Category Books

From Impossible to Possible- Beacon Leadership with Dame Neslyn Watson-Druée

From Impossible to Possible- Beacon Leadership with Dame Neslyn Watson-Druée
Extending a generous offering of wisdom and authenticity "From Impossible to Possible: Beacon Leadership" - third edition is the culmination of a lifetime of sacrifices dedicated to empowering others. With humility and insight, Dame Neslyn Watson-Druée, DBE. invites readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, propelling them toward a future defined by purpose, passion, and profound possibility.

Angela Frazier- Rising from the Abyss

Angela Frazer- Rising from the Abyss
Angela Frazier's remarkable book, "Rising from the Abyss: Unveiling God's Plan," finds its profound resonance in one sentence that will never leave you: There is light to be found. If you doubt your ability to escape your dark hour, this book is for you.