5 Easy Steps to Check and Clear Your Energy
When you are feeling blocked, it is often because you are carrying around old, unhelpful energy. This can manifest as feelings of stuck-ness, resentment, and even anger. If you are feeling blocked, it may be time to cleanse your energy…

Connect With Your Voice: Ways Women Who Feel Their Voices Aren’t Heard Can Speak Up
The best way to make sure your voice is heard is to speak up, even when you feel like you aren't being listened to. It can be difficult, especially for women, to feel confident in speaking up but it's important to remember that your voice matters. Use these tips the next time you're feeling like you aren't being heard and see how they help you connect with your voice so that you can be heard loud and clear.

Why Your Voice Is Unique-Just Like A Fingerprint
This is actually my voice captured in a sound wave as I channelled light language and sound healing. You’ve probably read a guide on how to improve your voice before – but have you ever really thought about why that…

What is Sound Healing?
Music has a natural power that weaves its way through our lives. It is a form of sound healing and it can have profound effects on the mind, body, emotions and spirit. As well as being able to heal itself,…

Can Music Save Your Life?
Music has a wide-reaching impact on society. It impacts our mood, how we think, and even how we behave. But can music do more than just entertain? Can it actually save lives? Music and the Brain We all know that…

What Your Voice Reveals About You: The Importance Of Voice
“Your voice is a true reflection of your mind, your character and personality,” says voiceover artist Jonathan Bailey. “It can tell the listener so much about you before you’ve even said a word.” What is Voice? Voice is the unique…