Category Inspiration
A Close Up to Self-Expression and its Influence on Mental Health: “Write Dis Way” with Author Anthony L. Kelly
Every time you let go of something that doesn’t serves your purpose, you make room for something more powerful. Are you thinking of leaving negativity behind? Self-expression is known for its powers. Every day there are more than 5,500 new…
Finding the Shores of Courage through the Social Media Stormy Waters with Remi Dayo-Omole
Sandra Valks: Beyond Boundaries- Learning to Trust Your Inner Voice
We’ve all heard the old myth of the frog that is dropped into boiling water – jumping out very quickly! OUCH! And how the frog in the normal water, heated gradually, will become unconscious and eventually meet its death. Turns…
Dr Nguyen Thi Thu Huong: The Power of Rewriting Your Story and Re-imagining Your Life
Celebrating 500th Consecutive Episode of Be You – Rich Daily Inspiration
As we set sail towards the next 500 episodes of Be You – Rich Daily Inspiration, at our Book Club, let us celebrate this harbour of inspiration, designed to remind us that we are the architects of our own destiny,…
Sandra Valks: Unapologetic From Great Depression to Great Expression
Stretching across continents and impacting millions of lives, the Great Depression shifted humanity into a new era of reflection and re-evaluation. It forced governments, economists, and policymakers to confront the shortcomings of existing economic systems and re-examine long-held beliefs. The…
Michelle Jewsbury: Harnessing The Power to Overcome Past Trauma and Take Back Your Life
Behind closed doors, pain and trauma are often buried deep within the heart, but these silent battles unfold, affecting millions across the globe. Statistics unveil the harrowing reality that an estimated 61% of adults in the United States have experienced…