The Benefits of Universal Energy Healing Post Operative Pain
Setbacks and illnesses have an impact on our Life Energy and Spirit to Live. Healer Douglas Ballard looks into the benefits of Universal Energy Healing Post Operative Pain.

Healing is effective in so many ways and works really well alongside conventional medicine. Recently, I healed a man in his sixties who had a knee replacement. The post-operative pain and recovery was one thing but his main complaint was feeling weak, nauseous, and depressed after three months of painkillers and anti-inflammatories. Some people are very sensitive to medication and do not tolerate drugs well.
Without doubt pharmacology is one of the wonders of our modern world and many of us would not even be alive without it. However, drugs can create some side-effects and when taken over a prolonged period some will find it hard to pull themselves back to “normal”.
After receiving Healing my client said that he noticed his energy was much restored. He felt calmer and able to move around more freely as his leg felt less inflamed and his stomach more settled. Whilst this is about a routine operation (though not insubstantial), I find some of my most effective work in this area is helping people manage cancer treatments. These can be extremely taxing with sometimes thirty or more treatments of radiotherapy and prolonged chemotherapy resulting in endless nausea, headaches and frailty.
This is a real challenge for the human spirit to endure. Healing treatments throughout these processes have been and are invaluable to many – just read the case studies on my website.
Universal Energy Healing, as I like to call it, is not a miracle and something unexplained. We all have the Energy of Life, when we are young we abound with it. As we grow older, our lives become complex and the pressures of modern life, particularly setbacks and illnesses, have an impact on our Life Energy and Spirit to Live. Healing channels that natural energy. For some it is too complicated a thought and really the best way to understand is by experience.
Healers have been around since the dawn of mankind. Of course, surgery and the pharmacology industry we know today evolved in more recent times! However, there are some forms of healing that require a different approach, like mental health, countering side-effects and accelerating post-operative recovery. I can help you towards healing your pain.

Currently practicing in Belgravia, London, Douglas is well recognised for his success in treating anxiety, stress, exhaustion, immune-related illness, back, shoulder and post-operative pain. Douglas’s Energy Healing touch works extremely well alongside conventional therapy, helping to mitigate and restore the harsh side-effects of drug treatment, surgery and radiotherapy. Douglas Ballard’s second remarkable gift is his ability to read these energy maps to see where we are going, how our concerns, decisions will pan out, and most importantly how we can make good decisions that will influence our happiness.
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