9 ways to balance your sleep cycle and stay focused while in self isolation

It may seem like a dream working from home, but it can also become very stressful when there’s no structure.
When working from home, it’s important to create rhythm and rituals that support balance, wellbeing and sleep. It’s tempting to be disorganised, stay in your pyjamas and simply get nothing done.
Avoid home jet lag
Keep bedtime and get up time the same as if you were going out to work. This will keep your sleep cycles balanced and you’re more likely to wake up feeling refreshed. Chopping and changing your ritual will create a type of ‘home jet lag’!
Going to bed one day at midnight, the next day at 10pm, then 1am, will play havoc with your sleep cycles. You’ll likely to get pulled out of a deep sleep by your alarm clock which will make you feel groggy for the first few hours of the day. This is called ‘sleep inertia’.
However, if your body is used to sleeping between 10pm and 6am, it will adjust your sleep cycles so you wake up practically without an alarm from a light sleep. When you wake up naturally from light sleep, you’ll feel refreshed and ready for the day.
Start your day with meditation or yoga
This might sound scary if you’ve never done either. However, yoga doesn’t have to mean standing on your head or sitting for hours in lotus pose. It can be just simply sitting and watching your breath. This will immediately calm your nervous system and refresh your mind. Try at least 15 minutes in the morning before you look at your phone or your computer.
Finish your day with a wind down
In order to sleep well, your mind needs to slow down. You won’t sleep well if your mind is still busy.
Working on your computer or surfing the internet will inhibit the release of your sleep hormone melatonin.
Dim the lights, turn off everything off instead. Do something relaxing like reading or listening to a meditation.
Create a beautiful work space
Make sure your work space is tidy and remove clutter. If possible have your desk near a window so that you can open the window on a nice day. Make sure it’s freshly dusted, light some incense in the morning to create a nice energy or even a scented candle. This will encourage focus and creativity.
Plan your day with your top three priorities
At the end of every day, plan your priorities for the next day. This will keep you focused and you’ll have a feeling of achievement when you tick them off as done. If you wander through your day, with no priorities, you’ll feel like you’re not achieving anything.
Practise gratitude
Have a gratitude journal. Gratitude keeps the mind positive and improves mood. You’ll be nicer to be around!
Eat fresh healthy food and cut the stodge
In order to stay positive, feel energised and sleep well, you need to pay attention to your diet. Sugar will rob you of your energy, give you brain fog and create inflammation in the body. Focus on fresh vegetables and organic food if possible.
Drink plenty of water and watch the wine!
Have work time and off time
Set up your day and week where you have work time and off time. Working at home often means you get nothing done, or your work spills over into the evenings and the weekends. With no travel, you should be able to get more done in less time!
Work on yourself
This is a great time to work on yourself. Check out inspirational speakers or inspiring books to improve your mindset and inspire your contemplations!
I recommend Jo Dispenza, Deepak Chopra and Anthony Robbins.