Category Books
From Impossible to Possible- Beacon Leadership with Dame Neslyn Watson-Druée
Angela Frazier- Rising from the Abyss
Forgiveness: An Honest Conversation with Lynita Mitchell- Blackwell Who Teaches to “Live Life On Fire”
Forgiveness reflects the very core of our humanity. A process that often requires deep introspection, empathy, and, most importantly, honesty, forgiveness has a rich and complex history deeply rooted in human interactions, culture, religion, and philosophy. In the search for…
The Courage to Live the Dream: Hollywood Stuntwoman Diane Peterson Inspiring Women to Overcome Fear and Follow Dreams
Have you ever stood at the edge of a dream, your heart racing with anticipation, your palms tingling with fear ? Have you ever reflected on the possibility of living the dream and wondered what would be possible should you…
Becoming Crone: Canadian Author Lydia M. Hawke Challenging Ageing and Inspiring Women over 60’s
Finding the Shores of Courage through the Social Media Stormy Waters with Remi Dayo-Omole
The Positive Impact of Art on Longevity: Creativity & Self-Expression
The Power of Storytelling: Neuroscience, The History & The Future of Books
Neuroscientists have long been fascinated by the brain’s response to stories, and recent research has begun to unravel the complex interplay between storytelling and neural activity. Studies utilizing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have demonstrated that engaging with a compelling…
Treasure Isle: A Journey of Friendship, Bravery and Adventure with Author Catherine Corcoran
When a children’s book captivates the imagination of its young readers, it truly becomes a treasure. In the case of Treasure Isle, written by Catherine Corcoran, illustrated by Natalie Lundeen, the treasure hunt doesn’t end with the story; it leads…