8 Steps for Thinking Yourself to Success

Thinking yourself to success is like finding water in the desert, finding the oasis of your soul- to create the feast for the soul. The 8 steps is a mechanism for self-evaluation that starts with aligning your imagination with your values, your emotions, your commitments, your life purpose and the action you could take to feel successful and fulfilled. This is a self discovery journey that you can apply in your daily life, and starts with understanding how to align your imagination with your future to be your true self regardless of your circumstances.

A few years ago, I felt stuck. I knew what I wanted to do but I couldn’t figure out how to get there. I was so stressed and unhappy that I retired from my successful business to do something else entirely.

Over the last decade, I developed a system of thinking myself to success and I am happy to share with you my own formula, as it is transferrable and very effective. If, just like me, you want to influence yourself in a positive way, every day, keep reading.

You can apply the following 8 Steps to Thinking Yourself to Success on different occasions or at the same time. There is no right or wrong as long as you are constantly applying them. Every step gets you closer to your goal.

The 8 steps to “thinking yourself” to success is about believing in your success and applying the same principle of success on a daily basis. It’s also about getting to plan your day and re-imagine what you know. Imagine every day is a blank canvas. At the end of each day you could have a little masterpiece that will inspire you to be better tomorrow, to create your future from the ground up. Keep building every day.

Sometimes it is a matter of unlearning what you know, to make room for your own thinking. Sometimes it is a matter of leaving some people behind and meeting total strangers, including yourself…I’ve been applying the 8 steps to thinking yourself to success in my own business, and I’m going to share with you my own discoveries, so you could apply this solution to your daily routine.

Create a Daily Routine

The best way to think yourself to success is to create a routine. Try finding an activity you enjoy doing and make it a daily habit. It could be anything from reading, writing, meditating, or going for a walk. The important thing is that you do the same thing each day. It will help make your thoughts more consistent, making it easier for you to be successful. 

Exercise, take a walk, meditate, write, read or listen to positive audio books and podcasts are just a few choices easy to apply.

There is no better way to get your brain to think positively than by exercising. Not only does it release endorphins that make you feel good, but it also makes your mind focus on the task at hand. Exercise helps you think positively and could increase your focus.

Practicing these tips can help you think more positively. If you want to get a better handle on your negative thoughts, consider joining a book club where you can share your thoughts and ideas with people who have the same values. 

Find out what you really want?

One of the most important steps for achieving success is to know what you want. This means deciding what you want to achieve and then figuring out the steps it will take to make it happen.

Start with the question “What do I really want?” and create all the stepping stones with the end in mind. Identify how long it will take to get there and determine what steps you need to go through in order to accomplish your goal.

At the end of each day, look at what you accomplished already and make a list of your goals and commitments for the next day.

Self Discipline

When setting goals and making commitments, the real secret to success is self discipline.

Be true to the  promise you made to yourself, to your own word. When you make a decision to do something, it’s set in stone, and you don’t even need an accountability partner to keep you on track. If you don’t like the idea of being disciplined, start looking for someone who is disciplined and learn how they benefit from being self-disciplined and reliable.

In order to achieve success, you must be disciplined and dedicated to your goals. If you are setting a goal of completing a set of tasks for the next day, then you need to do the tasks before moving onto the next thing.

Some of the best ways to apply self-disciplined is to:

  • Set a timer if you are working on something that has a time limit.
  • Avoid multitasking: Focus on one task at a time and don’t move on to the next until you have completed the first.
  • Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you can do everything perfectly and still meet all your deadlines. Though it is important to do a good job, you must also set realistic goals for yourself . 
  • Set priorities. Make a list of the most important things, and then focus on them one at a time. As you learn how to manage your time, you’ll feel more in control and will be able to complete everything you need to do, even when deadlines are tight.
  • Learn to say no – but only if it’s appropriate.
Thinking yourself to success is like finding water in the desert, finding the oasis of your soul- to create the feast for the soul. The 8 steps is a mechanism for self-evaluation that starts with aligning your imagination with your values, your emotions, your commitments, your life purpose and the action you could take to feel successful and fulfilled. This is a self discovery journey that you can apply in your daily life, and starts with understanding how to align your imagination with your future to be your true self regardless of your circumstances.
Thinking yourself into success is like finding water in the desert, finding the oasis of your soul.

Finding Joy in the Journey

It is important to remember that not every day will be a good day. Thinking yourself into success is like finding water in the desert, finding the oasis of your soul. This journey you take is a different kind of journey, it is like walking into serendipity. There are going to be highs and lows. There may even be times when you don’t feel like trying anymore. Stay present and keep going for as long as you can! Just remember, you are not alone. You will have a partner with you every step of the way and we are cheering you on! This isn’t a diet. It’s a lifestyle.

Find the inner strength to overcome unhealthy lifestyle habits that have been keeping you from reaching your goals. Remember you are not alone. Take a deep, honest, good look at the people you are with in this journey. Are they supporting your dream? Do you enjoy being with them? Do they inspire you? Are you inspiring them? Do they bring the best, or the worst in you?

Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dream.

Paulo Coelho

Take a look at your exercising, eating and sleeping habits, find out what is working and re-imagine what is not working for you… Are they supporting your dream? Of course, this also depends on how committed you are to living a healthier lifestyle.

Define your Values, Beliefs and Outcomes on your own terms

If you want to change your life, you need to remember your superpowers. For example, you have the power of your thoughts and you have total control over it. Your beliefs and values will dictate the decisions you make, the actions you take and how successful you are. It is possible that you may not know yet what your true values are on a deep level. Personal coaching can help uncover your true personal values. This exploration is part of the process necessary for finding self-awareness and creating a personalized roadmap to live by. After a while you will discover that you are your Inner Teacher.

Create a Personal Vision, Mission and Set Goals in a different way. Once your values and beliefs are clarified, it becomes clear what your mission is in life. “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” Goals are the focal points around which we plan our future. Without goals, we simply exist instead of truly living.

Knowing what matters in your life, makes it much easier to set goals that are consistent with your calling. This is the essence of creating a life that reflects your values.

The most successful people have what I call a Stardust Vision — a picture of who they want to be, what they want in life and where they are going. The more clear and complete the vision, the more likely they are to be able to create the life they desire.

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore .”

Andre Gide

You cannot live a positive life with a negative mind. Everything happens twice, but always first in your mind, and then in your reality. To make your vision possible, your dream a reality, create a Stardust Vision Statement that expresses who you are and what you want in life. No one else can fulfill your dreams but you. Figure out what is important to you and go after it with all your heart! 

A clear message on Thinking Yourself to Success from the Master of Law of Attraction himself

Be Kind to Yourself

When you go through a tough time, it can be hard to see the good in anything. You may feel like you’re doing everything wrong or that you’ll never get back to the person you used to be. It’s natural to feel this way sometimes, but it isn’t helpful and can make things worse. Try being kinder to yourself. Give yourself credit for what you did accomplish, even if it was something as small as washing your face every night before bed or finishing an essay for school. 

A lot of people have a hard time feeling like they are able to do anything right in their life because there are so many standards set for us these days by society. But, your worth is not dependent on your achievements, but rather your character, who you are and the people who love you.

It’s not always easy to do, but it’s important to really be kind to yourself. This means taking time for yourself every day, letting go of guilt and judgment, and trying your best without beating yourself up when you mess up. It can be so hard to forgive ourselves, but being kind is the only way we’ll ever succeed at anything. Being kind to yourself is such an important part of being happy and healthy.

Ask yourself, what gets you up in the morning, not what keeps you awake at night! Once you have that clarity, convince yourself that it’s worth it!

Thinking yourself to success is like finding water in the desert, finding the oasis of your soul- to create the feast for the soul. The 8 steps is a mechanism for self-evaluation that starts with aligning your imagination with your values, your emotions, your commitments, your life purpose and the action you could take to feel successful and fulfilled. This is a self discovery journey that you can apply in your daily life, and starts with understanding how to align your imagination with your future to be your true self regardless of your circumstances.

You’re accomplished and successful already, so you might be wondering why you’d need to do this. It’s because you know that the best way to succeed is by believing in yourself and doing what it takes to get there.

Plan to believe in yourself! Be as specific and effective as possible. What will you say to yourself first? How will you feel when your belief begins to take shape ? What will you say to yourself when your belief starts to fade? Make a written plan of what you’re going to say. You might even put it up on your bathroom mirror or by your door, so that you will see it every single morning as you leave.

Tell yourself that this is the most important thing you will do today! Don’t let yourself forget it! This part is pretty common sense, but it’ s important. If you don’t have a plan, then you’re just telling yourself that you believe in yourself, but not actually believing it. So write out what you will do, and make sure you actually follow through. Get a good plan going, tell yourself that you can do it, and that you will do it. The only way to make yourself believe is to act like you believe it’s true!

Acknowledge and Take responsibility of your superpowers

There is not a single shadow of doubt in my heart that we are destined for greater things than we can even imagine at present. Stay in your Light so we can bring it together to someone else’s dark hour.
We can only go as far as we allow our own imagination to take us.

Know that you are in control of your life and all the choices you make. This is one of the most powerful ways to take responsibility; by willingly giving yourself credit for everything that happens in your life. Whenever you blame someone or something outside yourself for your problems, you give away your power to change things. When you feel helpless and powerless to make changes in your own life, you cannot help others.

Take Responsibility for your Temperament. Know that anger and other intense emotions are not your enemies. They are how you get the creative juices flowing. These emotions are here to help you find solutions and they are in service to your highest good. You don’t have to be afraid of them. Instead, use them as they appear to help you get clear and do what needs to be done to get yourself back on track.Stay in the Present Moment. When you are living in the present moment, you can neither worry about the past nor worry about the future. You are facing what is right in front of you, right now. If you find yourself worrying about something that happened in the past, ask yourself why are you spending your energy on that. Let go of what doesn’t serve your purpose.

Thinking yourself to success is like finding water in the desert, finding the oasis of your soul- to create the feast for the soul. The 8 steps is a mechanism for self-evaluation that starts with aligning your imagination with your values, your emotions, your commitments, your life purpose and the action you could take to feel successful and fulfilled. This is a self discovery journey that you can apply in your daily life, and starts with understanding how to align your imagination with your future to be your true self regardless of your circumstances.

Let go of what doesn’t serve your purpose

When you’re passively involved in your life, it’s much more difficult to achieve success because your brain is not engaged. If you actively participate in your life, then you are able to make decisions and give feedback based on what is happening around you. In order to be successful in anything, it’s important to pay attention and stay motivated. Being an active participant in your life doesn’t mean you have to be loud and outgoing. In fact, many introverts are able to remain quite reserved on the outside but are internally very active.

Work in small increments. Despite what many people believe, you don’ t need to accomplish everything at once. Instead of trying to achieve all of your goals in one day, try breaking them down into smaller tasks so that you can accomplish a little bit at a time. As you complete each task, you’ll feel yourself get closer to your goal and become more motivated. Set aside time for yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but it ’s important to remember that you’re just as important as everyone else. Make time each day to do things that you enjoy, such as reading a good book, watching a movie or taking a bath. Make sure that you’re doing things that you find enjoyable and rewarding, so that you don’t feel guilty taking time for yourself.

You may find that confiding in a close friend or family member can help you to deal with your feelings. However, if you’re not comfortable talking about how you feel, try writing your thoughts in a journal or diary. Sometimes it’s easier to deal with deep emotions through writing. If you have children , try to make sure that you’re getting some time with them, so that they don’t feel neglected. It may also be a good idea to spend time with us at Rich Woman Society and start publishing articles on something you care deeply about. Why not connect with our growing Genius team as you can rely on us for support.

Thinking yourself to success is like finding water in the desert, finding the oasis of your soul- to create the feast for the soul. The 8 steps is a mechanism for self-evaluation that starts with aligning your imagination with your values, your emotions, your commitments, your life purpose and the action you could take to feel successful and fulfilled. This is a self discovery journey that you can apply in your daily life, and starts with understanding how to align your imagination with your future to be your true self regardless of your circumstances.
Dr Marina Nani
Dr Marina Nani

Editor-in-Chief of Rich Woman Magazine, founder of Sovereign Magazine, author of many books, Dr Marina Nani is a social edification scientist coining a new industry, Social Edification.
Passionately advocating to celebrate your human potential, she is well known for her trademark "Be Seen- Be Heard- Be You" running red carpet events and advanced courses like Blog Genius®, Book Genius®, Podcast Genius®, the cornerstones of her teaching.
The constant practitioner of good news, she founded MAKE THE NEWS
( MTN) with the aim to diagnose and close the achievement gap globally.
Founder of many publications, British Brands with global reach Marina believes that there is a genius ( Stardust) in each individual, regardless of past and present circumstances.
"Not recognising your talent leaves society at loss. Sharing the good news makes a significant difference in your perception about yourself, your industry and your community."

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