Fear and Self Doubt Vs. Destiny Course Correction

What Are You Celebrating Today?
From personal celebrations like birthdays and anniversaries to national holidays, there’s no doubt that celebrations play an important role in our lives. But what is it about these special occasions that make them so powerful? Read on to find out!

Is Fear of Failure Fooling you to Feel Trapped in Self Doubt?

5 Reasons Why Positive Thinking Can Stop Conflicts
We are taking a frank look at the top five reasons why positive thinking can stop conflicts after listening to over 100 speakers from five continents who shared their insights, wisdom and mastery on positive thinking for 24 hours. In…

8 Steps for Thinking Yourself to Success
Thinking yourself to success is like finding water in the desert, finding the oasis of your soul- to create the feast for the soul. The 8 steps is a mechanism for self-evaluation that starts with aligning your imagination with your…

How to Attract and Manifest More of What You Want in 2022
With endless advice offered on social media, we wonder what is the real key to attract and manifest more of what you want in life? Hashtag #lawofattraction has almost two billion views on Google and #manifest has over a billion…

Three Powerful Digital Trends to Explore in 2022
With the risk of overlooking how AI is transforming everything in 2022, we put together the top three digital trends to explore this year. Fear of robots replacing all human employees aside, large companies automate their operations to cut costs…

Sharing Your Story Changes Your Story- How to Re-imagine Your Future in 3 Easy Steps
There was a time, not so long ago, when you labelled yourself but if you take a good look at yourself today, you no longer want what you once wanted. You don’t do things the same way you once did.…

Home Alone- How to Find Love in The Cloud
If you are home alone perhaps you wonder how to find love in the “cloud”. You heard already “It must be someone out there who’s perfect for you” or “It is never too late to find them.” or “Don’t worry,…

How to Discover Your Calling and Live a Happy Life
Have you ever wonder what is your life purpose, what is your calling and how to live a happy life? When I retired, I decided to put my Soul at Work, and I went on to discover my calling and…