Gems From The Stars- Astrological Insights for Women (05)

The journey we are on at a core level is expressed by the qualities and lessons of our star signs. The Sun travels through the 12 in its yearly journey – from the perspective of the Earth – and they are divided into seasons and elements. It Starts with Aries at the spring equinox. We are all experiencing how and where we spend time in a very different way at present, so here are some nuggets of advice with a look at your personal star signs for the month ahead.
On the winter solstice we witnessed the Great conjunction – or Great mutation – of Saturn and Jupiter. This ushered in a new cycle, in society, with politics, reforms and with communication and technology. May encourages our soft side and nurturing instincts. The full moon lunar eclipse on 26th in Sagittarius, and with Mercury being inconsistent in its nature now, needs careful handling in our psyches. The new moon on 11th encourages new intentions. Follow them through!

Fire Signs
Whereas the lunar eclipse on 26th can churn up a lot for us, it aspects well however with Aries people, bringing fresh air into your creative heart and social life. Things set into motion, including wishes and dreams, can come to fruition then.
Finances are to the fore in May. Values and inner resources also are so you may surprise yourself as to a growing shift of perspective regarding money and security. It is positive and shows you a new aspect of yourself.
Mars entering your zone of home- outer and inner – activates impulses to do with past memories and reflections. Emails, calls, letters from people warm your heart this month, and siblings, neighbours and the like are uppermost in your mind for contact and mutual help.
Your career arena of your horoscope is lit up this month with several planets aspecting it well. So what are your goals or aims now? Preparation behind the scenes pays off with Mars now in your ‘secret’ zone. Gestate the ideas and plans and as the month draws to a close you can manifest them.
After the 9th ideas come fast and meetings prove fertile ground for success. Any social meetings are also rich. After 21st when the Sun enters Gemini, friends and team work auger well. Any romance will be brought about through those meetings, whether on line or in person. Use the eclipsed full moon on 26th for romance and charm. Look forward and not back! This is a big time for a broader vision and thinking small doesn’t serve you now. Create a bigger aura around you – the world will love you for it.
May is always an interesting time for Sagittarius as it is your opposite and complementary month of the year and allows you to take a step back and look at things with new eyes. It also allows you to look at things through others eyes more! If working- self employed or employed, May this year will see new openings and possible advancement. Contacts are helpful and you will be thinking of learning something new and adding to your skills.Neighbours and or close relatives, surround you more and it will be hard to have ‘me’ time. Try to use discernment and say no occasionally. The beginning of the month sees breakthroughs just where and when needed.
New routines and habits with health serve you well now.

Earth Signs
Your heightened powers of perception and charm are highlighted in early May. Go for things you want and for people you are attracted to and await results!
The new moon on the 11th sees you manifesting your plans for the summer. It is good to have plans even if sometimes they change. But one core plan won’t!
With assertive Mars in Cancer occupying your zone of chat, learning and neighbourhood until early June, you will find words come easily to you and there may well be a contract of some kind you will want to sign up to. Family and home life are cosy now and it will be easy to see friends as akin to family! Use the 20th as a productive day for tying up loose ends and details.
Time to enjoy life more! How does that sound? There are some lovely planetary aspects for you this month to relax into. Share time with others who are on the same frequency if possible, and midmonth you can see how popular you are. It just asks for going with the flow and allowing nice things to come your way.
Home and domestic life are busy and you feel the need to spring clean and lighten up your home- maybe with lighter colours and drapes. It is Spring time but there is more to it than that! Your inner home needs a refurbishment and loving care. Details will be important, so give time and care to what you do.Love matters are well aspected, but allowing yourself to receive is necessary. May 11th is a timely date to be around children and your own inner child!
Most of May you can expect social and lighter hearted activities to emerge. This is because the Sun and Venus are happily tenanting your zone of ‘here I am’ energy. You may surprise others with your newly found spontaneity and panache.
Expect stimulating challenges from loved ones which keep you on your toes. This is timely as you all need to see new aspects of each other to grow and be closer. A project will be coming to fruition which has overtones of childhood times. Some Capricorns will be feeling like writing for children now. Enjoy these few weeks as renewed joy and heart oriented activities take front stage. Sports or dancing appeal so take them up as hobbies even if they are new to your lifestyle. A youthful energy accompanies your steps as you approach summer.

Air Signs
An important month for Geminis. Your ruling planet Mercury is wandering ‘out of bounds’ and you are feeling like acting outside the box and being a bit rebellious. You may even feel like having much more ‘me time’. Just ask for it, if you need to, and choose it so people know your intentions. Clarity is the keyword for you this month.
Also, with the total lunar eclipse on 26th in your opposite sign of Sagittarius, be careful of words and how they are used. Keep your truth and integrity around that time.
Money matters need your adroit handling this month. Don’t neglect them. A money making scheme will appeal to you also. You are not short of ideas are you? And with Venus in your sign you can pull them off easily. You won’t need to try too hard.
A month for addressing what needs pruning and releasing. It doesn’t have to be heavy but you will feel much lighter after you have made those decisions. You are not the most decisive zodiac sign, as you know, but this time of year sees you clearing the past.
By doing this you discover some treasures in unexpected places, and get clarity on family issues unclear before. A draw to studying a subject grows and this may well be linked to a new career or vocation path. The autumn will be where you set your sights for this.After 21st when the sun enters fellow air sign, Gemini, more movement (hopefully restrictions have lifted somewhat), sees you connecting with people not seen for a while and you can bring your charm and warmth to events.
A quieter month with lovely Venus transiting your inner home and creative talent. A holiday would be nice from routine, but if you cannot go away, then make your inner life an enjoyable vista and luxury.
Creating space within via visualisation will feel lovely. What things will come to birth in the coming months? Children play a big part this month and you will start to feel renewed by spontaneous actions, just like children are open to.
Your zone of service and routines is highlighted right through this month. Changes of habit and daily routines appeal to you and rub off on others. Even eating patterns undergo healthy change. Look after your nervous system and the energies you feel from others. Make your inner home your sanctum and furnish it well!

Water Signs
The new moon on the 11th augers well for friendship activities and groups. We have all learnt over the past year to appreciate people more and wonderful spontaneity, and this month never more so than for you sentimental Cancerians!
Expansion is the keynote now and you can create team work easily and smoothly by bringing about a new harmony in your environment. By magic!Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is moving into fellow water sign Pisces on the 14th. Whether you travel physically abroad or not this month, you will travel in your mind to vistas you can then manifest in encouraging words. Words are your forte now and love chooses to come through them. Mars in your sign all month energises self and others.
This is your opposite time of year but in this particular year it is very much in your favour. You have come a long way recently and have developed patience and confidence. Mars stands alongside you in a fellow water sign and softens yet strengthens your will power. A gentle approach this month with flexible strength inside of it gets you what you want and enhances your sensual side. Don’t be surprised if an admirer appears on the scene. You will appear more enigmatic now and will enjoy the attention. Flowing with what is happening and side stepping if you feel so inclined, you will be in charge. Jupiter, the wise teacher of the cosmos, is enhancing your knowingness midmonth. Don’t think small. You have the capacity to bring influential people your way as the summer approaches.
A peaceful month in general, and one you will look back on with a smile. By allowing life to guide you and bring things to you, you learn how things can be simple – if you choose them to be. Your way with words is seamless now and people are drawn to the tone of your voice.
Be aware of the lunar full moon eclipse on 26th as it sparks old memories and hurtful words from back then. Keep a perspective and keep looking forward. Mars in Cancer helps decision making as it will come from your intuition and not just wanting to consider others. Some overdue changes in your home will be easily sorted after midmonth and it will feel more like a nest than just a place to live. Feeling at home with yourself opens up creative impulses and a new hobby or career.
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