Outwitting The Duck- How to Overcome Drifting

Outwitting the Duck is the best decision you can take. If you’ve ever seen a picture of me, you might wonder why I have a duck on my head. For me the duck represents a part of me that is a bit devilish and lazy, a combination of fear and ignorance. A great life doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by design. Pete Cohen

Have you ever allowed yourself to imagine who you could become if you would stop drifting?
From an early age, you spend years going through the education system, absorbing information without being asked what is that you want, always pushed around to be who you are expected to be instead of being curious of who you are, finding your true passion, thinking for yourself.
If you take a moment to think how many times in your life you put things off, how much time in your life you give into temptation, losing focus, control, being lazy and giving into what I think is the biggest disease in the world: drifting. Procrastination is about being comfortable but feeling very uncomfortable, being stagnant instead of moving away from where you are into what is possible.

How can you avoid drifting?
If you ever imagined being in control of your own life, deciding on what your future is going to look like, running your own business, being surrounded by a great team that is thriving under your leadership- that looks like a clear vision, right?
What is holding you back from living that reality?
You have come face to face with the most edgy reality you can experience every day: drifting. Drifting is about letting yourself float without a compass, and putting on hold all the chances you get to take control of your life, procrastinating.
Can you overcome drifting if you are already experiencing it?
If, like me, you left school not thinking for yourself, thinking that you weren’t good enough, or there was something wrong with you, keep reading.
In “Think and grow rich” Napoleon Hill talks about the fact that 98% of people are drifting.
98% of people are giving into temptation. 98% of people are just going through life doing what everyone else wants them to be. My goal is definitely to increase the odds of people who are deciding to stop drifting and live the life that they want to lead. I believe that people have the moral right to stop drifting.
Written one year after “Think and grow rich”, Outwitting the Devil is a book on Napoleon Hill’s spiritual awakening and how each of us can learn from his encounter with the Devil, who “have dominated earthbound creatures through fear and ignorance”.
In this imaginary interview, the Devil confessed:
“I use the minds of people in all walks of life. As a matter of fact, I prefer the type of person who makes no pretense of thinking; I can manipulate that sort of person without difficulty. I could not control 98 percent of the people of the world if all people were skilled in thinking for themselves.”
Outwitting the Duck is the best decision you can take. If you’ve ever seen a picture of me, you might wonder why I have a duck on my head. For me the duck represents a part of me that is a bit devilish and lazy, a combination of fear and ignorance. The voice telling me” I don’t want you to change, I don’t want you to live a great life. I don’t want you to think for yourself. I want you to drift away, just exist like everyone else. I want you to give in to the temptation of being overwhelmed, exhausted, too tired to think for yourself, consuming what others are telling you.
To streamline your drifting into driving, taking control of who you become, here are a few steps you can take to design your life, remove that voice in your head, “the duck”, the part of you that wants you to stay in the past:
- The first thing to do is to recognize that you can play a bigger game and you go from living a life by chance into living an extraordinary life by design.
- Become aware that ultimately you have the power to make choices, you have the ability to make changes in your daily habits. How much time do you spend just consuming information, consuming things that you don’t need to consume? We all have the opportunity to do more, to be more and to make a difference. We all have the potential to close that gap – the gap between where we are and where we want to be.
- Get into the habit of thinking for yourself. Realize just how important it is to change the narrative when you talk with yourself.
- Learn who not to do. Be inspired by my podcast where I interviewed very successful people as well as those who have failed. ”men and women who come to the closing chapter of life disappointed because they did not attain the goal which they had set their hearts upon achieving.” As confusing as it may be, you have the chance to learn more about how to succeed from the failures than you will from the so-called successes. “They will teach you what not to do.”
I am here to share with you my own philosophy of success by OUTWITTING THE DUCK.
Like Napoleon Hill, I learned from the good, the bad and the ugly, from every experience when “the world around me was in the midst of abject failure, and men’s minds were filled with the fear of poverty.”
Remember: nobody can control your mind without your permission.
Imagine what is possible when 98 percent of the people of the world will start thinking for themselves…Imagine!