The resident Life Coach on ITV’s GMTV for 12 years, Pete Cohen is the Napoleon Hill of 21st Century. Pete coaches business leaders, executives, corporate teams and sporting stars to achieve their best. He excels at getting people to think outside the box, believe in themselves and get motivated to take positive actions. He is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world in multiple languages, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Fear Busting, Life DIY and Sort Your Life Out and his most recent publication, Inspirators – Leading The Way In Leadership.Pete has coached, mentored and worked with corporations and also has coached numerous world- class sporting stars and teams reach their peak performance, including Sally Gunnell, Ellen MacArthur, Roger Black, the Kent Cricket Team and the Arsenal Football team. Pete undertook a one on one programme with World Snooker Champion Ronnie O’Sullivan helping him to win his second World title.

Finding Your Future Self- How to Conquer New Year’s Resolutions in 2022
Finding Your Future Self is about exploring your ability to control your future, your destiny. What do you think is possible when setting goals, making New Year’s Resolutions? Nothing! In this article, I will share how to conquer your goal…

Outwitting The Duck- How to Overcome Drifting
Outwitting the Duck is the best decision you can take. If you’ve ever seen a picture of me, you might wonder why I have a duck on my head. For me the duck represents a part of me that is…