The Science Behind Your Smile: How It Impacts the Brain and Mood?

Kelly Kingston: It’s Time to Unmute your Strength through Self-Empowerment

The Vicious Circle of Bullying in School: The Impact of Negative Cognitive Reappraisal on Your Child’s Wellbeing

Emotional Resonance: The Paradox of Letting Go so You Can Thrive

Ageing with Purpose: Tips and Hacks for Living Younger
Ageing is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn’t have to be synonymous with cognitive decline and stagnation. In fact, research shows that ageing with purpose can have profound positive effects on both our physical and mental well-being. This…

The Healing Power of Music: Women Musicians and Therapists Making a Difference

The Evolution of Female Friendships: From Childhood Bonds to Lifelong Sisterhood
Friendships are a vital aspect of our lives, offering support, companionship, and understanding. Among women, these relationships often evolve significantly across their lifespan, from the playful bonds of childhood to the deep and enduring sisterhood of adulthood. We invite you…

The Healing Power of Nature- a Retreat for the Modern Woman
Balancing a career, family, social commitments and expectations can leave even the strongest woman feeling overwhelmed and stressed. The healing power of nature offers solace and rejuvenation and nature retreats nurture the mind, body, and soul- a sanctuary for the…

Rediscovering Feminine Energy: The Power of Yin in a Yang-Dominated World
As I settled into my seat, the oolong tea teacup in my hands, I couldn’t help but notice the peaceful aura on Dr Chen’s serene demeanour. She had always been a source of joy to me, especially during my own…

Veronica King: Can a Positive Mindset Make You a Leader Worth Following?
Life often unfolds in unexpected ways and every female leader we interviewed in the last decade agreed that every single challenge they had to overcome was an opportunity to align themselves with their true purpose. In the midst of chaos…