Easy steps to spot lack of self-awareness and alleviate it

An essential trait that helps us understand ourselves, our thoughts and our emotions, self-awareness enables us to recognize our strengths and weaknesses but 85% of the population struggle to spot the lack of self-awareness. A difficult topic, lack of self-awareness can be detrimental to your wellbeing and lead to a host of problems, including poor decision-making, low emotional intelligence, and strained relationships.

This article will explore the most common blind spots in self-awareness and provide easy steps to overcome them. By understanding those blind spots better, you can recognize their influence in the future.

a woman standing in front of a tree

What are the signs of lack of self-awareness and how to spot them?

Maintaining constant self-awareness can be challenging due to the many cognitive biases that influence our decision-making process, leading to a lack of self-awareness. It is essential to recognize the signs of lacking self-awareness in order to take corrective action. If you are unfamiliar with terms such as “self-serving bias,” “negativity bias,” or the “spotlight effect,” you have come to the right place. Read on to gain a better understanding of these concepts and learn how to recognize signs of self-awareness in the future.

Reasons for a lack of self-awareness are numerous, despite its importance in being a kind, compassionate, and content person. Even intelligent individuals with impressive careers and degrees may lack self-awareness, while others who are not considered the smartest may possess great wisdom.

Our decision-making process is often negatively affected by cognitive biases, which have been extensively studied over the years. In situations where a rational and logical approach is apparent, these biases can prevent us from taking the correct course of action, making us appear foolish or unaware.

Lack of self-awareness can manifest in various ways. Here are some signs that you or someone you know may lack self-awareness: disregard feedback from others, whether it’s positive or negative, blame others for their mistakes or shortcomings, find it challenging to accept criticism, have difficulty understanding other people’s perspectives. People who lack self-awareness often have low emotional intelligence, making it challenging for them to empathize with others. They may not understand how their actions affect others, leading to strained relationships.

There are negative consequences for lack of self-awareness:

  • Relationship issues: People who lack self-awareness may struggle to communicate effectively, empathize with others, and resolve conflicts. This can lead to relationship problems, such as misunderstandings, resentment, and breakups.
  • Career setbacks: People who lack self-awareness may not recognize their strengths and weaknesses, which can lead to poor job performance, missed opportunities, and career stagnation.
  • Emotional distress: People who lack self-awareness may struggle to manage their emotions, leading to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

In this section, we will discuss how to recognize signs of lack of self-awareness in yourself and others. Here are just a few examples and practical tips for identifying lack of self-awareness, using both internal and external cues.

Internal cues refer to thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that suggest a lack of self-awareness. Some examples of internal cues include:

  • Difficulty accepting feedback: People who lack self-awareness may be defensive or dismissive when receiving feedback, rather than taking it as an opportunity for growth.
  • Lack of curiosity: People who lack self-awareness may not be interested in learning about themselves or others, and may not ask questions or seek feedback.
  • Blaming others: People who lack self-awareness may blame others for their problems or shortcomings, rather than taking responsibility for their own actions.

External cues refer to behaviors and interactions with others that suggest a lack of self-awareness. Some examples of external cues include:

Social-conditioning: a blind spot in your self-awareness

If you want to identify and overcome the blind spots of self-awareness, start by looking into two of the most common obstacle to self-awareness: social conditioning and limiting beliefs.

Social conditioning refers to the process of learning and internalising societal norms, beliefs, and values through various social institutions such as family, education, religion, media, and culture. This process shapes our perceptions of ourselves, others, and the world around us, often without us even realising it. While social conditioning can be beneficial in creating a cohesive society, it can also create a blind spot in our self-awareness.

Social conditioning starts at an early age and continues throughout our lives. Children learn social norms and expectations from their parents, caregivers, and peers. As we grow older, we continue to internalize societal values and beliefs through education, religion, and media. Social conditioning is so deeply ingrained that we often don’t recognize its influence on our thoughts and behaviors and can affect self-awareness in several ways, including our self-image, personal beliefs and values, bias and stereotyping.

Social conditioning can shape our perception of ourselves and create a distorted self-image. For example, societal beauty standards can lead individuals to believe that they are not attractive or good enough based on their physical appearance. This can affect their self-esteem and self-worth, leading to negative self-talk and self-sabotaging behaviours.

Social conditioning can also influence our personal beliefs and values. We often adopt the beliefs and values of our family, religion, and culture without questioning them. This can limit our perspective and prevent us from being open to new ideas and experiences.

Social conditioning can create biases and stereotypes that affect our perception of others. We often categorize people based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, and other characteristics, leading to prejudice and discrimination.

Social conditioning can create a blind spot that hinders your ability to fully understand yourself. By understanding the impact of social conditioning on your self-awareness, you can take steps to overcome this blind spot and develop a more accurate perception of who you are and the role you play in the world the world. Mindfulness, self-reflection, exposure to diversity, and challenging assumptions are all effective practices into your everyday day life, to develop a more open-minded and accepting perspective.

Limiting beliefs inducing lack of self-awareness

Limiting beliefs are deeply ingrained attitudes, perceptions, and assumptions that we hold about ourselves, others, and the world around us. These beliefs act as self-imposed limitations that can prevent us from reaching our full potential and achieving our goals.

Limiting beliefs are often formed in childhood, based on the messages we receive from our parents, teachers, and society. For example, if a child is repeatedly told that they are not smart or talented, they may internalize this message and develop a belief that they are not capable of success.

Limiting beliefs can also be created by past experiences, particularly negative ones. For example, if someone experiences a failure or rejection, they may develop a belief that they are not good enough or that they will always fail.

These beliefs can have a profound impact on our lives. They can lead to a lack of confidence, low self-esteem, and a fear of taking risks or trying new things. They can also lead to self-sabotage, where we unconsciously undermine our own efforts to avoid the possibility of failure. The good news is that limiting beliefs can be overcome. The first step is to identify them. This requires self-reflection and a willingness to be honest with ourselves about our fears and insecurities.

Once we have identified our limiting beliefs, we can challenge them by asking ourselves if they are really true. Often, we will find that these beliefs are based on faulty assumptions or outdated information. We can then replace these beliefs with more empowering ones that are grounded in reality.

For example, if someone believes that they are not good enough to start their own business, they can challenge this belief by looking for evidence to the contrary. They can research successful entrepreneurs who started with limited resources or seek out mentors who can provide guidance and support.

It is also important to surround ourselves with people who believe in us and our potential. This can include friends, family members, or colleagues who provide encouragement and support. It can also include seeking out professional help, such as a therapist or coach, who can provide guidance and tools for overcoming limiting beliefs.

green leafed plant

The third blind spot that impacts your lack of self-awareness

While here, let’s look at the bigger picture and explore some real examples of self-awareness blind spots in the media.

Lack of diversity in hiring practices:

One example of a self-awareness blind spot in the media is the lack of diversity in hiring practices. Many newsrooms and media companies fail to hire a diverse range of individuals, which can lead to biased reporting and narrow perspectives. In 2020, for instance, the New York Times faced criticism over its lack of diversity in the newsroom, with a staff that was overwhelmingly white and male.

Bias in reporting

Another example of a self-awareness blind spot in the media is the bias that can be present in reporting. Journalists may have their own personal biases that can seep into their reporting, leading to inaccurate or incomplete coverage. This was evident in the coverage of the 2016 US presidential election, with some news outlets being accused of biased reporting in favor of one candidate over another.

Lack of accountability

A third example of a self-awareness blind spot in the media is the lack of accountability for mistakes or errors in reporting. In some cases, news outlets may fail to correct false or misleading information, leading to further confusion or harm. The Washington Post, for example, faced criticism in 2020 for publishing a story that contained inaccuracies about a high-profile individual, but failed to issue a correction until days later.

Sensationalism Finally

News outlets may prioritize sensational or attention-grabbing stories over those that are more important or informative. This can lead to misinformation or a skewed perception of events. The coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic is a prime example, with some media outlets sensationalizing certain aspects of the crisis rather than focusing on accurate reporting and data analysis.

By being aware of these blind spots in the media, we can better navigate the information landscape and seek out trustworthy sources of information. Additionally, media companies can work to address these blind spots by diversifying their hiring practices, improving accountability, and prioritizing accurate reporting.

The media has a significant influence on our beliefs and behaviors, and it can also play a role in maintaining a lack of self-awareness. In today’s digital age, we are constantly bombarded with images, messages, and opinions from various media outlets, which can shape our worldview and reinforce certain biases and beliefs.

One way in which the media can contribute to a lack of self-awareness is through the portrayal of certain groups or individuals. For example, the media may perpetuate stereotypes or negative attitudes towards a particular race, gender, or sexual orientation, which can lead to individuals holding prejudiced views without even realizing it. This lack of self-awareness can be harmful not only to those who are affected by these biases but also to the individuals themselves, as it can hinder their ability to empathize and connect with others.

But the power of the media you consume doesn’t stop there. Media can maintain a constant bombardment of messages that reinforce certain beliefs or attitudes. For example, the media may promote a particular lifestyle or set of values as “normal” or “desirable,” which can lead consumers to conform to these expectations without questioning them. This lack of self-awareness can result in individuals living unfulfilling lives that do not align with their true values or desires.

Promoting a culture of superficiality and materialism, advertisements, celebrity gossip, and reality TV shows often focus on superficial aspects such as physical appearance, wealth, and status, which can lead individuals to prioritize these things over more meaningful aspects such as personal growth, relationships, and community involvement. This can result in a lack of self-awareness about what truly brings happiness and satisfaction in life.

The media can have a significant impact on our self-awareness, and it is important to be mindful of the messages and beliefs that we are exposed to on a daily basis. By questioning our own beliefs and values and seeking out diverse perspectives, we can cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness and empathy towards others.

what are the signs of self-awareness and how do you alleviate the lack of it?

Developing self-awareness requires a conscious effort and self-discipline. Self-awareness is important for your wellbeing, healthy relationships, and gives you the ability to understand your worth and the role you play in various areas of life. It allows us to understand your strengths and weaknesses, identify your values and beliefs, and make informed decisions. Recognizing and managing your emotions, communicating effectively, and empathizing with others are all impacted by self-awareness.

An article published by Better Up last year, shows what self-awareness is, why it is essential, and how to develop it. We will like to look into how to spot the signs of lack of self-awareness to help you become more self-aware and improve your overall well-being.

Developing self-awareness requires time, effort, and commitment. Here are some practical tips and tools to help you get started:

Mindfulness Meditation:

Practicing mindfulness meditation can help you cultivate self-awareness by developing your ability to observe and regulate your thoughts and emotions. Start by setting aside a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and observe your thoughts without judgment.


Keeping a journal can help you reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, leading to insights and self-discovery. Start by writing down your thoughts and emotions and reflecting on them regularly.


Seeking feedback from trusted friends, family, or colleagues can help you gain a different perspective and identify your blind spots and areas for improvement. Be open to constructive criticism and use it to grow and learn.


Taking personality assessments can provide valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and behavioral tendencies. Use the results to develop an action plan for personal and professional growth.

Self-awareness enables you to understand your emotions, motivations, and values, leading to better decision-making and more fulfilling relationships. Developing self-awareness requires time, effort, and commitment, but the benefits are well worth it. It is always a good idea to start looking at the spots of lack of self-awareness first.

Rich Woman Magazine
Rich Woman Magazine

Rich Woman Magazine is a premier publication catering to accomplished women in pursuit of positive lifestyle choices, harnessing positive thinking. With a steadfast mission to inspire women to unlock their fullest potential across all aspects of life, including wellbeing, relationships, career, finance, and health, our publication serves as a source of inspiration and guidance. We understand the power of insightful knowledge and its ability to transform lives. Our team of experts and guest contributors brings forth a wealth of science-backed insights, intentionality, and better lifestyle choices. From wellbeing, relationships, financial acumen, holistic health, self-awareness, carrier advancement to nurturing a growth mindset, each page offers an abundance of resources for women who dare to dream big.
With a focus on cutting-edge research and expert advice, our publication stands as a reliable source of inspiration, shedding light on the latest trends and strategies for living with purpose.
Whether you are seeking guidance in overcoming obstacles, advancing your carrier success or entrepreneurial spirit, or simply looking for practical tips to enhance your daily life, we are here to help you re-imagine your life and purpose.

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