Gems From The Stars And Astrological Insights With Ysanne September 2020

September is the mellow month of more gentleness and the allowing of change. We have come through the turbulent eclipses of the summer and learnt much about adapting, cooperating and taking care of our community and our bodies. We can reflect now on the changes that have occurred globally since March and understand better how we are truly interconnected. August saw a shift on 22nd from the Sun’s full height of expression in its natural home of Leo, into the harvest time of Virgo – until 22nd September. This is now the time for mentoring ourselves better and establishing new routines in all areas.
Trail blazing Mars is still in Aries till next year – you can see it late at night in the east – and on 10th it goes retrograde (until 14th November,) encouraging us to harness the spiritual warrior within and be strategic and intuitive with reactions. The Full Moon in Pisces is at 6.22 am (British summer time) on 2nd September and the New Moon in Virgo is at 12.00 pm on 17th September. The former is timely for bringing plans and intentions to completion and manifestation, and the latter for seeding ideas, wishes and commitments.

From the 7th your ruling planet Mars is taking an interesting route until 14th November, affecting how you assert yourself and make decisions. New tactics are on the cards and until the 22nd September, with the Sun in your arena of work and health, this is a good time for self -assessment with wellbeing and routines. The new moon on 17th highlights this. This will really pay off for the future. Venus in sunny Leo and your zone of leisure and creativity all month, balances work and play so September is very much your month for feeling on top of things and for self respect. After 22nd when Sun enters Libra, your relationships and area of co-operation come to the fore for adjustment and openings.
With lovely Venus as a morning star this month in your sign and with the Sun in your arena of finance, values and comfort zones, you are in a good space for growth, fun and abundance. Communications and day to day local interaction hold a lot for you this month. Keep an eye and ear out for opportunities. Some will be very close to home.
News from abroad may surprise you as it is not expected. A trip may be on the cards. Do you feel like putting some money into a course or study? Either way, try to put some money aside for travel or study. Towards the end of the month some home repairs or additions appeal to you.
The good news is your ruling planet Jupiter, having been retrograde since mid May, is going direct again in motion on 13th September. Things and mental attitudes that have restricted you since May loosen up and you feel a renewed sense of optimism and faith. What you do with this of course is up to you, but at least recognise the inner change and ignite your vision.
If you are working expect advancement and helpful contacts and influences. Youngsters play an especial part this month and the inner child in you meets them and encourages them. An old hobby or passion re appears. Use the new moon on 17th to make or plan a needed home change or adjustment.

Your leisure zone is wanting its say till the Sun enters Libra on 22nd. Use these three weeks for as much time out as you can and keep your mind focused on what makes you smile and makes your heart sing. Whether it’s at home or with external fun scenarios, enjoy the creative spark you were born with and light up other peoples more pessimistic side. Music in particular lights your fire now.
If single and looking, September is a lovely month, especially after mid month, for attracting someone special into your life. If happy with a partner it is also a lovely time for romantic dates and mutual nurturing.
This is always your time of year- indeed your month – for sorting out what is essential and what is non- essential in your life. By the second week of September some of that sorting out will aid finances and resources. Joint finances or taxes/investments also see changes to your advantage. For all this practicality, your soul life is important to you now as well.
Recently, you have been understanding the importance of self love and inner nurturing. Is this getting mirrored by outside relationships? A new sense of contentment surfaces – and it will show! After 22nd, putting new goals into motion will be important. These will reflect your enhanced values and commitments.
At the very end of September, your ruling planet Saturn goes into direct motion after a slower and backward looking period. This is good news especially as the other very wise teacher planet, Jupiter, has already turned direct earlier in the month.
Your philosophy of life has grown in stature recently and you are ready, if you wish, to bring this on to your stage of life and help others. Can you do this in ongoing scenarios or work or do you need a new avenue of expression for your talents? Your projects or work life are really highlighted for many months still so think big and believe in yourself. The full moon on 2nd starts the ball rolling with contacts and ideas.

Your home life and any property matters are highlighted now. You want to bring the sensual and colours into this and whether you are a good interior designer or not, get your inventive side going and come up with the relevant ideas. Friends and group efforts appeal as helping agents. Romance, or at least flirtation rears its head, and the whole theme of rejuvenation accompanies you this month. After 22nd, when the Sun occupies your leisure zone, attractions and social activities liven up and your popularity increases. Writing in some manner appeals to you this month. Make it handwritten for best effect! There is a poet as well as a good observer in you.
Communicative Mercury highlights your sign this month, After the 5th you can take full advantage of this and, when the sun enters Libra on 22nd, it is all systems go for self expression and agreements, contracts and flow. Things which have been pending come to a head especially around the full moon time. If there have been partnership issues of unease these will improve after 22nd. Go with the flow and path of least resistance this month and you will benefit. Make time for more rest physically and also internally, come from the heart more rather than over stressing the brain cells. A good friend is a support, and the balance between give and take becomes easier for you.
Your ruling planet Uranus has been very active in recent months and your nervous system may have suffered a little. Take time now for surrendering some of the needing to be on alert mode, and instead transform and heal elements of yourself. Lovely Venus is occupying your relationship zone from the 6th into early October; let others soothe you and bring you flowers- literally and metaphorically! A new or existing love partnership opens your heart more. The colour yellow will help you too. Whether you choose to travel or not this month, thoughts of it tantalise then start to take form.
Being gentle on yourself and not getting too caught up in details helps. Be a good psychologist to yourself but don’t analyse too much.

The planets this month are positing elements other than your own – water- this month so, on the one hand, take the opportunity to develop and work with your practical and your more fiery sides, yet give time for restoring your inner tides and nourishment.
The emotional realm is your strength and sustenance so don’t forget that. Be near or in water more this month and, by the time you reach the last few days of September, you can make your influence felt better. There will be a lot of interaction generally and much back and forth with ideas and communications, so keep grounded. Use the full moon time on 2nd to see what you need to release and prune. You can’t take care of everyone. With the decks a bit clearer, the rest of September will be easier and less loaded.
Until the last few days of September, your element of water is being a bit neglected by planets in the elements of fire, earth and air, so make sure you refresh by being surrounded sufficiently by it. Your co ruler Mars is trying to energise your work routines and habits. Less may be more this month so pick what is really working for you and revise or re edit projects of importance. Work opportunities will re- emerge this autumn. You are more in demand than you realise and your skills are needed and admired. If not actually paying work, then maybe voluntary work?
Friendships are highlighted in September. And new ones are on the horizon.
A water baby like Cancer and Scorpio, take time this month to be by water and slow down. The full moon on 2nd in your sign gives you a good start with this. The Sun is in your opposite sign of Virgo until the 22nd, and the time of year when you would be wise not to swim against the tide. Get more rest and restore energy banks. You will be realising more and more that money is an energy and can flow. Don’t hold onto it too tightly but wisely take some chances with it and see some good purchases and investments. Around 11th your ruler Neptune opposes the Sun so don’t push decisions then. As you would do in a fog, stand still till it lifts! The new moon on 17th propels you to make new agreements with a significant other or the world in general!

Keep Well and be kind to yourself and others!