The Biggest Test of Our Resilience: A Socially Distanced Santa

Nothing compares with the magic of winter: festive shows, a visit to a grotto, the winter fair, are all expectations which, by tradition, were embraced by our families for generations. But this year, around your Christmas tree, everybody will expect a socially distanced Santa.

Times have changed and we have adjusted – in part. Adjusting does not mean that we have accepted the situation, but it is where we are at in the World and our freedoms have changed. We feel different now, like caged birds. You could say that we live in two worlds: the world about us and the world in our heads. Sometimes, when we travel, we feel so small, like a spec of dust. Sometimes, when we are worried, the world inside our heads seems multi-dimensional with layers of worry about the present and where things are going. Our heads struggle to work out strategies to ensure our future, and that of our children and parents, how we and they will survive and be happy. Conspiracies abound and we are confuddled with more and more conflicting seemingly disconnected information.
I, for one, want to scream at what the media are saying. Yes, we have a very serious situation on health, mental health levels, economy and social cohesion levels, but it is shamefully wound up to such heights of anxiety, as it is their business to sell news. That is how they profit. Many people now no longer watch or read the news as too much negativity depletes our reservoirs of hope and self-belief. Yet, there are so many good stories missed about human courage, resilience, innovative new businesses and compassion as the bone of negative news seems more tasty than encouraging messages of human greatness. It is important that we look after ourselves to be strong for others. Just like the scenario of an inflight emergency, we need to put on our air mask first so that we can help others around us. Looking after our health and fitness, strengthen our immune systems are so important in weathering this marathon of mental endurance and loss of freedom.
I am treating many people now with anxiety overload and depression as they struggle deeply to see their way forward. The tunnel of their despair is so dark they need help to illuminate their lives. Long established careers in travel, hospitality, sports and entertainment are suffering uncertainty and this affects our families, friends and lives as we had come to know it. Now, after the best part of a year, businessmen and women are facing extremely tough decisions about their workforces and markets, plus the looming Brexit changes – again whatever they may be adding to our uncertainty. The stress this is all having on key individuals, both making these decisions and on those at the receiving end, has never been so great since the world wars and great depression of the 1930’s – and it affects us all.
Healing touches a part of their lives which is far deeper than the conscious and subconscious mind. We have an inbuilt self-restore which works best at a point of deep tranquility tough to reach in our everyday lives.

After such a roller coaster ride, we are coming out from the valleys of heartache, reaching out to peaks of hopes. Universal energy helps us activate a deep sense of calm and well-being, most people are craving for a ‘restore-level’ to aid ailments like anxiety, stress, back and neck pains, skin complaints, digestive disorder, immune deficiency, to name just a few. If we want to survive the rise and fall of joy which defines our journey, healing is possibly the only positive choice to make at this time.
Christmas and New Year will be a welcome respite and Christmas is definitely in the home this year. We need to reach out to all around so all feel a sense of inclusion as loneliness is a killer. Let’s all make the effort, even at a short distance from each other in this socially distanced festive season. 2021 will bring as much hope as it brings challenges, and we will restore much of our well-being in the times to come. Be encouraged, no matter where you are in life!