Gems From The Stars New Moon May 22 -Astrological Insights with Ysanne

This is the second part of my insights into Gems from the Stars in May. In this article I am looking into the impact of New Moon and guiding every sign into a deeper understanding of the wonderful connection between YOU and the wisdom of the stars and planets above. The journey we are on at a core level is expressed by the qualities and lessons of our star signs. The Sun travels through the 12 in its yearly journey – from the perspective of the Earth – and they are divided into seasons and elements. It Starts with Aries at the spring equinox. Softer skills are to the fore as we stay at home more and it is lovely to see more empathy, listening, crafts and caring emerging!
We are all experiencing how and where we spend time in a very different way at present, so here are some nuggets of advice with a look at your personal star signs in the week ahead.

On the eve of a New Moon – May 22nd 18.39 UK time, let us look forward to its ruling planet, the quicksilver, messenger planet Mercury, coming on stage for a while. This new moon in Gemini aligned with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in that sign lightens our step and makes us curious and communicative about the everyday quality of life and promotes the desire to explore how we use words and connect with others.
Tomorrow night let us make a wish on the new moon and set intentions. We then click into the rhythm of the month ahead! Look out at night next week for a lovely visible line up of the crescent moon, Venus and Mercury in Gemini.
Lock down enables us to use techie stuff more and Gemini enjoys the learning and usage of it!
The Sun entered the sign of Gemini on 20th May and for the next month we have abundant openings, if we choose, to contact the inner youngster, and enjoy our mind’s capacity to grow and wonder!
Insights for Fire Signs
The new moon and the sun in your communicative area of your horoscope augers well for good exchanges this coming fortnight for new ideas and projects. You will be in the present moment more in your mind. Neighbours may be extra helpful. Be helpful in exchange as this is your time for getting a good balance between give and take, offering and receiving. If you have siblings they may be more in touch than usual.
New friendships and on line groups may be appealing to you now. Fresh air is needed in your social life and you will find inventive ways to bring this about. You need to be inspired now don’t you? So be discerning and pick your people to share your words and ideas with carefully. This coming week works well for future plans. So clear the decks a little so there is space for them. Balancing objectivity and subjectivity is important now.
The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus are all in your opposite and complementary sign of Gemini. Time to get a good and wide perspective, see the wood for the trees and make some decisions. People will show themselves in new lights. You will feel like taking time out to see how they fit into your present life. Partners or close friends can be a bright mirror now for understanding yourself better. Get some extra rest this coming two weeks especially on 22nd– 25th.
Insights for EARTH SIGNS
With lovely Venus, your ruling planet, still occupying your arena of money and resources and now with the new moon there setting the stage for the month ahead for you, you are in a strong position to have important conversations whether at home or otherwise regarding finances. Look out for people returning from your past and making offers or being needy! Choose your words carefully. What you say will influence your future.
With the present planetary alignments and pivotal new moon in your arena of career or purpose, it would be ideal if you could be working and wanting advancement. If you are not, then take some time to find your purpose now in the outside world and make a difference. Goals are highlighted and a return of an old dream to accomplish something. People in authority or influence are drawn to you.
Although known as an orderly, practical person, now is the time to streamline even more and make life easier for yourself as a result. Routines need some change and will work in your favour. If you are employed or self – employed, expect some nice comments or introductions. An interest in animals/pets grows! Wanting to be of service to the community becomes important and finding a new niche.
Insights for AIR SIGNS
Well, it really is your time of year now with four planetary bodies happily residing in your sign. So… what are you going to do to implement to make the most of their presence? Being your charming, cheerful self is amplified and yet, by reaching out more with communication, if not so easily in person at the present, you will
find yourself so popular! Lots of ideas are bubbling to the surface. Write them down.
This would be the ideal time to travel with four planets in that arena of your horoscope. However, being an armchair one and learning about places you WILL go to in the future, is important. Nature is calling you and also contacts from overseas want to talk with you. Learning a new language or improving a rusty one appeals. Your flexible mind is needing an airing. Think big and forget the petty and trivial.
Your creative and artistic side is encouraging you to be like a child and just enjoy the process of creating. If you have youngsters around you at home or on line do it together. This is no time for being too cerebral and analytical. Seeing the humour in things will be easier than in the past month so lighten up, be a little more selfish with your own time and let others enjoy the reflected light you will be shining. An old hobby resurrects itself.
Insights for WATER SIGNS
Your inner world is being brought to your attention. The planets are stirring within! Take advantage as dreams, inspirations and inner guidance play a huge part now. At the same time, get more sleep. It will not be wasted as this is always your time of year to retreat a bit and restore energies. Gradually your inner world becomes as important as the outer one this early summer. When you can, tie up loose ends so they don’t drain you.
The new moon and other cosmic bodies in your arena of regeneration and deep values are calling you to recognise what truly needs releasing with love. Don’t let mental meandering distract you, nor the fear of missing out- Fomo! Getting to the heart of something and delving deep is timely now. It is also a light filled time however to see the bigger picture and get out of the daily drudge. An admirer is on the scene- did you know that?
Your home life is very active now, regardless of lock down rules. Re arrangements and thoughts about property and life style pop up. The past also rears its head giving you food for thought about your real needs and dreams. With Mars aligned with your Sun in Pisces till late June you have the confidence now to go for the latter and have those important discussions with self and others around you.
Keep Well and be kind to yourself and others!