Making history: Claudia Sheinbaum- the first woman President in Mexico

We often report on leadership changing. Are leaders guided by the power of love or enslaved by the love for power? Is leadership becoming a tool for change makers? Claudia Sheinbaum’s election as the first female president of Mexico is not just a personal victory but a historical milestone for the nation celebrated for its vibrant culture yet crippled by its deep-seated machismo.

When celebrating Sheinbaum’s win,we are not only observing the shattering of the glass ceiling but also a progressive shift in societal attitudes—a move towards inclusiveness evidenced by electing a woman and notably, a Jewish one, in a predominantly Catholic country.

The first woman President in Mexico is an environmental scientist

What does it tell you about Claudia Sheinbaum? It tells a tale of a woman whose career transcends the typical trajectory aimed at the presidential office. As a climate scientist and the former mayor of Mexico City, her academic and professional journey is steeped in tackling pressing urban and environmental challenges.

We often report on leadership changing. Are leaders guided by the power of love or enslaved by the love for power? Is leadership becoming a tool for change makers? Claudia Sheinbaum's election as the first female president of Mexico is not just a personal victory but a historical milestone for the nation celebrated for its vibrant culture yet crippled by its deep-seated machismo.
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO – MAY 29: Presidential candidate Claudia Sheinbaum of ‘Sigamos Haciendo Historia’ coalition greets the people prior to the 2024 closing campaign event at Zocalo on May 29, 2024 in Mexico City, Mexico. According to the Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE), over 100 million people are allowed to vote in the 2024 Presidential Election in Mexico. Claudia Sheinbaum of the Sigamos Haciendo Historia coalition, Xochitl Galvez of Fuerza y Corazón por México coalition, and Jorge Alvarez Maynez of Movimiento Ciudadano will participate as the candidates for the presidency. (Photo by Manuel Velasquez/Getty Images)

Commanding over 58% of the vote, her approval cuts across a broad swath of the Mexican electorate, highlighting a collective endorsement of her capabilities and vision. Sheinbaum’s drive for environmental preservation coupled with her governance experience as the city’s mayor resonated deeply with voters. Her leadership style, marked by a reliance on scientific acumen and commitment to sustainable development, sets a promising tone for her presidency.

The significance of Claudia Sheinbaum’s victory

Yes, it’s a victory—a resounding one. Claudia Sheinbaum‘s ascendancy to Mexico’s highest office echoes far beyond political corridors, instilling a sense of possibility among various echelons of society. It especially resonates in the hearts of millions of Mexican women, challenging long-standing gender roles and potentially recalibrating political and professional aspirations across the country.

This win also brings diversity into the limelight, acknowledging the Jewish community, which, while small, is an integral part of Mexico’s societal fabric. Her presidency is not just about representation but about the celebration of diversity in a nation that is progressively embracing its multifaceted identity.

Upcoming challenges

Despite the celebrations, the road ahead for President Sheinbaum is fraught with challenges that are deeply entrenched in the socio-economic landscape of Mexico. High on her agenda will be tackling economic disparities, corruption, and a harrowing rate of femicides that continue to plague the nation.

As a staunch environmentalist, how she will integrate sustainable practices with economic and social reforms in the post-COVID-19 era remains a pivotal aspect of her tenure. Balancing these priorities with urgent public and health services demands will test her political acumen and leadership resilience.

Congratulations Claudia Sheinbaum!

Claudia Sheinbaum’s election as Mexico’s first female president is nothing short of a historic achievement. It is a testament to her relentless spirit and a reflection of Mexico’s evolving political and social landscape. As the world watches with bathed breath, there is a wave of hopes that her tenure will launch impactful social and political reforms for future generations—illuminating a path where diversity, gender equality and sustainability are not just aspirational but attainable realities.

True change often begins with bold steps in governance and Sheinbaum has just positioned herself to potentially catalyze these transformations across Mexico and beyond.

Congratulations Claudia! The world is ready for you!

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Eva Rosa Santos
Eva Rosa Santos

Leadership Facilitator with over 25 years in Human Resources, founder of Female Leadership in Angola, and author of “My Book That Is Your Book – We All Have A Voice!” Passionate about elevating women in leadership and championing gender equity.

Articles: 17

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