What is the song in your heart?- Tap into a mindset shift for unapologetic happiness

Have you ever taken the time to truly consider what makes your heart sing? It’s a difficult question to answer, isn’t it? For many of us it is easier to go about our lives on autopilot, not stopping to think about what truly brings us joy and happiness. We get caught up in the expectations of society, thinking you need to work hard for what makes you happy and we let self-doubt and fear hold us back from pursuing the very things that truly make us happy.

Are you feeling dissatisfied with your life? There is a song in your heart that makes you the best kept secret: unseen, unheard, not-you. I was talking with a dear friend of mine who had no choice but to end a very successful carrier in television, long before retirement to focus on their health. I retired early and I understand that when that happens is a blessing, an upgrade from the universe, giving you the freedom to finally sing the song you hold in your heart.

I am going to ask you the same question I asked myself more than a decade ago: For how long do you want to feel like an empty bottle, floating aimlessly in the vastness of the ocean? You might feel lost and insignificant, unsure of your place in the world, but inside you there’s a message waiting to be discovered.

Just like the message inside the bottle, you have a purpose and a unique perspective to share with the world. But in order to uncover it, you must first allow yourself to be carried by the currents of what makes you that you are good enough. What is the song in your heart?

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of tapping into the song in your heart and how a mindset shift and self-awareness can open the door to a life of happiness and purpose. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can tap into the song in your heart and allow happiness to flow into your life.

What is the song in your heart that brings you happiness?

What is the song in your heart and how to find it?

Everyone wants to be happy and works hard for it. I will come back on the ‘work hard’ aspect in a moment, but happiness is not something that can be achieved by simply accumulating material possessions or achieving a certain level of success. It is a state of mind that requires a shift in perspective and a change in the way we think. One way to tap into this mindset shift is by finding the song in your heart.

Self-awareness is key to unlocking the answer to this question. It requires a level of honesty and vulnerability that can be uncomfortable at first, but it’s essential if we want to live a fulfilling life. It’s about acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses, our likes and dislikes, and our hopes and fears. When we are self-aware, we can recognize the things that make us feel alive and energized, and the things that drain us and make us feel unhappy.

Self-doubt often creeps in when we start to consider what makes our heart sing. We worry about what others will think, whether we’re good enough, or if we’ll fail. We look for evidence of how our mind works, and often we find that it’s easier to choose the things that make us feel bad about ourselves instead of what makes us feel good. We choose the path of least resistance because it’s comfortable and safe, even if it doesn’t bring us joy.

But the truth is, we owe it to ourselves to pursue the things that make our hearts sing. It’s not selfish to prioritize our own happiness. When we do what brings us joy, we are more energized, creative, and productive. We become better partners, parents, friends, and colleagues because we are fulfilled and content.

So, take the time to reflect on what makes your heart sing. Is it painting, writing, hiking, or spending time with loved ones? Whatever it is, don’t let self-doubt or fear hold you back. Embrace it and make it a priority in your life. Don’t you deserve joy and happiness? The truth is that only you can make that happen.

The song in your heart is what brings you the most joy and happiness. It is the thing that makes you feel most alive and fulfilled. For some, it may be music or art, while for others, it may be cooking, writing, spending time with loved ones or journaling to understand their own thoughts and get to know themselves better.

Finding the song in your heart, is about removing old beliefs that don’t serve your purpose and allowing introspection and self-reflection to guide you instead. Ask yourself, ” What brings me the most joy? What makes me feel most alive and happy? What feels easy me? When do I say YES! with no hesitation?” Once you have identified the thing that brings you the most joy, you know what the song in your heart is.

How does finding the song in your heart lead to happiness?

Choosing to do the one thing that makes your heart sing can be a powerful experience. When you focus on something that is easy and enjoyable for you, it’s like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. You feel a sense of flow and ease, and time seems to fly by. You are fully present in the moment, and everything else fades away. When you truly love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work. You experience a sense of effortless flow and ease, and time seems to pass by quickly. You become fully present in the moment, and everything else fades away.

As someone who was socially conditioned to work really hard all my life, I challenge the belief that you need to work hard to be happy. For instance, yesterday, we celebrated the 400th episode of our morning show, BE YOU. During the celebration, somebody came up with the idea to create the next 400 episodes, which may seem a bit crazy, as we had planned to simply enjoy the day without any work. However, it was so easy that it didn’t feel like work at all. My son, who is the Head of PR, suggested adding six titles for each day. We had so much fun brainstorming with the team, and in no time, we co-created a fabulous collection of 2400 articles to be published in the next 400 days. This experience perfectly embodies the joy that come from doing what you love.

It’s important to recognize that our society often conditions us to believe that a good thing requires hard work and sacrifice. We are told that success and fulfilment only come to those who work tirelessly and push themselves to the limit. This mindset can create a sense of guilt or shame when we choose to do something that comes easy to us, or that brings us joy without requiring intense effort.

It’s important to challenge this conditioning and recognize that it’s possible to find joy and fulfilment in things that are easy for us. We don’t have to constantly struggle and strive to be happy. In fact, when we prioritise the things that come easy to us, we often find that we are more productive, creative, and fulfilled.

When we focus on what makes our hearts sing, we are also more likely to experience a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives. We feel like we are doing something that matters to us, and that can have a positive ripple effect on other areas of our lives. We become more confident and self-assured, which can translate into better relationships, career success, and personal growth.

In today’s society, we’re often conditioned to believe that we need to work hard and strive for success in order to feel good about ourselves. We’re bombarded with messages that tell us we’re not good enough, smart enough, or successful enough. And it’s no wonder that so many of us struggle with self-doubt and low self-esteem.

But what if we told you that choosing what makes you feel good and what makes your heart sing could actually open up new possibilities for joy and happiness? What if we told you that there’s scientific evidence to support this?

According to a study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, individuals who focused on their personal strengths and positive qualities experienced higher levels of well-being and lower levels of depression and anxiety. Another study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies found that individuals who engaged in activities that brought them pleasure and enjoyment reported higher levels of life satisfaction.

It’s clear that choosing what makes us feel good and what makes our hearts sing can have a positive impact on our mental health and overall well-being. By shifting our mindset towards self-awareness and choosing to focus on what brings us joy and happiness, we open ourselves up to a world of new possibilities and experiences.

So, what makes your heart sing? It’s time to start asking yourself this question and making a conscious effort to choose activities and experiences that bring you joy. By doing so, you’ll be taking a crucial step towards a happier and more fulfilling life.

Make a habit to prioritise the things that come easy to you. Recognize that joy and fulfilment can be found in many different ways, and that success and happiness don’t always have to be hard-won. By focusing on what makes your heart sing, you can unlock a world of possibility and potential, and live a life that is truly fulfilling and meaningful.

When we prioritize the thing that brings us the most joy, we start to experience a shift in our mindset. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of our lives, we start to focus on the positive. We become more grateful for what we have and start to see the beauty in the world around us. This shift in perspective leads to an increase in happiness and a decrease in stress and anxiety.

What is the song in your heart that brings you happiness?

Listening to the song in your heart to increase happiness and reduce stress and anxiety

In today’s society, we’re often conditioned to believe that we need to work hard and strive for success in order to feel good about ourselves. We’re bombarded with messages that tell us we’re not good enough, smart enough, or successful enough. And it’s no wonder that so many of us struggle with self-doubt and low self-esteem.

But what if we told you that choosing what makes you feel good and what makes your heart sing could actually open up new possibilities for joy and happiness? What if we told you that there’s scientific evidence to support this?

According to a study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, individuals who focused on their personal strengths and positive qualities experienced higher levels of well-being and lower levels of depression and anxiety. Another study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies found that individuals who engaged in activities that brought them pleasure and enjoyment reported higher levels of life satisfaction.

It’s clear that choosing what makes us feel good and what makes our hearts sing can have a positive impact on our mental health and overall well-being. By shifting our mindset towards self-awareness and choosing to focus on what brings us joy and happiness, we open ourselves up to a world of new possibilities and experiences.

So, what makes your heart sing? It’s time to start asking yourself this question and making a conscious effort to choose activities and experiences that bring you joy. Finding you sweet spot is a crucial step towards true happiness and has numerous benefits, including:

When we focus on the thing that brings us the most joy, we experience a shift in perspective that leads to an increase in happiness.

When we prioritize the song in our heart, we are more likely to engage in activities that help us relax and unwind. This, in turn, leads to a reduction in stress and anxiety.

Have you noticed that when you engage in activities that bring you joy, you are more likely to be creative and innovative? This can have a positive impact on various aspects of your life, including your work and personal relationships. Listening to the song in our heart, residing in that sweet spot can also have a positive impact on your physical health. Have you noticed how good it feels not only in your emotional being but your physical body?

Finding the song in your heart is not just about pursuing your passions or hobbies. It is about prioritizing the thing that brings you the most joy and happiness in life. #You experience a shift in perspective that leads to an increase in happiness, reduced stress and anxiety, increased creativity, and improved health.

a plant with drops of water on it

Listening to the song in your heart-a state of flow

The song in your heart is like a tuning fork, resonating with the highest frequency of joy and happiness. When you focus on what makes you feel good, it’s like striking that tuning fork and setting in motion a powerful vibration that attracts more positive happenings into your life.

Just like a tuning fork, the song in your heart creates a pure and clear tone that reverberates throughout your entire being. It sets the stage for the highest frequency of good vibes, creating a magnetic field of positivity that draws more good things towards you.

As you align with the song in your heart and focus on what makes you feel good, you send out a signal to the universe that you are open and receptive to all the wonderful possibilities that life has to offer. This vibration of joy and happiness sets in motion a powerful energetic force that attracts more positive experiences and opportunities.

Let the song in your heart guide you towards what makes you feel good. Trust in the power of positive vibrations and know that when you focus on the highest frequency of joy and happiness, you are setting in motion a powerful force that will attract more positivity into your life.

As you float, you may encounter storms and rough waters, but know that they are merely part of the journey. They may even help to shape and refine your message, making it stronger and more impactful.

Eventually, you will be guided to your destination, where you will finally be able to share your message with the world. And as you do, you will realize that the journey was just as important as the destination, for it allowed you to discover the true value of your message and the depth of your own strength and resilience.

Let yourself float, be guided by what comes easy for you, and trust that your song will be heard, once you start singing. For even an empty bottle can carry a powerful message that can change the world.

That inner voice that makes you feel joy and happiness. It’s that feeling you get when you’re doing something you love, and time seems to fly by. Unfortunately, many of us have lost touch with that inner voice due to societal conditioning and the pressures of daily life.

yellow bird on Sakura tree

A mindset shift for unapologetic happiness

Do you find yourself going through the motions day in and day out, without any real sense of purpose or joy? If so, it’s time to tap into the song in your heart. The good news is that you can reconnect with the song in our heart and allow happiness to flow into your life by making a simple mindset shift. Choosing to focus on what makes you feel that you are good enough and what makes your heart sing, you can create a life that’s filled with joy and unapologetic happiness.

Our default mindset can often be a negative one, focusing on what we don’t have or what’s wrong in our lives. It’s easy to get caught up in this way of thinking, and to choose activities that may not make us feel good in the long run, just because they’re familiar or comfortable.

But the truth is, we have the power to choose our thoughts and focus on what makes us feel good. We can shift our mindset from one of lack to one of abundance, from one of negativity to one of positivity.

When we choose to focus on what doesn’t make us feel good, we are actually reinforcing negative thought patterns in our minds. We’re sending a signal to our brains that these thoughts and feelings are what we want more of, and that we’re not interested in feeling good or experiencing joy.

On the other hand, when we consciously choose to focus on what makes us feel good, we’re sending a signal to our brains that this is what we want more of. We’re creating new neural pathways and thought patterns that reinforce positivity and joy in our lives.

The power of our thoughts cannot be underestimated. Our thoughts have a direct impact on our emotions, and our emotions shape our experiences in the world. When we focus on what makes us feel good, we’re creating a positive feedback loop that leads to more joy and happiness in our lives.

So, the next time you find yourself defaulting to negative thoughts or choosing activities that don’t make you feel good, take a moment to pause and shift your focus. Choose to focus on what brings you joy and happiness, and watch as your thoughts and experiences begin to align with that positive energy. Remember, you have the power to choose your thoughts and shape your experiences in the world.

The song in your heart is like a lighthouse, guiding you towards the shore of joy and happiness. When you focus on what makes you feel good, it’s like the beacon of that lighthouse shining brightly and leading you towards a safe harbor.

Just like a lighthouse helps sailors navigate through rough waters, the song in your heart can help you navigate through the ups and downs of life. It illuminates the path towards what brings you joy and happiness, and helps you avoid the rocks and obstacles that can hinder your journey.

As you align with the song in your heart and focus on what makes you feel good, you send out a signal to the universe that you are ready and willing to receive all the blessings that life has in store for you. This positive energy sets in motion a powerful force that attracts more positivity into your life, just like the lighthouse beacon guiding ships safely towards the shore.

So, let the song in your heart be your guiding light. Trust in its power to lead you towards joy and happiness, and know that when you focus on what makes you feel good, you are setting in motion a powerful force that will attract more positivity and abundance into your life.

I received this song from my beautiful friend who inspired me to write this article today and listening made it all very, very easy…Thank you Antonella


  1. What if I don’t know what the song in my heart is?

It’s okay if you don’t know what the song in your heart is yet. Take some time for introspection and self-reflection. Try new things and see what brings you the most joy.

  1. What if the song in my heart is not something I can pursue full-time?

That’s okay. You can still prioritize the thing that brings you the most joy in your life. Make time for it and incorporate it into your daily routine.

  1. Can prioritizing the song in my heart really lead to increased happiness?

Yes. When we focus on the positive aspects of our lives, we experience a shift in perspective that leads to an increase in happiness.

Dr Marina Nani
Dr Marina Nani

Editor-in-Chief of Rich Woman Magazine, founder of Sovereign Magazine, author of many books, Dr Marina Nani is a social edification scientist coining a new industry, Social Edification.
Passionately advocating to celebrate your human potential, she is well known for her trademark "Be Seen- Be Heard- Be You" running red carpet events and advanced courses like Blog Genius®, Book Genius®, Podcast Genius®, the cornerstones of her teaching.
The constant practitioner of good news, she founded MAKE THE NEWS
( MTN) with the aim to diagnose and close the achievement gap globally.
Founder of many publications, British Brands with global reach Marina believes that there is a genius ( Stardust) in each individual, regardless of past and present circumstances.
"Not recognising your talent leaves society at loss. Sharing the good news makes a significant difference in your perception about yourself, your industry and your community."

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