What is Autumn Equinox 2020’s Impact on Your Life, Stock Market and World Events?

Let’s give a welcome to the autumn equinox in the northern hemisphere! -and to the spring one if you are in the southern hemisphere. At 14.31 BST today we enter the sign of balance or re – balance – Libra. As our bodies are part of nature, we can sense the blood and inner tides changing.
The word ‘equinox’ means equal night. A standstill moment of time when we can start to let go more and form a new relationship with yourself. Take time today to reflect and even welcome in the spirit of the new season, making intentions for self and also for how we can be of service during it!
It is normal for ‘measurable permutations ‘ of the nervous system to occur and swings and flux of cycles ie stock market, weather and world events.
To a lesser extent this applies at the spring equinox around March 21st. It struck me that in the Uk we had lock down then and now, six months on today, govt announcements will be happening regarding some new lockdown or curfew rules. A cycle of time.
Also in March the lineup of Saturn and Jupiter and Pluto was joined by initiator and active Mars. Six months on Mars is at a tense – 90 degre angle – to those ‘ re – set button’ planets.
Astrologers like myself saw a strong likelihood of increased, reported, virus activity and a rise of peoples fears and control mechanisms this month. As we enter this next season the upping of our immune systems, physically and emotionally, is important.

Things are changing and new information and being open to gently questioning yet allowing others views will help us keep a perspective. It is too easy to resonate and be influenced by fear which controls us and distorts. It doesn’ t help!
Everything passes, and choosing to live and love as fully as possible now, even within the constraints, creates a richness within and an example to others.
Look at and listen to the inner dialogue and ask is it healthy or fearful ? The astrology of this autumn shows that we will open our eyes more and see different pathways.
There is always media sensationalism and negative comment. That is how media sells papers and the like. Try to use discernment. Try to find the positive things which are happening. We easily get sucked into media negativity and this affects the collective energy.
Being sensible and thinking for yourself, is the message of these giant planets Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn – the sign which governs govts, authority and laws. By either rebelling or handing power over to authority without the gentle questioning I mentioned earlier, a polarity and different ‘camps of thought’ develop.
Kindness and finding meaning in a changing world, to me, are better choices. With Mercury going retrograde in its thrice yearly, three week cycle, from Oct 14th to Nov 4th – in the sign of Scorpio – we have the opportunity to use the gift of that sign to find our own truths and discover others motivations and purposes.
It goes stationary ‘direct’ on 3rd November. Stationary can mean standstill in movement, communications and decisions resulting in delays and mistakes. Perhaps not the best time for USA elections! Whether or not govts and leaders use the wisdom of timing and planetary movements , it is fascinating to see its mirror.
Libra, the starting sign of autumn, is all about relationship to self and others, so, in these coming few weeks, step back from old habitual responses and breathe more deeply with LIFE , which will always be your best guide and pointer.
We are part of Life’ s flow, so surrendering to it allows wisdom and alignment in. The right things come at the right time. Too many mixed messages will distract, confuse and weaken. Here is a picture from my hillside balcony exactly at autumn equinox. Have gentle days and moments this Autumn!