Feeling Good and Happy Every Day: Five Minutes to Get Your Life Back On Track

Take a moment to ask yourself: "What could I create tomorrow that would matter a year from now?" Not what could you get done – what could you create? Dr Marina Nani is looking at simple steps to start feeling good and happy. Can you find five minutes to get your life back on track every day?

It’s 11 PM. You’re finally sitting down after a day that felt like a marathon. The house is quiet, but your mind isn’t. That familiar weight settles in your chest as you look at tomorrow’s to-do list. Another day of running faster just to stay in place. Another day of putting everyone else’s needs before your own dreams. Deep down, you know something has to change.

Think back to the last time you lost track of time doing something you loved. Remember how different that felt from frantically checking boxes off your to-do list?Now look at your current to-do list. Really look at it. How does your body feel as you read each item? That knot in your stomach, that tightness in your shoulders – they’re trying to tell you something. This list isn’t helping you grow. It’s just keeping you busy.

The Real Cost of Your To Do List

Remember when you used to dream big? When your heart would race with excitement about the future? Now it races with anxiety about unanswered emails and unfinished tasks. Your to-do list has become more than a list – it’s become a mirror reflecting back a version of yourself you barely recognize. Always busy, always tired, always feeling slightly behind.

Take a moment to ask yourself: "What could I create tomorrow that would matter a year from now?" Not what could you get done – what could you create? Dr Marina Nani is looking at simple steps to start feeling good and happy. Can you find five minutes to get your life back on track every day?

Why did your  most important goals keep getting pushed aside for “urgent” tasks that wouldn’t matter in a month, let alone a year? If you are looking for answers, walk with me for five minutes today…When was the last time you said no to someone else’s “urgent” need and “yes” to something that mattered to you?

Let’s be honest – we’ve all fallen for it. The endless chase of crossing things off our lists, feeling that quick hit of satisfaction that disappears almost immediately. Then we’re back at it again, like we’re stuck on some bizarre hamster wheel of expectations. But deep down, we know being busy isn’t the same as feeling good and happy.

Feeling Good and Happy: Your Success List

Take a breath. Put your hand on your heart. Feel it beating. Each beat is your life, right now, in this moment. What would tomorrow feel like if you spent your best hours on work that actually means something to you? What have you been putting off because “there’s never enough time”?

Maybe it’s that idea that won’t leave you alone. Maybe it’s that book you’ve been wanting to write. That business you’ve been dreaming of starting. That relationship you’ve been meaning to nurture. That skill you’ve been yearning to master. Whatever it is – it’s whispering to you for a reason.

Your success list begins with a simple but profound shift: from reacting to creating. From letting your to-do list drive your day to allowing your deeper purpose to guide your daily choices. This isn’t about becoming more productive – it’s about remembering that you are not a human doing but a human being. Start by giving yourself permission to put your meaningful work first.

beach, coastline, dawn

Tomorrow morning, take your walking boots and go for a walk, before you open your email, before you check your messages, take just five minutes for something that matters to you.

Feel how different those five minutes feel when they’re truly yours. Notice the energy that flows when you’re working on something meaningful. Notice how time seems to expand when your heart is all in. This is your natural state – creating, growing, building something real. The endless to-do list? That’s just a bad habit, automated by social conditioning and limiting beliefs. And habits can change.

Each evening, take a moment to ask yourself: What could I create tomorrow that would matter a year from now?” Not what could you get done – what could you create? Feel the difference in your body when you shift from doing to creating.

You might feel resistance. Your mind might whisper that you don’t have time, that there’s too much to do, that others are counting on you. Listen to those thoughts with compassion, then gently set them aside.

You don’t need more time – you need more ownership of the time you have. Your mind that tracks tasks can also spark innovations, solve meaningful problems, imagine new possibilities. Your heart that feels so heavy with obligations can also sing with purpose. You only need to look at your watch and give yourself five minutes…

Take a moment to ask yourself: "What could I create tomorrow that would matter a year from now?" Not what could you get done – what could you create? Dr Marina Nani is looking at simple steps to start feeling good and happy. Can you find five minutes to get your life back on track every day?

But what if there was a way to trade that stress for inner peace? Your to-do list is a never-ending stream of tasks to complete. It’s no wonder our mental health is under siege. What if you could focus less on doing and more on being?

In the Success Journal we explore a good question: Do you need a better to-do list or do you want your life back? Can you try something different? Before you check your phone, before you dive into emails, give yourself just five minutes! Five minutes to work on something that lights you up from inside out. Feel the difference between those five minutes and all the others 1435 of your day.

Watch what happens when you’re doing something you actually care about. Time feels different, doesn’t it? You have more energy, better focus. That’s not an accident – that’s what it feels like when you’re truly in your element, not just checking boxes.

Each night, before you crash, ask yourself: “What could I create tomorrow that would matter to total strangers, including myself?” Not what could you get done – what could you build that would last beyond your working years?

Your mind might start spinning with all the reasons you can’t – too many responsibilities, too many demands, too many people counting on you. I hear you. But here’s the truth: You don’t need more time. You need to take back the time you have. That mind that’s always racing to keep up? It has better things to dream about. That heart that feels so heavy with obligations? It knows what really matters. Listen to it! Just for five minutes…

This is your chance to stop living in reaction mode and start living on purpose. The power to change this isn’t locked away somewhere – it’s right here, in the choices you make every morning.

What will you choose to donate your time into tomorrow? Not what will you do – what will your unique energy create? The answer might surprise you. It might even change everything. Take a deep breath. Feel the possibility in this moment. Your next chapter begins now. And this time, you’re holding the pen.

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Dr Marina Nani
Dr Marina Nani

Editor-in-Chief of Rich Woman Magazine, founder of Sovereign Magazine, author of many books, Dr Marina Nani is a social edification scientist coining a new industry, Social Edification.
Passionately advocating to celebrate your human potential, she is well known for her trademark "Be Seen- Be Heard- Be You" running red carpet events and advanced courses like Blog Genius®, Book Genius®, Podcast Genius®, the cornerstones of her teaching.
The constant practitioner of good news, she founded MAKE THE NEWS
( MTN) with the aim to diagnose and close the achievement gap globally.
Founder of many publications, British Brands with global reach Marina believes that there is a genius ( Stardust) in each individual, regardless of past and present circumstances.
"Not recognising your talent leaves society at loss. Sharing the good news makes a significant difference in your perception about yourself, your industry and your community."

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