Is Your Child Behaviour Revealing What Type of Parent You Are?

The type of parenting a child experiences can significantly impact their development and behavior.

If you have children, you know that parenting is a massive puzzle. Understanding the complexity and dynamics of parenthood comes down to deciphering every tantrum, every triumph and finding the courage to take the next step into your child’s world.

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.

The Prophet- Kahlil Gibran

The significance of parenting extends beyond the family unit, impacting societies and cultures on a global scale. Exploring the nature of parenting and the different parenting styles that define us as caregivers, mentors and guardians of the next generation, requires constant self-reflection. The type of parenting a child experiences can significantly impact their development and behavior.

two person step on gray soil

What are the effects of each parenting style on children?

Numerous cross-cultural studies from around the world consistently affirm that children raised by authoritative parents exhibit higher levels of empathy, kindness, and conscientiousness. They tend to excel as problem-solvers, exude confidence and enjoy greater popularity among both their peers and adults. Such children tend to transition into adulthood as more content, productive, and healthier individuals.

The majority of parents do not neatly conform to a single parenting style but rather incorporate a blend of styles or adapt their approach as their children mature. Recognizing the significance of parenting styles and the numerous advantages associated with the authoritative style can motivate you to lean towards adopting a new approach in your parenting journey.

girl wearing pink camisole on brown plant during daytime

How does your parenting style impact your child’s development and behaviour?

  1. The Struggling Parent:
    • Impact on Child Development: Children of struggling parents may become resilient and self-reliant due to the challenges they face. They often learn to adapt and may develop a strong work ethic.
    • Impact on Behavior: These children might display maturity beyond their years and may become more self-sufficient. However, they could also struggle with feelings of neglect or anxiety due to their parents’ limited availability.
  2. The Physically Present But Emotionally Absent Parent:
    • Impact on Child Development: Children in this situation might learn to value independence and self-sufficiency. However, they could struggle with forming deep emotional connections and may face challenges in expressing their own emotions.
    • Impact on Behavior: Such children may become self-reliant but could also struggle with intimacy in relationships. They might exhibit behavior like emotional detachment or difficulty in recognizing and managing their own emotions.
  3. The Achievement-Oriented (AP) Parent:
    • Impact on Child Development: Children of AP parents may excel in the areas their parents prioritize. They often acquire a strong work ethic and a drive to achieve success.
    • Impact on Behavior: These children might exhibit high levels of motivation and ambition. However, they may also experience stress, anxiety, or a sense of pressure to meet their parents’ expectations. Their behavior might reflect a strong focus on external success rather than personal fulfillment.

It’s important to recognize that the impact of parenting styles can vary from child to child. Some children may thrive in these environments, while others may struggle. A balanced approach, emphasizing emotional support, autonomy, and a nurturing environment, tends to lead to the most positive outcomes for children.

Parenting styles can set the foundation for a child’s social, emotional and cognitive development. They play a crucial role in shaping a child’s self-esteem, interpersonal relationships and overall behavior. It’s essential for parents to be aware of their parenting style and strive to find a healthy balance that meets their child’s emotional needs while supporting their growth and success.

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Wellbeing Editor
Wellbeing Editor
Articles: 71

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