Lucilda Stewart

Lucilda Stewart

The founder of Stewart Hill Walker UK Limited, Lucilda Stewart has a vision that born fruit. Her wines, Orchida Negra from Spain and Malbec from Argentina, have earned prestigious recognition, winning SILVER in the US Wine Ratings 2023. This achievement stands as a testament to Lucilda’s unyielding dedication and the dynamic team she has cultivated.
black round fruits on green grass field during daytime

Sip or Swirl? The Ultimate Wine Tasting Tips

In this article Lucilda Stewart wine maker with a passion for excellence and crafting award-winning labels, gives us the insights of wine testing like a pro. For Lucilda it all started with sipping and swirling. If you're a wine enthusiast keep reading!
What is your wine says about you?In Vino Veritas: The Power of a Shared Glass of Wine

In Vino Veritas: The Power of a Shared Glass of Wine

What your wine says about you? Lucilda Stewart 's debut article In Vino Veritas, explores the profound connections forged over a shared glass of wine. From bold reds to crisp whites, your choice reveals your personality, preferences, and readiness for adventure. Discover the unspoken language of wine and its power to unite souls.