can reduce these feelings and create a more peaceful and organized environment. When everything has a place and is easily accessible, it can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and help us be more productive and focused.
Décor and design can also play a role in nurturing emotional well-being in our environment. Colours, textures, and patterns can all affect our mood and emotions, so it’s important to choose décor that promotes a sense of calm and relaxation. Additionally, incorporating natural elements like plants or natural light can also promote a sense of well-being and connection to the natural world.

Tips to declutter your mind and your life
Philosopher and psychologist William James also recognized the connection between the physical environment and mental well-being, stating, “Our surroundings influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions. A clean, ordered environment promotes a clear and focused mind, while a cluttered and disorganized space can create chaos in our minds.”
By taking the time to declutter and clean our homes, we can improve our mental health and well-being. As philosopher and psychologist Erich Fromm stated, “The way we live our days is the way we live our lives.” By creating a clean and organized physical environment, we can cultivate a more peaceful and ordered internal environment, leading to greater happiness and satisfaction in our lives.
Marie Kondo, a Japanese consultant and author known for her expertise in organizing and decluttering, has also emphasized the mental health benefits of a clean and organized space. She explains, “The act of tidying is not just a physical process, it is a way to create a space that is joyful and serene. A clean and organized space can promote feelings of calmness, reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and productivity, and promote better sleep.”
Our minds can often become cluttered with thoughts, worries, and anxieties, preventing us from feeling calm and at ease. Here are some easy steps to stop overthinking, relieve anxiety, and explore calmness and inner peace:
- Practice a mindful lifestyle – from the simple choices we make every day to the big changes we make in life, mindfulness involves being present in the moment and paying attention to our thoughts and feelings without judgment. This can help us become more aware of our thoughts and break the cycle of overthinking.
- Take breaks from technology – technology can be a major source of stress and distraction. By taking breaks from screens and unplugging from technology, we can reduce mental clutter and promote inner calmness.
- Write down your thoughts – journaling or writing down your thoughts can help you process your emotions and gain clarity. It can also help you identify patterns in your thinking and work towards breaking negative thought patterns.
- Self-love: learning to listen to your heart, getting to know yourself better and becoming aware of who you truly are. From spending time in nature, finding inner peace, to rebuilding your confidence, are all important steps to control your emotions and reduce anxiety.

Decluttering beyond your home- digital minimalism in everyday Life
Technology has become a pervasive presence in our lives. While it has many benefits, it can also contribute to mental clutter and addiction. Here are some tips for overcoming technology addiction, decluttering your mind, and reclaiming your freedom:
- Set boundaries – set limits on your technology use and stick to them. This can include turning off notifications or scheduling designated times for technology use.
- Practice digital minimalism – this involves decluttering your digital life by deleting unnecessary apps and unsubscribing from email lists.
- Cultivate offline relationships – make an effort to spend more time with friends and family in person, and engage in activities that don’t involve screens.
- Practice mindfulness – mindfulness can help you become more aware of your technology use and break the cycle of addiction.

Decluttering from within
Zen Buddhism offers timeless teachings for decluttering from within to find inner peace and reduce stress and anxiety. Here are some key principles to keep in mind:
- Embrace impermanence – Zen Buddhism teaches us that everything is impermanent and constantly changing. By embracing this truth, we can let go of attachment and reduce our suffering.
- Practice meditation – meditation is a cornerstone of Zen Buddhism and can help us cultivate mindfulness and inner peace.
- Let go of expectations – expectations can lead to disappointment and frustration. By letting go of expectations and living in the present moment, we can reduce stress and find greater satisfaction in life.
- Embrace simplicity – simplicity is a key principle of Zen Buddhism and can help us declutter our minds and our lives. By simplifying our possessions and our thoughts, we can achieve greater clarity and inner peace.

Tips to Declutter Your Home
Marie Kondo is a Japanese consultant and author who has become well-known for her expertise in organizing and decluttering. Her book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” has become a best-seller, and she has also been the star of a popular Netflix series, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. Her philosophy is kurashi, nurturing the idea to “spark joy”, not just to declutter a space and “The ultimate goal is to spark joy every day and lead a joyful life.”
Embracing this philosophy of finding joy in our daily lives enables us to create a sense of purpose and satisfaction that extends beyond material possessions. We can make intentional choices and live with greater clarity and intention.
Here are some of Marie Kondo’s tips for decluttering your home:
Tackle one category at a time – rather than tackling your entire home at once, focus on one category of items at a time. For example, start with clothing, then move onto books, papers, and so on. This can help break the decluttering process into manageable tasks and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.
Consider the emotional impact of each item – when deciding whether to keep or discard an item, consider how it makes you feel. If it brings you joy or has sentimental value, keep it. If it doesn’t, it may be time to let it go.
Visualize your ideal lifestyle – before starting the decluttering process, take some time to visualize your ideal lifestyle. What type of home environment would make you feel happy and fulfilled? Use this as a guide when deciding what items to keep and what to discard.
The KonMari method involves gathering all items of a specific category together in one place, and then deciding which ones to keep based on whether they spark joy. This method can help you make more intentional decisions about what to keep and what to let go.
Focus on gratitude – rather than focusing on what you’re letting go of, focus on the things you’re grateful for. Take a moment to thank each item for its service before letting it go.

In addition to Marie Kondo’s tips, there are many other organizing experts who have shared their advice on decluttering and organizing. Some of their tips include:
- Start small – rather than trying to declutter your entire home in one day, start with a small area or section. This can help you build momentum and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.
- Set realistic goals – be realistic about how much you can accomplish in a certain amount of time. Set small, achievable goals that you can work towards.
- Get rid of duplicates – if you have multiple items that serve the same purpose, consider keeping only one and letting go of the rest.
- Use storage solutions – having proper storage solutions can make it easier to keep your home organized. Consider using baskets, bins, and shelves to keep items organized and easily accessible.
- Be mindful of what you bring into your home – before purchasing a new item, consider whether you truly need it and whether it will add value to your life. This can prevent clutter from accumulating in the first place.
There are many tips and strategies for decluttering and organizing your home but it all starts in the mind. Knowing yourself better, you can create a more peaceful and organized environment that fosters your mental health and overall well-being. Our emotional state and our environment are closely linked, and it’s important to address any negative emotions or feelings that are manifesting in our space.
Do you have any decluttering or organizing tips? Get in touch to inspire our readers to create a more calming and peaceful environment through décor and design, harnessing emotional well-being and create a stress free space.