The Price Of Success: Anxiety And How It Affects Your Health, Wellbeing And Relationships

There is a price tag to everything and sometimes success comes at a cost. It almost seems unfair that you diligently work hard for long hours both at work and at home, only to find your health deteriorating, your relationships with your partner and/or your children fraying at the edges to say the least. When we are sucked into the maelstrom of Life, it is easy to forget, in the plethora of daily events and commitments, that we are all ‘energetic beings’. It would be too simple though, to see our energy in terms of either ‘tired’ and ‘full of beans’, sleepy or more awake after a cup of coffee.
Embed from Getty ImagesAdele, who has hit headlines with her fabulous slimmer figure today, confessed in an interview with New Zealand Herald, that “Applause makes me feel a bit vulnerable. I don’t know if I will ever tour again. The only reason I’ve toured is you. I’m not sure if touring is my bag.”
It is not the first time when a celebrity at the top of their game has admitted to suffering from anxiety on stage, but admitting to mental health issues opens a dialogue that used to be a societal taboo. Anxiety attacks, panicking on stage, and the feeling that your “heart it’s going to explode because I never feel like I’m going to deliver, ever”are part of the price we pay for success.
Lynda Maggar, a successful Classic Model, experienced same challenges and she tells us how after discovering a London -based energy healer, her anxiety has greatly reduced. ” Douglas keeps my anxiety under control whenever I visit, leaving me with a sense of relaxation and calm. He has made a real difference to my life. Douglas’ healing powers have helped so many people over the years yet he is probably the most humble person I have ever met.”
Until the advent of modern pharmaceutical medicine, healers and healing touch was a recognised endemic part of cultures all around the World.
“It is a lost art to some extent, but there are still some very exceptional healers around the World, even in the Western World, like Douglas Ballard. Not only does he have a gifted healing touch but also powerful insights coming from a place much further than normal human intelligence. This experience is not like seeing an analyst or therapy, it is a direct connection with the Intelligent Universal Energy that penetrates through to the core of our being replenishing and balancing our natural energy and restoring our well-being.”
Rich Woman reached out to International Universal Energy Healer, Douglas Ballard, who treats royalties and celebrities and asked him to tell us about anxiety, the pressures of modern-day life and how it can affect our health, wellbeing and relationships. This is what Douglas tells us:
” Our energy is a highly complex symbiotic organism. When we pull energy from one area, it affects another. If we are under stress mentally and emotionally, it may manifest as lower back or neck pain, a physical ailment. Long term pressure and personal resource drain, emotionally, mentally and physically, literally sucking the life out of us, and it shows itself up in our bodies and relationships, like a mirror. This is actually Life’s gift to us to show us how our lives are a mirror to our being. However pain can blur our vision. We all know our eyebrows are just above our eyes but we cannot see them without a mirror – the mirror of our Life.
Even with a good diet, pilates or yoga classes, meditation and complementary therapies, sometimes, unseen events conspire (big life events, divorce, redundancy, menopause, illness, teenage children etc) deplete us of all our natural resource forcing us into a downward tailspin. As stress builds an underlying state of anxiety can set in. Our bodies create a stress response hormone called cortisol which can have that ‘on-edge’ feeling. Why? Humans are biologically programmed to produce this hormone and high levels of adrenal response to get us out of physical danger as a response to threat in our environment.
Whilst hundreds of years ago this might have been literally a physical life-death threat like a wild animal attack, the primitive part of our brain responds in the same way to a drubbing by our boss, a missed deadline or a row with our partner. Our physical and deep mental response is the same as a life threat even though our rational minds say otherwise. The result is that we experience constant stress and anxiety. We try to perk up this life-draining energy with hits of coffee, tea, sugar, excess food and carbohydrate, plus alcohol to relax, only to smash further our adrenal glands, create more cortisol, inflammation (sugar is a major factor in inflammatory disease) and increase our anxiety level. Worse still, your GP prescribes you anti-depressants. ‘Oh, all too complex’ you may say and Life is complex, but Life also gives us healing in its great plan.
This is very natural and to be expected as energetic beings we all operate on frequencies and these can change not just up and down in strength but in a multitude of ways. Indeed, energetic tuning and frequency are good ways to explain how healing touch works. Cats and dogs operate on different frequencies and can hear and see things that we cannot. Certain gifted humans have a healing touch, whether you describe it simply as a way of affecting another person’s bio-magnetic or bio-energetic field, there is no doubt that this can have a powerful effect.”
Nearly all his clients experience a sense of deep relaxation and a profound sense of calm. Their anxiety levels drop enormously and they are able to cope with their lives again in a balanced and wholesome manner. Treatments also work particularly well in conjunction with mainstream medicine helping recovery from chemotherapy, surgery, trauma, as well as managing chronic stress and anxiety. Ultimately, it is one of those things that you have to experience to believe as it is so simple and so effective.
Many reputable scientists including Newton, Einstein and Tesla explain life in terms of energy. Sir Isaac Newton suggested that energy is never lost or destroyed, it changes form from potential to kinetic energy and vice versa. Energy that permeates the Universe is and always will be beyond the full comprehension of the human mind. Sir Stephen Hawking describes energy as the Laws of Nature; his analogy of playing tennis: our thoughts, muscles, the speed of growth of the grass, the movement of the planet and beyond, all create forces to lead to an outcome. There is much we can see, and more that we cannot, like the paths in the sky that birds follow or the channels that fishes swim.