Understanding Karmic Cycles: Signs They’re Ending and What It Means for Post-Traumatic Stress

As individuals, we all have a history. Some of it is radiant with joy, while some of it is shadowed by storms. But what transpires when the tempests of our past start to influence our present and our future? Negative karma and PTSD can hold us back, preventing us from navigating towards the harbor of happiness and wellbeing. However, akin to a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis or a flower blossoming, we too possess the power to liberate ourselves from the shackles of our past traumas. In this article, we’ll delve into transformative strategies for healing from PTSD and breaking free from karmic cycles, enabling us to welcome the charm of a fresh start and unlock the secret to genuine happiness.
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Understanding Karmic Cycles and PTSD
The karmic cycle can be likened to a stack of stones on the beach, each stone symbolizing a past action or thought. As we continue to add stones to the stack, it grows taller and heavier, making it harder to shift or change direction. But just like a stack of stones, our karma is not permanent.
The karmic cycle is the process through which karma operates in people’s lives through various situations and life events that we must undergo to learn a soul lesson. That lesson will eventually liberate us from inner obstacles, which include harmful thought patterns that manifest as misfortunes in our life.
Healing from PTSD and breaking free from karmic cycles is achievable through purification as the embodied soul no longer needs to cling to the past but starts to identify as a child of the universe!
How can you end a karmic cycle?
There are many situations in life, especially those concerning relationships with others, where there is a desire to end patterns of feeling and behavior that have been long standing but that do not contribute to our well being. Often, the way to end these patterns seems elusive. The situation can be difficult, both spiritually, emotionally, and physically. For years of living with fear or other intense emotions and the stress this creates can take their toll and establish energetic circuits within the brain and body that constitute the basis for post-traumatic stress. This is a condition which activates the same physical and emotional responses in a person, even when the stressor is no longer present.

Strategies for Healing from PTSD and Ending Karmic Cycles
There are numerous situations in life, particularly those concerning relationships with others, where there is a desire to end patterns of feeling and behavior that have been long-standing but do not contribute to our wellbeing. Often, the way to end these patterns seems elusive. The situation can be challenging, both spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Years of living with fear or other intense emotions and the stress this creates can establish energetic circuits within the brain and body that constitute the basis for post-traumatic stress. This is a condition that activates the same physical and emotional responses in a person, even when the stressor is no longer present.
Deep Roots of Intense Emotions and PTSD
Deep roots of intense emotions can be compared to a towering tree with roots that run so deep they seem to touch the core of the earth. Just as a tree’s roots anchor it firmly in the soil, our intense emotions are rooted deep within us, anchoring us to our past experiences and shaping our present and future.
Overcoming Negative Emotions with Inner Peace
What may influence this picture in a different direction? That which overcomes all negative emotion, creating a sense of peace, light, and of the universe’s presence. These inner conditions need to be strong enough to form the basis for a new identity and a new identification so that when the situation of the past seems present, a new set of responses can be evoked.
Energetic Changes to Shift Identity
Energetic changes of a more deliberate kind may be needed for this purpose — a change in those whom one associates with in order to reinforce the presence of light; the commitment to a spiritual practice that can bring light into the body; a change in diet so that the body can let go more easily of former energetic patterns it has been holding onto; and sometimes a cleansing diet, repeated periodically, so that the cells and tissues can free themselves more effectively from the emotional and physical toxins that they have been carrying.
Lessons Learned from Intense Emotions
Intense emotions and the circumstances which created them often come into this lifetime with an incarnating soul, allowing one to learn from them the lessons of life and love. What these lessons are will vary from person to person, but they are always present, even during the most painful of times.
Feeling Whole Instead of Reactive
In the new place of identity, instead of feeling reactive and helpless in the face of repeating patterns, one begins to feel whole, and instead of feeling at the mercy of overpowering currents that sweep through one’s life, one begins to stand with the universe at the center, able to feel a unity of wholeness in all parts.

Natural End of Karmic Relationships
Karmic relationships naturally end when the debt is resolved, the lesson is learned, the pattern understood, or when the universe determines it’s time for you to move on, and perhaps readdress a certain challenge sometime in the future!
In conclusion, our lives are like a garden, with seeds planted from our past experiences and relationships. Just as a gardener tends to their plants, we too must nurture ourselves with light, love, and healing. It is possible to transform the soil of our past, to uproot the weeds that strangle us, and to let go of the old patterns that keep us stuck.
With patience and persistence, we can create a beautiful garden filled with vibrant, healthy growth. And just as a garden attracts birds and butterflies, our own inner light will attract those who nourish and support our growth. So let us tend to our inner gardens, allowing them to bloom with the fullness of our being, and radiate their beauty into the world.