5 Steps to Blossom Your Sensitive Soul in The Modern World

What are the steps a sensitive soul could take to blossom in the Modern World? Sensitive people are known for streaming positive thinking, good vibes and tend to feel deeply moved by the beauty they see around them. Our society would be even more out of balance than it already is without highly sensitive people. They acount for 20% of the population and are highly creative and brilliant. Great artists, scientists, creators, social reformers, are all sensitive souls who developed their authentic thinking and fine-tuned their nervous systems, to outstand challenges they faced along the way.
Albert Einstein, Greta Garbo, Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Judy Garland, Nicole Kidman and Martin Luther King Jr are just the beginning of a very long list of Sensitive Souls who changed the world.
“The biggest secret to achieving happiness and health is to keep your body and your mind in harmony.”
Jim Hallowes
In this article, Yvonne J. Douglas takes a new approach to the epidemic of issues Sensitive Souls are facing by identifing the route cause first and showing how sensitive souls can blossom when embracing their authentic self.

Many of us have suffered and continue to suffer from the challenges of high stress, anxiety, sensory overload, and mental health. Unfortunatelly, sensitivity is often seen as a sign of weakness in our culture, especially when a sensitive person experiences too much stress. We can easily feel overwhelmed by too much sensory input, doing too much and ignoring our limits or just by being surrounded by too many people.
Addiction, mental breakdowns, depression, anxiety, bipolar are just a few of what we witness in our society at present. Then we have the physical ailments that are known as psychosomatic illness which are the last manifestation of issues not resolved on a psychological, emotional and spiritual level.
How to Manage Your Emotions to stream your Sensitive Soul
Have you seen people holding back their tears? Have you been apologising for crying?
As a child I was teased for being what others’ thought was “too sensitive”, as a result I supressed my true feelings and judged myself, thinking that there was something wrong with me for feeling things so intensely. This led to food addiction which cushioned me and somehow assisted me in managing my emotions. However, I was not really managing them properly, how could I have, if the food was cushioning the full intensity of my emotions?
Many others use alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, over-thinking, work and even more to supress their emotions, all of which are very harmful to the individual.
I overhear people being reprimanded for being too sensitive. I see people ruin their lives through addiction because they struggle to own their feelings. I’ve witnessed children being shut down because their parents can’t handle their own emotions much less nurture their child’s emotions. There are so many people rejecting their emotions and not able to manage them because of the above. So many sensitive souls not being their authentic self because of the messages they have received from others.
How to blossom Your Sensitive Soul in 5 steps in the Modern World
If, like me, you are ones of these sensitive souls, keep reading… I have had a challenging journey navigating in this world. It frustrates me to witness how sensitive souls are treated and makes me very sad to see how they then end up in active addiction, trying to fit in other people’s expectations, denying their authentic selves, carrying huge amounts of shame, supressing their emotions at all costs.
Sensitive souls were created in a profound way; it is their natural genetic make-up. It is time that you as a sensitive soul start to embrace your sensitive nature and not allow anyone to make you feel guilty about your beautiful sensitive soul. This is a healing process and it is well worth spending the time to do this.
Step One: Your sensitivity is a great advantage! Start with becoming aware you have the right, and moral duty, to embrace your authentic self. Don’t let others tell you things like: “you’re too sensitive”. If people in your life cannot handle your sensitive nature that’s their story, not yours.
Step Two: Tell those who do have an issue, to mind their own business and stop questioning the creation of such a beautiful soul. My advice to non-sensitive souls is to stop making sensitive souls feel as if there is something wrong with them, to respect the difference and just accept that we are not all created in the same way.
Step Three: Embrace your Emotions. When you start to embrace your sensitive nature you will realise that you are wonderfully made and that there is much power in your emotions. Once you embrace them you will then be able to manage them. At first it may seem overwhelming and rightly so, because for years you have blocked the freedom to express your emotions. It is a process and you will get to the point where your emotions can be well managed instead of them controlling you and you then having emotional outbursts.
Step Four: Build up your emotional intelligence and this in turn will build your confidence within yourself, you will learn to trust yourself more, especially your intuition. It is time to stop judging yourself for being emotional, time to be comfortable with who you are and stand up as a sensitive soul who has as much right to be here and has the right to express your emotions without fear of judgement or criticism.
Step Five: Allow your sensitivity to be your SUPER POWER. The world needs you to be authentic in order that more harmony and balance takes hold on this planet. It’s ascension time and with it comes changes for the greater good of humanity.

About the Author
Yvonne J. Douglas is passionate about unleashing your superpower and at present she is working on The Sensitive Soul Revolution, divine masculine as well as the divine feminine are welcome. Please feel free to connect with her and become part of her tribe. Please share her article with a sensitive soul who needs to hear this message.