4 Garden Planning Tips for this Summer

This article is about garden planning tips for this summer so you will have more time away from your screen and digital experiences in exchange for fresh air.

As we head into the warmer months and start gardening, we hope to share our love of gardening with you and help you get started or keep at it. You may be wondering what is the best place to start? How do I know what to plant? What’s the right way to mix my soil? What type should I choose? We got you covered!

Planning ahead for potential changes of your surroundings is not an easy task. However, you can take these simple steps and be able to plan for whatever your future might hold.

Planning a garden for the first time can seem challenging. With so many considerations to take into account, where should you even start? From deciding on what plants to include, as well as making sure soil conditions are appropriate for your chosen plants, there are a lot of questions to answer before you get started. But don’t worry! This article is full of tips and tricks from expert gardeners who have seen and tried it all!

Tip 1: Plant What You Like

That’s the best way to keep your garden growing and thriving. It also makes it much easier to care for because you don’t have to fight with your plants to keep them alive.

If you’re looking for some garden planning tips, the best place to start is at your local nursery. They’ll be able to help you with what plants will grow well in your specific climate zone and provide you with other helpful resources for gardening. Online resources are also available for researching different garden types and what plants will grow well in them. You can also decide on a desired end result or theme for your garden before figuring out what plants to choose from there.

Once you have a plan of where to start, it’s time to figure out how much space you have available. This will determine what plants can go into that area and if more than one garden is needed to get the desired end result. When deciding on size, consider the future growth of plants – they may need more room as they grow.

Tip 2: Maintain and Tidy Your Garden

Tip two is to maintain and tidy your garden. This means whatever you do, don’t let weeds grow out of control. Weeds are basically the enemy of any gardener because they’re so tough to get rid of and they can quickly take over a garden if you don’t watch out for them. If you have a lot of weeds in your garden, it might be time to invest in some weed killer or weed prevention products.

Tip 3: Choose A Piece of Land for Your Garden

As space is often the biggest limitation for any garden, you could start making a list of
a vegetables of your choice, considering that some plants take more room to grow than others and can over-shadow shorter vegetables.
Plants like their space and often when too close together they will fail to mature as they compete for sunlight, water, and nutrition. There is alsways the option to grow vegetables in containers, giving you more choices.

There is no right or wrong but ideally, you could start your vegetable garden on a 16 x10 feet plot size. To take advantage of the sun, your 11 rows wide garden (with each row aprox 10 feet long) should run north and south.

With an average of minimum 6 hours of sunlight a day, most vegetables will surprise you with how little they need to grow. And greens like broccoli, lettuce or spinach will grow well even in less sunny spots.

The next tip will suggest a collection of the easy vegetables, so you can feed a family of four this summer, and be left with enough to give away, can and freeze for future use.

Tip 4: Consider Vegetable Varieties That Require Less Maintenance

Your local cooperative, or local farmers market could help you determine what plants grow best in your local area. Most importantly ask yourself, what do you like to eat, what’s difficult to find in a grocery store. Here is a small collection of 11 short rows of vegetables that you can plant and nurture with ease.

Tomatoes—5 plants staked- remember tomatoes will require staking and pruning.
Zucchini squash—4 plants
Peppers—6 plants
Bush beans grow prolifically with little care
Lettuce, leaf and/or Bibb
Radishes- almost grow themselves
Marigolds- keep the rabbits away!
Ask yourself what are your favouritethings that you actually like to eat. Your garden should reflect your personal culinarry taste and cultivating veggies destined for your healthy lifestyle and not for the compost heap.


Before you make a commitment to your garden project, think realistically about how much time you actually can allocate to your garden.

Rich Woman Magazine
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