How Not Going With The Flow Helped Jennifer Nicole Lee Design Her Life On Her Own Terms

We have 80,000-90,000 thoughts per day, and all of them are subconscious! So no wonder we sometimes self sabotage our success. So we must look deep at our Belief Systems to see what is hurting us or helping us.

“I was once afraid of people saying, “Who does she think she is?” Now I have the courage to stand and say, “This is who I am.”-Oprah Winfrey

Once an overweight mom, Jennifer Nicole Lee is the ultimate Fitness Model, weight loss success turn around story. She took control of her life, shedding over 80 lbs, leading her to become a best selling author of over 15 wellness books, inspiring millions of women who dream to live life on their own terms.

The Cover Girl for over 93 magazines, Jennifer appeared in numerous globally broadcast infomercials with her signature products including the Ab Circle Pro, Mini Circle, and Chest Magic, and on top shopping networks, such as QVC and The Home Shopping Network.

Coined as the “Steve Jobs of the fitness industry” Ms Lee is an international celebrity and branched our her empire with the mindset to pay it forward. A true philanthropist, she is contributing to many different organizations and endeavors to empower every woman across the globe, constantly harnessing her limitless desire to help other moms to have the life they so richly deserve. In this interview Jennifer is sharing eight “instead” steps while not going with the flow and how to create an unconscious anticipation of joy, happiness and feeling so blessed during lockdown, while in self isolation.

We have 80,000-90,000 thoughts per day, and all of them are subconscious! So no wonder we sometimes self sabotage our success. So we must look deep at our Belief Systems to see what is hurting us or helping us.
Not going with the flow, Jennifer Nicole Lee set new standards for women’s lifestyle

Jennifer, your books on wellness, transformation, fitness, health and food sold worldwide, and you are building your empire with the desire to pay it forward, what drives you?

It’s plain and simple. Very Important People have Very Important Programming and Very Important Programs they stick to.

Like every woman who dreams to win in all areas of life, before becoming successful, focused and disciplined, my “program” for life was just to get by, I was “going with the flow” to survive, accepting whatever life handed my way.

As I started my personal self help journey, I soon realized that I too had to “Re-Program” myself. I had to replace my old, archaic, out dated habits with new ones that actually served me. Here are the eight ” instead” steps I take myself:

  1. Instead of sleeping in- I wake up early ever day at the same time.
  2. Instead of going to be late- I go to bed early every day the same time.
  3. Instead of worrying- I become a warrior
  4. Instead of going with the flow- I start to create and design the life that I want to live.
  5. Instead of crying victim- I choose to be victorious
  6. Instead of being focused on the problem- I create solutions to my problems
  7. Instead of trying to fix everyone’s problems- I let go and let God
  8. Instead of swapping out looking frazzled and flustered- I make sure that I put myself together, polished and poised! 

You see, just like a computer, we are all wired or programed a certain way, either for success or to be unsuccessful. To be fearful, or full of faith. To be full of confusion, or have clarity.

You mentioned about being wired and re-programming ourselves to master our lives. Let’s dig deeper. What does it take to change your lifestyle, live your life on your own terms?

We all function from our subconscious mind. We have 80,000-90,000 thoughts per day, and all of them are subconscious! So no wonder we sometimes self sabotage our success. So we must look deep at our Beliefs Systems to see what is hurting us or helping us.

You have to stop believing in limited thoughts, and to crush your Limiting Beliefs System! So you are ready to kick butt in all areas of your life. But guess what, your mind, your belief systems and your subconscious thoughts can absolutely stop you from the success that you absolutely want. If you are looking for pain in your life, you will find it. If you are looking for happiness in your life, you will find it. It’s a powerful Universal rule! Whatever you are seeking, is also then silently seeking you! 

So when you are re-programming yourself and creating new ways to live your life on your own terms, you wake up looking for success, seeking happiness, requesting abundance, joy, healthy and love in your life-and everything you seek it will show up!

You designed your life on your own terms and now you are the Queen of Wellness. What is your secret? How to you keep your energy so high throughout the day? Do you have daily routines?

I don’t know about having a secret, as I share my morning rituals all the time. Anyone could start a good day by wining the MORNING! If you pray, start with a prayer. Express your gratitude as often as you can and if you run out of inspiration, google for
a positive message on a video, or search for a Morning Mindfulness Meditation. 

If you are going to have lasting results, you have to do daily rituals. You don’t take one bath, or shower once and your are clean for the rest of your life. You don’t go to the gym once and expect to be in shape for the rest of your life. You don’t go to church once to have an amazing relationship with your higher power. Get the point? So you need to do daily rituals, daily habits  in order to have long term success.

For example: how many of you learned a language in college? But you can’t even say a few sentences! So you got to learn and grow through immersion! This is where events come into play! So in order to use all of your VIP POWER you have to get to an event, a wellness retreat, a fitness weekend, a seminar, an online webinar to USE what you learned, through IMMERSION! So make sure you seek out the next VIP Seminar in your area, or online, or even get daily motivation online. 

Jennifer Nicole Lee is not going with the flow- she designs her life instead!

You are always feeling blessed, the question is how do you stay in that space? How do you create an unconscious anticipation of joy, happiness and feeling so blessed during lockdown, while in self isolation? What are your top tips for our readers?

It is very important to improve your mental and emotional state by starting your day off right!
It’s a daily discipline and you should never find an excuse to do it!
It takes 10-15 minutes, so you can do it every day.


You see, when you don’t have your expectations met, and you have been working so hard, and you get little to no results, you get bummed and feel down and angry. But if you switch this, and start to replace expectations, everything changes to your advantage. 


Use your brain, or it will start using YOU! Have you ever have your brain just run ragged? Well, we got to control it so it is a master to you, you are not a master to it.

Be your own best friend, not your own worst enemy- all starts with your brain, and how you use it for your greater good!


When you talk about, it’s a dream. When you visualize it, its cool & exciting. When you schedule it, its real! Commit to it! Put it on your calendar! Put it on your planner! 


Plan your successes in advance. When you crush a goal, you feel great! And then there is more, drop by drop. So you are up and down, up and down. But if you keep planning your big power moves, your goals, and keep them packed on your calendar, you will be effectively re- programming yourself to become the power house that you want to be! 

Don’t let opportunity escape your grasp.


Lets get real: You cant change anyone. You have to become the change you want to see in the world, and also what you want to see in others. Once you become that, you will attract others like you, and set the bar, raising the bar to new heights. 

We have 80,000-90,000 thoughts per day, and all of them are subconscious! So no wonder we sometimes self sabotage our success. So we must look deep at our Belief Systems to see what is hurting us or helping us.
To design her life, Jennifer decided that wearing a facemask during self isolation is a must!


If thoughts become things, and what visuals you allow into your mind manifests into reality, make sure you are “consuming” positive media that will help you become the VIP woman you want to be.

Stay away from negative news, soap operas, reality TV that evokes jealously and bad emotions because these forms of media will cause negativity in your mind, body, and spirit. 

Instead, replace negative media with positive videos, audio books, guided meditations, positive affirmations, music and movies. Feed your mind positive media every day! Rewire it, retrain it to see the good, expect the good, and believe that you can create your dream VIP life.

Keep the momentum going, making sure you do daily rituals of positive affirmations, guided meditations, praying, journal writing, and listening to positive audio books, seminars, and joining group coaching calls. I offer tons of supportive media in my Private coaching group that you can listen to when you are getting dressed in the morning, running errands, or working from home.

Why Not going with the flow helped Jennifer Nicole Lee design her life on her own terms
“Living life on your own terms requires discipline and healthy daily rituals” Jennifer Nicole Lee


Do you know someone that would always like to “stir-the-pot” and cause negative energy? Stay away from them! It’s a trap. I call them energy vampires. Delete them from your phone, and block them on social media. It’s time for you to clean house of non-VIP like women, so you can leave the rest to be your BEST! VIP Women know their value, their worth and only entertain other like-minded-women. 

The most important piece of advice you will ever hear is this : END ALL NEGATIVE SELF TALK

I had to finally put an end to negative self talk. From growing up being teased, bullied, and never fitting in, I suffered from always talking negative to myself. I was raised on food stamps, wore hand-me-downs, and ate free lunches. I never felt good enough. These early feelings of despair, lack, and not being “good enough” stayed with me for a long time. I had to TRAIN MYSELF to stop feeling bad about myself. 

How did I do this? I used what I call now the “VIP Positive Talk Method”. As soon as a negative thought pops into my mind about myself, I recognize it, and then completely flip it to be the exact opposite.

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?93rd Mag Cover is HERE! Happy last Fri-Yeah friends! We are truly are closing out 2019 on a high note, & kicking off 2020 with a BANG! Im so excited to announce I will be featured on the front cover of the number one British Luxury Lifestyle Magazine, Rich Woman ( for their January edition with a full length feature!!! ?This mag is too cool for school! RW Magazine is a London-based lifestyle magazine tailored specifically for Women. This publication guides Women to identify themselves with fashion, wealth, wellbeing, roam the world of famous brands, appreciate art, and understand their role in supporting local heritage and culture. My type of reading material! ??RW covers the finest aspects of luxury living that affluent women value the most, showcasing the very best top brands and stores have to offer and provides a fresh and in-depth look at the latest trends of luxury living. RW magazine includes all aspects of lifestyle trends, such as clothing, apparel, cosmetics, jewelry, antiques, art, fashion, furniture, home, travel, food and celebrity interviews, and a guide to the Royal Warrant shopping and dining experience in London. Im feeling a trip to London coming on soon! ?So thrilled and excited to be a part of this amazing publication! Head over to their website to pre-register for free access. But wait, theres always more with JNL: ??Cant Zip them UP? Join my SKINNY JEAN CHALLENGE DROPPING IN 2020! Kick start your fitness success your lean muscle mass with my JNL VIP Online Fitness program. 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣Mental & Emotional Toughness Coaching- Join my JNL VIP 2020 New Year, New You 4 Part Webinar Series starts January 6th! Sign up today at & the 1st 30 Days is only $1. ❓Q & A with JNL: New IG Live starting Jan 6th: Email & DM me your Fitness/Fat loss/Food Questions, & I will answer them LIVE on IG! First Q&A is scheduled 1/6 at 2:30 EST plus GIVEAWAY! ?VIP World Conference Jan 16-19th 2020~ Space limited-sign up at ?Both Kindle & paper back version of “Reclaim & Unleash Your VIP Power” book is avail now! Perfect gift for holidays & new year, new you! Xo JNL #richwoman #magazine #luxury #lifestyle

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Dr Marina Nani
Dr Marina Nani

Editor-in-Chief of Rich Woman Magazine, founder of Sovereign Magazine, author of many books, Dr Marina Nani is a social edification scientist coining a new industry, Social Edification.
Passionately advocating to celebrate your human potential, she is well known for her trademark "Be Seen- Be Heard- Be You" running red carpet events and advanced courses like Blog Genius®, Book Genius®, Podcast Genius®, the cornerstones of her teaching.
The constant practitioner of good news, she founded MAKE THE NEWS
( MTN) with the aim to diagnose and close the achievement gap globally.
Founder of many publications, British Brands with global reach Marina believes that there is a genius ( Stardust) in each individual, regardless of past and present circumstances.
"Not recognising your talent leaves society at loss. Sharing the good news makes a significant difference in your perception about yourself, your industry and your community."

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