Tag journaling
Journaling to Feel Good and Happy Every day: How to Balance Self-expression and Reflection

For centuries, the questions we pose to ourselves are often more important than the answers we receive from others. How do you balance self-expression and reflection? Is Journaling a gate to Feel Good and Happy every day?
Journaling as Your Inner Child to Heal Past Trauma

Within each of us resides an inner child. This hidden part of our subconscious has been absorbing messages and experiences from a time when we were not yet able to fully comprehend their meaning, both mentally and emotionally. This inner…
Mindful Living: How Journaling fosters Self-Reflection

When is the last time when you took a moment to yourself and reflect on your life? Do you get caught up in past regrets or future worries that occupy our mind? How would you like to be fully present…
Is Lack of Self-awareness Contributing To Poor Mental Health?

In today’s world, it’s easy to lack self-awareness and lose touch with your own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. We are witnessing a time when poor mental health is affecting billions of people worldwide, regardless of their culture, financial status or…