Healing Energy: Building a Brighter Future

The path to a brighter future is often through the use of healing energy. This can be in the form of alternative therapies that aim to promote health and well-being. When used correctly, healing energy can help to remove blockages and allow the flow of positive energy to return. This can bring about physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
Healing yourself is connected with healing others.
Yoko Ono
It is a real challenge to stay whole and happy and not lose hope with the constant deeply disturbing TV, media and radio news. However, we are progressing if we look at our own opportunities available now with the ability to travel and capture that long lost sunshine, golden sands with lovely food and a glass of wine, hope is not just with us but now very possible. Some restrictions but having that freedom that we have waited so long for.

Like everything in life once the wheel stops turning it takes time to get the momentum back up again. Air travel is a very good example where the pandemic paralysed it and now it is starting to recover albeit slowly. What has this period done for us? It has given us a value of understanding that maybe we were out of control when everything was at our fingertips and did not have the same value as it does today.
We now appreciate those trips away and going to the theatre or cinema and it gives us this wonderful opportunity to place a worth on what we have, making it more precious.
With such difficult times it’s no wonder that we are now talking big time about mental health and long-term illness and anxiety where the future of bad things seems relentless.
In this ocean of pressure and anxiety, we have to swim hard to run our lives and support our families. Our children and elderly parents often depend upon us, whilst we manage our jobs, relationships, health and wellbeing. We do need some pressure to get up, get to work, prepare our lives, but when does good stress to get things done turn to distress and feeling overwhelmed?

I have recently had consultations with people in far-reaching countries from North America, Japan and Australasia, contacting me as a ‘last chance’ to keep it together. A few days ago, a lovely lady from Canada called me and said she just did not know where to go with continuous back-pain and headaches, and overwhelming anxiety. She had been treated by surgeons, chiropractors, acupuncturists with little success and, in her desperation, reached over a third of the World to me for help and healing.
I am very pleased to say that we are making great progress with remote healing and Zoom calls. Her anxiety is much less and back pain considerably reduced. Energy Healing is very powerful as it helps to restore and rebalance our own natural core energy at the deepest levels and open our minds, trapped in endless cycles of anxiety, to a place of calm where we can see ourselves and regain our Purpose to Life – our sense of direction, balance, and capacity to take what life throws at us.

Chronic stress and anxiety are utterly debilitating and can lead to many more illnesses. We have a natural stress response, a threat-response, like that flush of adrenaline when you have a near miss in the car, or a dog barks at you unexpectedly. The hypothalamus in your brain triggers an alarm system in your body. Hormonal and nerve signals to your adrenal glands release adrenaline and cortisol. Your heart rate increases, blood pressure rises which boost energy for the ‘flight-or-fight’ threat response. This is a complex alarm system that influences mood, fear, anxiety and readiness to act. It suppresses the digestive system (preparing for flight and fight) and immune system.
Our deep animal-self can often perceive daily non-violent threats such as work conflict, financial, relationship stresses etc. as continuous threat onslaughts – on top of which we have a continuous stream of crisis news. The longer-term effects of continuous stress and overexposure to cortisol is widescale disruption to almost all our body’s processes including digestive disorders, headaches, muscular pain, heart disease, sleeping, weight, memory, concentration, which can all lead to anxiety and depression.
Healing energy – a path to changes in your future
Healing opens the path to changes in our life. Whether we take these opportunities to change is not always easy or clear. When we feel trapped by physical, mental and emotional pain, most of us cannot see more than one day at a time. Indeed, there is a fear of thinking positively as we cannot mentally afford to have hope, in case we fall short and are disappointed by our lack of progress.
Anxiety continues, dominating our lives and continuing the downward spiral. We often trust our doubt more than we trust our faith in ourselves to see a positive future. One of the most commonly experienced benefits of healing is a sense of calm (de-escalation of cortisol production), coming off the ‘top’ and helping the relax and restore processes. In turn this reflects into lifestyle choices and the path to greater happiness.
So, what is thinking positively and having self-belief? It is a form of commitment to oneself to live life with what we have and what is available to us at the moment. It is that commitment of positive thinking that will take us to the next level of understanding and the opportunities that we cannot see. It is the past that is holding on to us and not allowing us to see a different future which may be a great deal better. We are still animals of habit and controlled by our own thoughts and security of what we feel safe in to make a quantum leap of faith that is not easy in these times of uncertainty and unsettlement. Looking forward to a positive future that may well be different requires a leap of faith, faith in ourselves.
Can we change the routine of our present life for the possible opportunity of something maybe alien to us but allows that inner child in us to take a better path in life? We are never too old to change direction or see a different future. Are we holding back because of people around us who in some cases control us? Are we in a cage of this life that we know and are not prepared to leave and enter a new world outside that could well be very different, but bring us more happiness and success? The belief and commitment of the early explorers and those who circumnavigated the world.
There is nothing more powerful than the healing energy of the universe. It is this energy that can help us to heal our wounds, to find our way back to ourselves, and to create a brighter future for all. If you are seeking a path to a brighter future, I encourage you to explore the healing power of energy work. You may be surprised at what you find.