Sharing Your Story Changes Your Story- How to Re-imagine Your Future in 3 Easy Steps

There was a time, not so long ago, when you labelled yourself but if you take a good look at yourself today, you no longer want what you once wanted. You don’t do things the same way you once did. Who are you today? And even better, who do you want to become?
Recognising you changed from your old self, accepting that you’ve grown from your former self into who once was your future self, helps you make the distinction between your current and former selves. It becomes clear that it is really possible to view your future self as a different person, a better version of yourself. How do you distinguish from other people, who just like you, understand there are infinite possibilities awaiting?
How to start writing your Book
Is it possible that others could SEE you better? Understand you better? Celebrate you and your short-term growth by reading your story? What if total strangers would have access to your new found freedom of communicating your message,your wisdom? What if more people would relate to your story? What if you become known? What if you are not the best kept secret anymore? Could you really attract more of what you want in life?
The truth is that you are not the same person you were ten years ago, or even last year. Publishing your story can change your self perception. Sharing your story, changes your story. Imagine what is possible when the whole world can read about your future self and inspire others to change their own story. Start with the end in mind.

3 easy steps to publish your book
The first step is deciding on your book title. Make it short, exciting, evocative, misterious. You could be more adventurous and creat a compelling wordplay.
A good Book title is memorable and authentic.
Create Your Book Cover
Most people do judge a book by it’s book cover. Before dwelving into the twists and turns of a few hundred pages, readers will test your narrative at glance- your book cover. Make sure you show the right colours of the story without giving it all away…
A good book cover can convey complex ideas and pique readers’ interests.
Structuring your book content is like designing a house. Windows must face the sun.
Incorporating only certain topics in your content can help the book reach its rightful audience. Do you know the language they speak? Less is more- make sure to use your book chapters in moderation to highlight your own, unique perspective. Decide the literary genre and the demographic first.
Books are now a must for growth in any industry, giving you an unfair advantage in the market place. You can position yourself at the top of your game,, while providing valuable information to the readers and establishing authority in your niche market. A great lead magnet, you can use your book as your business card and acquire new clients. Remember, we all live in the cloud now and we have all the necessary skills required to offer the reader the chance to transform their own life, making sure your book will make an impact by the time they finish it.
Time to learn where your North Star is…