Gems from the Stars- Astrological Insights for Women (04)

We are all interconnected and gems from the starts- the astrological insights for women is designed to open a vibrant web of energy. Timing is a very important part of being in health so as to avoid stress and the mismatching of ourselves with people, places and opportunities.
As we women have an instinctive link with the moon’s cycles and the flow of the tides within and outside of us, it is important to recognise the lunar as well as other planetary movements during the month. The word moon is linked with mother, matter and month! How well are you furnishing your inner home? Softer skills are to the fore as we stay at home more and it is lovely to see more empathy, listening, crafts and caring emerging!
The journey we are on at a core level is expressed by the qualities and lessons of our star signs. The Sun travels through the 12 in its yearly journey – from the perspective of the Earth – and they are divided into seasons and elements. It Starts with Aries at the spring equinox. We are all experiencing how and where we spend time in a very different way at present, so here are some nuggets of advice with a look at your personal star signs.
At this time the starts mark the promise of expansion, ‘fresh air’ and growth. These are the months this year of re-inventing situations and ourselves. Even with the limits we have had put on us we can be at home with our small worlds and take care of individual self as well as being kind to others. This is a time period of keeping informed and educated in an intelligent way; gathering facts and coming from our own authority in a calm and committed way. A maturing of our natures is at hand, and the choosing of non-divisive and non-fear based attitudes.
On the winter solstice we witnessed the Great conjunction – or Great mutation – of Saturn and Jupiter. This ushered in a new cycle, in society, with politics, reforms and with communication and technology. This new 200 year cycle, of the conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter in Air signs, will revolutionise our ways of thinking, movement and social conscience. The slower moving planets are taking us through an interesting tour this Springtime, helping us balance the polarities and extremes in our natures and finding new arrangements with self and others. We learn to trust our bodies and instincts better now; giving up some of the comfortable ways of doing things and adapting to change and opportunity. This is the year of inventiveness at many levels. Harness your inner innovator, be in the moment more and claim your innate knowingness and capacity to re generate and think anew! The recent stellium of seven planets in Aquarius in February have activated these energies.
April is the time for claiming back the self and moving forward. The new moon is on the 12th and conjoins with Venus to usher in our creative and passionate sides. The full moon is on the 27th in Scorpio and opposes electric and rebellious Uranus- what do we need to break free of? May encourages our soft side and nurturing instincts. The full moon lunar eclipse on 26th in Sagittarius, and with Mercury being inconsistent in its nature now, needs careful handling in our psyches. The new moon on 11th encourages new intentions. Follow them through!

Fire Signs
As the Sun travels through your fiery sign now it is joined by Mercury and Venus encouraging you to shine even more and develop overdue projects. More than any zodiac sign this year the onus is on your individuality. You can encourage others to shine now, and empowering them is a destiny you have this spring time. Your ruler Mars is in flexible, curious Gemini, till the 23rd so make the most of new contacts and younger people. Writing or podcasts etc will come easily to you for openings and interest. You need stimulation where your mind is fed well. Be discerning with what stimulus you choose.The 9th – 11th are energetic days to get what you want. Make use of them.
This is an active month for you Sun born Leos! The planets are occupying fire and air signs and giving you the go ahead to create adventures where possible. Publishing ideas come to you whether for books, podcasts, or visual images.
Exteriorising your ideas is paramount. If you get the opportunity to educate or teach someone go for it. Your inner mentor has clarity and vision now. Don’t waste it. On 1st April when the Sun and Saturn unite in your opposite sign of Aquarius, use that day to cement an idea or goal. Also to prune something from your life. That springboard sets the month into positive action for you. The 14th sees a lucky opportunity arising.
With cosmic joy in your zone of travel, learning and seeking this month, how are you going to make the most of those things? Don’t let restrictions from within or without limit your soul. Your mind is limitless and exploring subjects you haven’t given time to before will appeal. Your ruling planet Jupiter aligns beautifully with Mars midmonth. Renewed optimism reigns and there is good timing for projects and initiatives.
The new moon on the 12th sees news of a birth or a close friend’s new lifestyle; you yourself can birth an idea. Women will be helpful around that time. If you want to get something published early April augers well for that.

Earth Signs
As you move towards the time of year when the Sun enters your sign on 20th, take stock these next three weeks of recent changes and rebirth. Growth is your companion this spring, and aren’t you doing well with this!
Love matters are highlighted and sentiment as well as new needs are surfacing. Nothing stays the same in life and knowing what to prune and what to keep occupies your mind this month. It will help if you can be creative – music, art and the like – so as to feel more at home with yourself and open to the well of inspiration. After 15th when your ruling planet Venus enters your sign, you will find this second half of the month more fertile and more loving than of late. Someone will want to nurture you in simple ways. Allow this.
Joint finances are on the agenda now and you can get a lot sorted, whether it be with a partner or the tax people! Getting a grip on your resources increases your self value and self worth. A lovely angle between Venus and Mars on the 3rd and 4th, lasting in its effect until the 11th, sees you more at ease with self and life. After 19th an urge to explore places deepens and your sharp mind needs stimulus. Maybe get involved with debate and discussion and travel talks? Have you thought about giving talks yourself? You certainly have the skill. Inventive ideas pop up in the last week of the month. So do interesting new contacts. A harmonious balance between your feminine and masculine sides shows. All in all, a fertile month for productivity and progress.
Treasure your home life, whatever form it takes, as several planets posited in that arena of your chart now suggest you need time to retreat and gather ideas for May! It is a gestation time and you will be blossoming into a much more creative person than of late. A change of occupancy could happen or be suggested. After 21st, the opportunity to be more centre stage at work or home arises, and your social nature bubbles up. If you can host an online or – if restrictions lift – an in person event all to the good. Your charisma is to the fore. Don’t waste it. Financially and emotionally, abundance is coming your way. Spontaneity is a quality being develop strongly now so your sense of timing is more present.

Air Signs
Friends and team playing are on the increase this month. Enjoy the fresh air feeling of new activities and new minds around you. It is not a time of looking back.
It is a time of embracing what is around the corner. Your innate curiosity is working overtime and needs satisfying! It is others who will supply that for you so choose the right company. Later month when the Sun enters a quieter area of your horoscope you can step back a little and reflect. It is all about rhythm now and dancing between the raindrops so as to experience the nuances of life. You can be a fantastic mediator and bridge now between old and new ways – by example. Use the new moon on 12th for initiating an important new alliance.
With the Sun and communicative Mercury and loving Venus in your polarity sign of Libra for the first half or so of the month it is time to allow in people and offers which are good for you. Don’t be too eager to give and assert yourself.
You will want to be social- even more than usual – and are full of advice and ideas now, but it will serve you to create space for communications from folk who want to be generous towards you. Mars in your zone of technology and information encourages you to add a skill or update your techie equipment and data. After 15th, when Venus enter a fellow sensual sign, Taurus, think about being creatively productive with a hobby. Use the 11th for a celebration – even if you make one up!
Your timing is on form now and you can expect fortuitous connections, meetings, and conversations. If you are a writer or want to be one, this is the perfect month! The new moon on 12th in Aries is a good date to proceed. Upping your techie skills or your software is a good idea. After 15th home life and family members take more attention. Home repairs too. These are a good few days to take a break from cerebral activity. People want many bits of you now so do your best but look after yourself too. People are not less important than you but they are not more important. This spring is all about balance for you! Work and play and rest in balance. Your higher self is very open to you at present so take moments to sit quietly and receive its wisdom.

Water Signs
A big swing this month as your career zone literally swings into gear. Any good rest (restoration) you had last month pays off now as you have energy and freshness to bring to projects. Your mind is on form and people appreciate your opinions.
Your humour is up and running too and helping youngsters steer through their school or college work comes easily if offered or requested.
Have you decided what you need to initiate? Small or big, it will cause ripples in your world and give you some different kind of freedom. Richness takes many forms and you will be finding whether with actual material inheritance, earned income, or a warm rich glow inside, that April puts values right where they belong – in the heart.
Your work or where you are of service in the community calls you now and you will be making changes where necessary. Do you want to change your role at work? Or indeed start work? Either way you stand a good chance of getting ahead and feeling of added value as well. Mars entering a fellow water sign, Cancer, towards the end of April joined by the Sun entering your opposite and complementary sign, Taurus, encourages you to lean back on your recent achievements and get some rest. Make sure you draw back in any debts owed you at this time. A good balance in your life can be gained now and this will empower your next activities. Don’t let anxiety or doubts disrupt this. The full moon on the 27th strengthens any resolve you need and culminates a plan.
Your finances need more love and care this month. It need not be difficult and you will be rewarded with a glow of having done a job well. There is a lot of protection around you from the cosmos and as long as you stick with your values and maintain boundaries, you can be very productive now. Try to be near water as much as you can as many of the planets are in situ in air and fire signs and can make you feel a little left out! Maybe more regular baths or walk by sea or rivers? The full moon in Scorpio on 27th helps to re align you and strengthen your inner resources. Feel its power and draw on its rays. It is our nearest celestial body and affects our fluids and emotions. After the 20th, you will feel more grounded and at home with life. Family draw closer, so value them and resolve any differences.